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Pupil Enrollment Count Training for the 2014-15 Collection and for the Data Pipeline Last updated: 10/2/14 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Pupil Enrollment Count Training for the 2014-15 Collection and for the Data Pipeline Last updated: 10/2/14 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pupil Enrollment Count Training for the 2014-15 Collection and for the Data Pipeline
Last updated: 10/2/14 1

2 2

3 Agenda Good news! Purpose of Student October and Reporting Accurate Data Student October Dates Timeline and Deadlines Changes since Student October 2013 Brief Summary of Process What is the Student October snapshot? Tagging Student Interchange Files Recurring Data Issues, Problems, and Questions Resolving Duplicate Funding Data Privacy and Security and Sending CDE Files with PII Student October Documentation When You Have Questions 3

4 Student October will be easier this year 
Good news! First, a positive mantra: Student October will be easier this year  And an end hopefully to some major frustrations from last year: Cognos Reports downtime issues fixed In my testing, I have been able to export Cognos reports from Internet Explorer (IE) I have IE version 10, Windows 7 4

5 Purpose of Student October Collection

6 Purpose of Student October Collection
Some of the primary reasons for this collection are: Obtain required student level data as provided for by state statute, including information regarding students’ funding eligibility as outlined in the Public School Finance Act of 1994, as amended (22‐54‐101, C.R.S.). Data used for determining school district funding How is Student October data translated to funding? Please refer to "Understanding Colorado School Finance and Categorical Funding" posted at EDFacts Reporting ( EDFacts is a U. S. Department of Education initiative to put performance data at the center of policy, management and budget decisions for all K-12 educational programs. Other reporting and analysis (for instance for grants, news articles, decision making) 6

7 Purpose of Student October collection (continued)
Therefore, it is very important to report accurate data How do I know if my data is accurate? Some suggestions: Thoroughly review your data Ask your district’s subject matter experts (Finance, English Learner department, Registrar) to assist in verifying data Ask for clarification from the CDE if in doubt regarding what to report The Cognos Student October reports will help you determine if you reported accurately For instance Are full-day kindergarten students reported as such or ½ day? Do all applicable grades at a school have student counts? Do all applicable schools in your district have student counts? Do NOT report inaccurate data to work around the need to correct errors This is inappropriate and can be considered unethical Possibly get funds your district is not entitled to from a limited amount of funding for the whole state In Colorado proper identification of EL students from K-12 is required by both state/federal laws 7

8 Student October Pupil Membership Dates

9 Student October Pupil Membership Dates 2014
Official Count date: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sep 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 Oct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 day windows (do not count weekend days) For districts on Mon-Fri schedule Sept 24 – Oct 8 For districts on Mon-Thu 4 day week Sept 23 – Oct 9 (do not count Fri) For districts on Tue –Fri 4 day week Sept Oct 9 (do not count Mon) The eleven-day count window includes the pupil enrollment count day, as well as, the five school days preceding and five days following the pupil enrollment count day. CSBOE 2254-R and CSL (10)(a)(I) 9

10 Student October Pupil Membership Dates 2014
Optional Count Date Option for Preschool Students Only: Monday November 3, 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Oct 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Nov 1 2 Nov 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 day windows (do not count weekend days)    For Districts on a Monday-Friday Five-Day Week Year Pupil Enrollment Count Day Eleven-Day Window October 2014 October 1 Sept. 24 – Oct. 8 For Districts on a Monday-Thursday Four-Day Week Sept. 23 – Oct. 9 For Districts on a Tuesday-Friday Four-Day Week For Preschool Programs Using the November 1 Pupil Enrollment Count Day on a Monday-Thursday Four Day Week November 2014 November 3 Oct. 23 – Nov. 11 For Preschool Programs Using the November 1 Pupil Enrollment Count Day on a Tuesday-Friday Four Day Week November 4 Oct. 24 – Nov. 12 For districts on Mon-Fri schedule Oct Nov 10 For districts on Mon-Thu 4 day week Oct 23 – Nov 11 For districts on Tue –Fri 4 day week Count date is Nov 4: Oct 24 – Nov 12 You do not need to get approval for using the PK alternate count date Also, you do not need to use this date. It is optional. 10

