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Nationalism, Challenges & Reality

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1 Nationalism, Challenges & Reality
Mid-19th Century Europe

2 Mid - Late 1800s Big Ideas 1848 revolts collapsed >> Conservative ↑↑ Crimean War ends Concert of Europe & spurs instability and change Italian unification by war & diplomacy German unification by war, led by OVB Changes in Austria, France & Russia Victorian Age of GB: Disraeli & Gladstone Ireland ??

3 French Republic >> 2nd Empire
Louis Napoleon was astute Unrest, revolts… Leadership needed Built favor with the French people Sought change, got Δ piece by piece Asked, seized power, gave back, got the vote! Became Emperor Napoleon III 1852 Near full control: Law, $, Military

4 Louis Napoleon aka Napoleon III
Domestic Successes: Industrialized: Subsidized & invested Built up infrastructure, industry, benefits Modernized: Redesigned Paris Baron Haussmann: Streets, Parks, Modern Liberalized: Trade Union rights Government inclusion

5 Louis Napoleon aka Napoleon III… The French loved him until…
Foreign Failures: Mexico: Troops sent & installed Archduke Maximillien as “emperor” Withdrew troops, Max executed! France humiliated!!   Prussia: Baited into war with Prussia – LOST! Paris occupied = Humiliated again = ousted!

6 Ottoman Empire at its “MAX”

7 Crimean War (1853 – 56) Root Causes Realities Outcomes
R expansion v. GB trade Holy Places Q = F v. R Realities R occupies OE lands OE / GB / F vs. R Bloody, Poorly fought Outcomes Ends Concert of Europe R loses land & prestige / Black Sea Political Instability

8 Crimea >> Ottoman Empire Reforms
Hatti-I Sharif >> Tanzimat (reform) Era More Legal Equality Hatti-i Hϋmayun Euro ideas in OE Equal rights / duty Power struggles Balkan Wars 1870s Lost Land >> modernization Rise of Young Turks 1908 ↑↑ Secularization divides / weakens OE

9 Italian Unification… in phases
Romantic Republicans Ineffective secret societies 1830s-40s Carbonari (N) = Middle Class No peasant support Giuseppe Mazzini = Young Italy Poor, Republican, anti-RCC Guerilla Warfare >> fear! Moderates seek Papal Leadership 1848 Pope Pius IX … failed Roman Republic  Leadership vacuum… now what?

10 Italian Unification Machiavellian Style
Camillo Cavour ($) PM Piedmont Economic Nationalism Piedmont v. Austria Supports F / GB in Crimea Def. Austria = Land Sardinia-Piedmont controls N. Italy… next?

11 Italian Unification… final phases
Giuseppe Garibaldi Red Shirts… rebels! Sicily >> Naples Unification Sicily + Naples + P-S = Italy! King Victor Emmanuel II Venice + Rome… join Realities… Transformismo = corruption N =$$, modern, industry S = poor, backward, rural

12 The German “Problem” 1850s Who is to rule the German speaking peoples?
“Kleindeutsch” v. “Grossdeutsch” solutions Prussia? Austria? Prussia German Confed. Austria

13 German Unification 1848 unification attempts by liberals failed
Zollverein = trade union G together $$ Otto von Bismarck = Prussian Chancellor Conservative Unify by eliminating Austrian influence Provoked WAR to unify: “Kleindeutsch” Danish War: A+P v D >> Schleswig- Holstein Austro-Prussian War >> Treaty of Prague Annexes northern kingdoms Franco-Prussian War… Pr + southern German States v F >> Alsace Germany! OVB 1st Chancellor of 2nd Reich

14 Germany Created 1871!

15 Hapsburg Austria 1800s

16 Changes in Habsburg Austria
Multi-ethnic Austrian Empire Magyars (Hungarians) seek recognition & power Emperor tries to change… Magyars reject changes… Austrian defeats >> concessions lead to dual kingdom (A – H) Other minorities (Czech, Slovaks, etc.) want change, rejected by A ↑↑ Discontent inside the empire

17 Changes in Russia Russia behind, no industrialism… Crimean War = exposed, lost prestige abroad & at home >> “Autocratic absolutism…” Alexander II >> reformer… Emancipation of serfs 1861… new courts, limited freedoms ∆s in military…assassinated  Alexander III >> oppressive, autocratic… secret police, limited freedom of press…

18 Changes in Great Britain
Parliamentary Monarchy… liberal or conservative? Queen Victoria… Victorian England… Etiquette, Empire Reforms… 2nd Reform Act = increase suffrage Benjamin Disraeli…conservative William Gladstone… liberal Irish Question… home rule?

19 Karl Marx & Marxism Educated, atheist, angry
Critic of Industrial Revolution Capitali$m creates ≠ & poverty Dialectic = Δ via struggle Modern World = Class Struggle, Bourgeoisie v Proletariat ═ ONLY by violent REVOLT! Proletariat must rise to get MEANS of PRODUCTION Dictatorship of Proletariat, then Communism = classless society

20 Charles Darwin: Organic Evolution
HMS Beagle naturalist Natural Selection theory Origin of Species, 1859 Evolution via struggle for existence = adaptation = Survival of the fittest Descent of Man 1871 = Animal > Man Man’s Purpose? Creation? Controversy? Can this idea be applied to society?

21 Science Grows! Medicine develops!
Joseph Lister: Germ Theory of Disease Louis Pasteur: Bacteria Pasteurization v Vaccine development Robert Koch: Bacteria Theory of disease Improved medical practice, public health Also… Science applied to society: Auguste Comte Positivism: Science is #1, Sociology tops!

22 Realism: Literature Novel, Prose, Real Life characters & story lines of the time Social Commentary via the story Charles Dickens: Hard Times, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist William Thackery: Vanity Fair Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary

23 Realism: Art of Everyday Life
G. Courbet (F) Stonebreakers J-M Millet (F) Gleaners Daily struggles Action shown

24 Era Summary Nationalism continues to rise & leads to conflict + unification + new nations Old Order is being challenged By People & Ideas… Marx! Darwin! Victorian Age = GB is #1 Power & $$$ Advancements in science spur improved health & living conditions And there is MORE to come!!!!

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