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Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Advanced

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1 Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Advanced

2 On Scene – Conscious Ask patient if assistance is needed and/or wanted
Recognition of a person’s intellectual disability can be fast under normal circumstances – not so fast if injured Patient may be unable to explain his problem Look for a nearby coach / guide / assistant / friend Involve companion in patient’s assessment and treatment Perform a careful primary assessment Upgrade call if indicated

3 On Snow - Conscious Pay attention to any changes in patient’s body functions or mood Patient may react in unexpected ways Be prepared to be punched / kicked / bitten Intellectual disabilities are complex - there may be more than one factor present, for example autism plus a physical abnormality Patient does not intend to hurt the rescuer – in the absence of verbal skills, physical ones may take over

4 On Scene – Conscious Physical contact with patient may be difficult unless trust is developed early or obtained through a day companion Persuasion, kindness and gentle handling may help to put a patient at ease Make certain that patient’s sensory organs are not blocked; for example vision or hearing Allow extra time for patient’s mental processing Do not try to restrain a patient that is resisting care, as further injury may occur to both patient and rescuer

5 Treatment of Injuries Monitor vital signs Loosen constrictive clothing
Patient may be hypersensitive to stimuli such as noise, light, and touch Position of comfort may override splinting in some cases Oxygen admin may be difficult due to non-cooperation PATIENT SHOULD NOT BE LEFT ALONE in the treatment room, or while releasing to EMS or to family Unpredictable things can and do happen Patient may not be able to tolerate an NRB mask. Patrollers may need to be creative, perhaps letting the patient hold the cannula or mask

6 On Scene – Unconscious If unresponsive, call for load and go
Apply C-spine control if indicated by the MOI Request assistance, transport, trauma kit, EMS Perform primary assessment When transport arrives, apply oxygen, warm packs, blankets, pad all straps and package gently Interview patient’s day companion If patient regains consciousness, he may try to rip off the mask and fight against straps, splints and dressings Secondary assessment if time, and release to EMS MOI – mechanism of injury

7 Conclusion Vital signs need to be accurate and frequent
Treat injuries with respect to patient’s comfort zone Record and transfer all information given by day companion Patient may have a service animal waiting Be prepared to go out of your comfort zone and act in patient’s best interest

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