11 Student October Pupil Membership Dates 2014
All district students who are in membership (attendance and enrollment) on the pupil enrollment count date are eligible to be counted. In-service days scheduled within the eleven-day window * will be considered as non- attendance days and no extension will be granted. Alternate Count Date to the October 1st date (non-PK): Districts requesting an alternative count date must submit their request in writing to the Field Analyst Support Team (FAST), formerly Audit Team, by September 15, 2014 Attendance Criteria Student attended for all or part of the count date or met the 11 day window criteria outlined in the Student October Resource Guide Include if meet criteria but not eligible for funding Enrollment Criteria Not 21 on count date or has IEP and reaches 21 in first semester of count date No H.S. diploma as of count date Not withdrawn or transferred as of count date 11

12 Timeframe and Deadlines

13 Student October Pupil Enrollment Count 2014-15 Timeline
Collection opens for Student October load of student interchange files into Data Pipeline (Demographics and Student School Association) Aug 15 August Trainings October Count snapshot option open September 15 (save files – may need to reload them) August – October Official count date: Wednesday, October 1 Submit Student Interchange files (DEM, SSA) by Friday , October 10 Complete Interchange Level edits: Friday, October 17 (suggested) Submit a Student October snapshot by Friday, October 24 Pass majority of Student October snapshot edits: Friday October 31 (suggested) October Address final issues, review and approve data reports by November 7 Collection Closes: Friday, November 7 Duplicate funding documentation due Friday, November 14  (one week following collection closing) Audit reviews and makes a decision by Friday morning, November 21 (the week before Thanksgiving week) Resubmissions due Friday, November 21 November Last updated: 9/3/14

14 Changes for Student October 2014

15 Post Secondary Program Enrollment
Post secondary program enrollment was collected for Student October 2013 in the Advanced Course Completion interchange in a field called [Post Secondary Program Semester 1A] Effective with Student October 2014, Post secondary program enrollment is collected within the Student Interchange Demographics file in a new field, [Post Secondary Program Enrollment] The ACC Interchange does not need to be completed for Student October If the ACC Interchange is completed for Student October, it will be validated but no data from that interchange will be used for Student October [Post Secondary Program Enrollment] is only used in Student October collection Student End of Year (SEY) will continue to use the Advanced Course Completion file 15

16 Post Secondary Program Enrollment (continued)
Reasons for this change: Has been requested by districts because of confusion between reporting post-secondary completion for the SEY submission and the need to report post-secondary course enrollment information for STUOCT.  Districts reported needing to make changes to their file extract logic to accommodate the changed meanings This defeats one of the purposes of the Pipeline which is to streamline the collection process. Resulted in collecting, in many instances, data that was not needed or in not collecting the needed information. The post-secondary department was scrambling towards the end of the collection to get districts to update this information. 16

17 Post Secondary Program Enrollment (continued)
Some advantages of collecting post secondary program enrollment in the Demographics Interchange: Districts will only need to submit the DEM and SSA files during Student October collection Increased data accuracy for the post-secondary and auditing groups within CDE Eliminates the confusion between reporting enrollment and course completion values Increased efficiency of the Student October and Pipeline processes = less time to run the processes! 17

18 Free Reduced Lunch Eligibility
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) eligibility is: Used to determine if a student is eligible for free or reduced priced meals provided through the Child Nutrition Programs Used to determine if a student is eligible for At-Risk funding through the Public School Finance Act Used in determining funding for other programs, including Title I, and determining eligibility for fee waivers Overseen by the CDE Office of School Nutrition Audited by the CDE Field Analyst Support Team 18

