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Holy Trinity Catholic Primary

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1 Holy Trinity Catholic Primary
Chipping Norton Newsletter Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School 24 London Road Chipping Norton Oxfordshire OX7 5AX Tel: Headteacher: Mrs Lorna Buchanan Friday 7th September Issue 1 Message from the Headteacher: I would like to welcome all our families back to Holy Trinity and extend a special welcome to all our new families who have joined us this term. I hope that your association with us will be a long and happy one. All the children have settled very happily into their new classes and are looking very smart. I am delighted to welcome Mrs Clay, who has joined our KS1 team and a welcome return to Mrs Flashman who will be working in the office in the morning and in classes in the afternoons During the summer holidays, Holy Trinity School has been a hive of activity. The long-awaited refurbishment of the KS1 classrooms has been completed as well as new flooring in Year 4 and re-decoration of the school hall. We are delighted with the results which has created a really attractive environment for the children to learn in. Please can you pay particular attention to our dates for your diary, as we have provided all known dates up until Christmas, including parents’ evenings and Christmas performances. Please be aware that Curriculum Meetings for classes start next week. Should you ever have any questions, concerns or feedback (good or bad) please do not hesitate to come and speak with me in school.  Prayer God of wisdom and might, At the beginning of this new school year We ask you to bless our school community. May our school be a place where the Gospel of Jesus is proclaimed, And our Catholic faith at the heart of all we strive to do. Help our children and young people to grow through their learning Into the people you have called them to be. Open their minds and hearts to discover the gifts of wisdom and knowledge As they search for understanding and truth. Assist our teachers and staff as they strive to lead and support our children in their learning And be witnesses of your truth and love. May our school community grow throughout this year aware of your life giving presence and responding to the gift of your grace. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Working Together Through the Love of God

2 After School Clubs Clubs will commence on Monday 17th September, with the exception of Drama (Mrs Bates), KS2 Board Games (Mr McGovern), and KS2 ICT Coding Club (Mrs Hills), as they will all be at Yenworthy with our Year 6 children. All the clubs have now been put onto ParentPay. Please check your Parentpay account to see if your child has been allocated a place. Each club costs £10 for the whole term – which runs up until the beginning of December. If your child would normally be attending H T Active, they do not need to pay for the club, just pay for the H T Active session. With the exception of Sports Club, please wait in the front playground for your child to be dismissed by a member of staff. Children attending Key Stage 2 Sports Club will need to be collected from the back playground. Congratulations to all the KS1 children for settling into their new classes and routines so promptly in the mornings. A reminder that from Monday all KS1 children will need to be left at the KS1 gate, and walk to their cloakrooms unaccompanied. If you need to speak to your child’s class teacher, please do so via the office. Many thanks. A warm welcome to all new families joining Holy Trinity School. Our first PTA meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday 12th September at 7.30pm in the school hall  – please come along if you can – ALL WELCOME!  If you are unable to come but would like to contribute ideas and/or find out what went on, please your contact details to Holy Trinity PTA The Welcome Disco will be held on Friday 28th September 2018. CLUBS (3-4pm) Monday – Gym, KS1 Board Games, Film Club, Drama Tuesday – KS1 Computing Club, KS2 Board Games Wednesday – KS2 ICT Coding Club Thursday – KS2 Sports Club

Monday 10th September Premier Soccer talk in Assembly Tuesday 11th September Year 1 Curriculum Meeting at 2.30pm Wednesday 12th September Year 4 Curriculum Meeting at 2.30pm PTA Meeting at 7.30pm (new) Thursday 13th September Year 6 at Junior Citizen Year 2 Curriculum Meeting at 2.30pm Friday 14th September Year 6 Curriculum Meeting at 2.30pm (change of date) Year 5 first swimming lesson (new) 17th – 21st September Year 6 Residential at Yenworthy Monday 17th September Mrs Payne introducing Woodwind lessons Assembly After School Clubs commence. Tuesay 18th September FIRST FOREST SCHOOL FOR THIS TERM (change of date) Wednesday 19th September Year 5 Curriculum Meeting at 2.30pm Thursday 20th September Year 3 Curriculum Meeting at 2.30pm Friday 28th September PTA SCHOOL DISCO Tuesday 2nd October Year 6 at STEAM Museum, Swindon Tuesday 16th October Scholastic Book Fair in school until Tuesday Thursday 18th October Harvest Festival in school, further details to follow (new) Friday 19th October INSET DAY – SCHOOL CLOSED HALF TERM 22nd – 26th October 2018 Tuesday 30th October Last morning of Scholastic Book Fair Tuesday 6th November Parents Evenings 3.10 – 5.30pm (further details to follow) (new) Wednesday 7th November Photographer in school - Individual Portraits Thursday 8th November Year 6 Street Dance (new) Parents Evenings 3.10 – 6.00pm (new) Monday 3rd December Whole School at Oxford Playhouse Pantomime Wednesday 5th December Year Reception, 1,2,3,4 & 5 Flu jabs (new) Monday 10th December Year 3 Christingle Service (new) Wednesday 12th December Reception Class Nativity (new) Monday 17th December Christmas Lunch (new) Reception and KS1 Christmas Party (new) Tuesday 18th December KS1 Nativity Performance (new) Wednesday 19th December KS2 Carol Service (new) Thursday 20th December End of Term Mass (new) Finish school for Christmas break at 12.05pm

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