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CS200: Algorithm Analysis

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1 CS200: Algorithm Analysis

2 Dynamic Programming Used for optimization problems (find an optimal solution). Technique is similar to recursive divide and conquer, but is more efficient because dynamic method does not re-compute solutions for sub-problems that have already been solved. Dynamic programming is applied to problems that have repeated sub-problem structure (i.e computing the Fibonacci sequence) and when the solution to a sub- problem is locally optimal.

3 This occurs in problems that have a small sub-problem space, that is, a recursive divide and conquer algorithm for the problem would solve the same sub-problems over and over, rather than generating new sub-problems. In such a case, the number of unique sub- problems is polynomial in the input size of the problem. The dynamic programming technique takes advantage of this sub-problem structure by solving each sub-problem only once and storing solutions in a look-up table.

4 Examples Fibonnaci – html notes
Binomial Coefficients in Pascal’s Triangle– html notes Optimal Binary Search tree – html notes Matrix Multiply – html notes Longest Common Subsequence – slides

5 Longest Common Subsequence
Given 2 sequences : x[1..m] and y[1..n], find a longest subsequence that is common to both of them. x : ABCBDAB y : BDCABA z : BCBA or BDAB, there is no common subsequence of length > 4.

6 Other LCS Examples

7 Brute-Force Method For every subsequence of x[m], check if its a subsequence of y[n]. Since there are 2m subsequences of x to check Example. x : 123, then possible subsequences are Ø, 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 23, 123, which is the powerset of x. The size of the powerset of x = 2|x| and each of these subsequences must be checked by scanning all of y, the brute-force runtime is O(n2m).

8 Definition of power-set - if S is a set and |S| = m then the power-set of S is all subsets of S including S and Ø set. The cardinality of the power-set of S is 2m. The runtime for the brute force method is obviously unattractive, since it is exponential. A better method uses Dynamic Programming techniques. The following discussion examines only the lengths of common subsequences and not the actual sequences – simple extension later. C is used to hold the length of the longest subsequence.

9 Definition of Longest Common Subsequence Problem for x[1. m] and y[1
Definition of Longest Common Subsequence Problem for x[1..m] and y[1..n]. Dfn: C[i,j] = 0 if i=0 or j = 0 Ex. x : ABA , y : BA Then C[1,1] = 0, C[1,2] = 1, C[2,1] = 1, C[3,1] = 1, C[2,2] = 1, C[3,2] = 2.

10 Recursive Formulation

11 Recursive Formulation

12 Recursive Formulation

13 Recursive Formulation

14 Recursive Formulation

15 Dynamic Programming Hallmark #1

16 Recursive Algorithm for LCS

17 Recursive Algorithm for LCS

18 Recursion Tree

19 Recursion Tree

20 Recursion Tree

21 Dynamic Programming Hallmark #2

22 Memoization

23 MEMOIZE TECHNIQUE: Deals with memorizing overlapping sub-problems by storing them in a look-up table (merely an array of solutions to sub- problems). A memoize technique is very similar to dynamic programming (both use table look-up), but a memoize algorithm has recursion as its control structure and is a top down algorithm while dynamic programming uses iteration as its control structure and is a bottom up algorithm. Dynamic programming therefore does not incur the overhead of recursion.

24 Memoization

25 Dynamic Programming Algorithm

26 Dynamic Programming Algorithm

27 Dynamic Programming Algorithm

28 LCS_Length(x,y) for i = 0 to m do c[i,0] = 0;
for j = 0 to n do c[0,j] = 0; for i = 1 to m do for j = 1 to n do if x[i] = y[j] then c[i,j] = c[i-1,j-1] + 1; b[i,j] = '\'; else if c[i-1,j] >= c[i,j-1] c[i,j] = c[i-1,j]; b[i,j] = '|'; else c[i,j] = c[i,j-1]; b[i,j] = '–';



31 Length of LCS is number at bottom right of Table.
Trace backwards following arrows to reconstruct LCS. A diagonal arrow => add to sequence. Space used for this technique ____________? Homework exercise asks you to reduce size of table to Q(min(m,n)) by keeping only necessary info around.

32 Summary Dynamic Programming Longest Common Subsequence Problem
optimal solution, locally optimal sub-problems Longest Common Subsequence Problem

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