19 Free Reduced Lunch (continued)
The documentation options for eligibility for free or reduced lunch under the provisions of the "Federal National School Lunch Act" have expanded: Direct Certification (Free) Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals (Free or Reduced) District migrant, homeless, runaway or foster lists (Free) Head Start documented participation (Free) Family Economic Data Survey form (Free or Reduced) IMPORTANT The student’s eligibility should be documented (not whether or not the student is actually receiving Free or Reduced Lunch) 19

20 Community Eligibility Provision
There has been some confusion about CEP and the October Count data submission. Participation in CEP or Provision 2 does not change the October Count data submission requirements. Although all students at a CEP participating school or district will receive free meals, the students’ eligibility still determines the coding for the October Count data submission. Therefore, all students at a CEP participating school or district should not be coded as 01 Free Lunch Eligible. Rather, a CEP participating school or district will have some students coded as 00 Not Eligible, some students coded as 01 Free Lunch Eligible, and some students coded as 02 Reduced Lunch Eligible. 20

21 Procedure for requesting exceptions (to errors) has changed
Office of Federal Programs requested that the exceptions request process be streamlined LEAs requested solutions to problems with the exceptions process Issues included: Process taking more time than it should – too much work involved for all involved: LEAs, Office of Federal Programs, other staff reviewing exceptions, DSU staff Too many exchanges needed to get the information needed for exceptions Transferring exceptions from text to a worksheet for loading to Pipeline cumbersome and prone to errors 21

22 Procedure for Requesting Exceptions (to errors) Has Changed
One solution implemented effective immediately, a more structured process for exception requests: All exception requests must be entered on a template similar to SPED exceptions template Before exception requests are reviewed, please complete the template That template, “Exception Request Template and Instructions (XLSX)” can be found at: Data Pipeline’s Student Interchange website under “Templates” The Student End of Year website under “Templates” The Student October website under “Templates” The template is the same in all 3 locations. 22

23 Procedure for Requesting Exceptions (to errors) Has Changed (continued)
Suggested Steps for Efficient and Fast Exception Entry Download the Error Detail report from Cognos I suggest using the Excel “View in Excel 2007 Data” option in Cognos which will make it easier to copy and paste from the report to the Exceptions template: 23

24 Procedure for requesting exceptions (to errors) has changed (continued)
Download the Exceptions Request template from our website Save it Review the “Instructions” tab on the Exceptions Request Template Copy the data needed from the error detail report to the Exceptions Request Template for the SASIDs/edits for which you are requesting exceptions School Year would not be on the error detail report if it is downloaded using the ”View In Excel 2007 Data” option. Fill in. Example: If grade level and school code are not on the error detail report, then generally you do not need to include those fields Give a very detailed explanation as to why you are requesting an exception These are not good reasons as they lack detail: The student is not an ELL We got an exception for this last year (blank) Send to Annie Matula 24

25 English Language Proficiency Act (ELPA)
This change is pending approval by the Board of Education in October, 2014 Beginning with Student October 2014, ELPA funding is for 5 years from K-12 Previously it was for 2 years Calculation will be based on Previous year’s Student October data Thus for Student October 2014, calculation uses Student October 2013 data Monitored Year 1 (M1) and Monitored Year 2 (M2) now included in the calculation Calculated funding is 75% NEP and LEP and 25% M1 and M2 25

26 Edits and Cognos Reports: Changed and New
New and changed edits (both errors and warnings) and Cognos Reports Reason for changed/new edits: Continue to strive to increase data accuracy and efficiency Have reports be more helpful New and changed edits include: If a public school is open for Student October, then there must be records in the Student October snapshot for the school New CPP edits to ensure LEAs do not exceed CPP/ECARE allotments New ASCENT edits to ensure LEAs do not exceed ASCENT student count and FTE Use of entry and exit code ‘04’ must be approved before using ELL sequential warnings changed to errors (ELs must be reported in correct order, for instance, an EL cannot be reported as Monitored Year 1 two years in a row) 26

27 Edits and Cognos Reports: Changed and New
To see what has changed: The Student Interchanges and Student October “Business Rules” worksheets would indicate what has changed. Check the last field [Last Updated Date] for dates following Student October 2013 “Known Defects” document posted at 27

28 Audit Related Questions
Please forward all audit related questions or inquiries directly to the Field Analyst Support Team (FAST). The FAST may be ed directly at You may also contact the FAST Supervisor, Scott Abbey directly at (303) or The Field Analyst Support Team Website may be accessed at the following link What is an audit question? Anything that affects funding and that is covered in the Student October Resource Guide would be considered an audit question I can respond to questions regarding coding of students and count dates 28

29 Brief Summary of Process

30 Submission Process Student Interchange Preparation
Review Student October and Field Analyst Support Team (FAST) documentation first – it will save you time in the long run Obtain State Assigned Student Identifiers (SASIDs) Update school information in Directory (web form) Extract Interchange files in correct format from your Student Information System (SIS) Load two Data Pipeline Student Profile Interchanges to Pipeline Student Demographics (DEM) Student – School Association (SSA) Wait for the DEM load to finish before loading the SSA file If applicable, load Title I Interchange (to identify students who receive Title I targeted assistance funding) Only districts that have any Title I-funded school(s) that are Targeted Assistance (TA) programs complete this interchange Go to “Cognos Report” on the Pipeline menu to download errors and warnings Resolve errors (Error records will not be added to the snapshot) 30

31 Submission Process Student October
Create Student October Count snapshot (Student Profile → Snapshot) Snapshot of previously submitted Student Profile Interchanges Summarize by grade students with home-based education Student Profile -> Home School Data Go to “Cognos Report” -> “Pipeline” -> “Student October” on the Pipeline menu to download errors and warnings with the snapshot Review and correct errors (within the Pipeline or by loading new interchange files or using the “Edit Record” option) Work with districts to resolve duplicates on your own Once all edit checks have passed, submit approval of your data to CDE Use Cognos Report to validate data Student Profile -> Status Dashboard -> Submit to CDE (need to have role of LEAAPPROVER) CDE (FAST) resolves SASID duplicates (Cross LEA Validation Process) Correct and re-submit if needed Submit “Verification of Student October Data” form signed by Secretary of BOE In Pipeline -> Student Profile -> Status Dashboard -> Download Sign Off Form (need to have role of LEAAPPROVER) 31

32 What is the Student October Snapshot?

33 What is the Student October Snapshot?
In other words: What does it mean to create or re-create a Student October snapshot? Data is extracted from: the Demographic (DEM) file the Student School Association (SSA) file The Title I Interchange (Targeted Assistance schools) And some data is calculated At-Risk School Wide Title I Student data loaded for Student October should be as of the count date 33

34 What is the Student October Snapshot? (continued)
IMPORTANT! Data is not automatically added to or removed from a snapshot! You need to create (or re-create the snapshot to bring data into it) Updates to the DEM, SSA, and Title I files are not automatically reflected in a snapshot You cannot edit snapshot data directly. To reflect changes in the snapshot, you must re-create your snapshot every time you: Add new students to the DEM and SSA files Make changes to the DEM, SSA, or Title I files Delete students from the DEM, SSA, or Title I files 34

35 What is the Student October Snapshot? (continued)
Student October Snapshot Criteria For a SASID to be added to the snapshot it must: Be in both the Demographic and Student-School Association files Be error free in both those files And Meet the following criteria (fields referenced are in the Student School Association file): [Primary School] = ‘1’ and [School Entry Date] before/on count date for the current school year and [School Exit Date] is blank or [School Exit Date] after/on count date for the current school year and One of these conditions is met: The student’s age as of the count date >= 2 and <= 21 or The student’s age as of the count date <=21 (typically under 2) and there is an age waiver for the district or district and school code or [Primary Disability] (from the demographics file) <> ‘00’ then calculated age as of December 31 of the reporting school year <= 21 35

36 36

37 37

38 Tagging 38

39 Tagging Student Interchange Files
When you upload a DEM or SSA file, you have the option to tag it as OCT (for Student October) Tagging is not required It may, however, make your work easier 39

40 Tagging (continued) The tag should be the same in both the DEM and SSA files (either OCT or None) Note: if you use a tag OCT for the file loads but then use Pipeline’s “Add Record” to insert new records, then a tag will not be assigned to the records inserted using this option. Tag for that record will be blank (none) An untagged load for pre-coded labels for ACCESS for ELL is due around the same time as the close of Student October. Student October closes 11/7 Consider work needed if you do not tag vs. work needed if you do tag Tagging may make it easier for you to know what datasets you are working with If your tag = OCT for Student October and tag=None for labels: Student October data is as of count date Tag=None data is current and as of the November date in which you submit the file for labels 40

41 You use tag = None for both STUOCT and labels
Tagging (continued) You use tag = None for both STUOCT and labels And your DEM/SSA files contain only records through the STUOCT count date For the labels you would need to add in students enrolled following Student October and make any other changes that occurred following Student October Changes would need to be bubbled in the book and this takes time No opportunity for districts to change data between the extract date and the printing of the pre-coded labels. After the extract is pulled the district could choose to not use the label and hand bubble the book or correct the data during the SBD review but they are not able to update their information for the ACCESS test labels. How much time would you need for hand bubbling changes? Big district = likely more manual work Smaller district = consider work needed for loading untagged and tagged DEM, SSA files vs work needed for manual corrections 41

42 You use tag = None for both STUOCT and labels
Tagging (continued) You use tag = None for both STUOCT and labels And your DEM, SSA files contain records through November pre-coded label date ****** I do not recommend this option ******* The DEM data on your files should be as of the count date, not the Access labels date! Be sure to confirm that! May be more difficult to do this type of extract from your SIS system But your files could contain students through November with post October enrollment records in SSA Student October would extract only those records as of the count date It may, however, be more difficult for you to confirm your counts and data for Student October if you use this method ACCESS for ELLs pre-coded labels would pull all students Since the demographic data for each student is as of Student October count date, you might still have to do manual bubble corrections Again, very important to confirm your counts and data! 42

43 You use tag= OCT for Student October and tag = None for labels
Tagging (continued) You use tag= OCT for Student October and tag = None for labels Are your files exactly the same (and both as of Student October)? No reason to tag OCT then Disadvantages Possibly more work If you wait until the last minute You might not have enough time to correct data – would need to do that as part of bubbling corrections in books Other last minute stresses Advantages Easier to verify data Easier to be sure you are including the correct students and data 43

44 Tagging (continued) What happens when you tag an Interchange during “File Upload” for a school year? Interchange records are loaded to interchange tables (DEM, SSA, ACC) One of the fields in those tables is [Tag] That field gets populated with whatever tag you selected on the “File Upload” screen So the tag you select is both associated with a particular file load and particular SASID records Example You load one DEM file containing 2 students for Student October and tag OCT SASID Tag = OCT SASID Tag = OCT You load another DEM file (with different SASIDs) with a different tag (although you would not want generally want to do that!) SASID Tag = NONE SASID Tag = NONE There would be tagged and untagged records in the DEM file 44

45 Strongly Suggest Tagging (continued)
If you are using multiple tags, how does the system know what to include in Student October? When you go to create a snapshot you will see this screen: Select “October tagged Records Only” if all your records have tag = OCT Otherwise, select “October Tagged and Untagged Records” Strongly Suggest Confirm that the records that you want included in the snapshot are included. 45

46 Tagging (continued) Any changes you make to tagged OCT have no impact on any untagged records and vice versa Helpful – if you use a tag, include the tag in the file name Examples: Dem_STUOCT_073014_tagOCT.xlsx SSA_SPED_080114_tagDEC.csv Dem_SEY_090114_tagNONE.xls More information on tagging: Past Town Hall presentations Oct 31, 2013 webinar or PPT Oct 3, 2013 webinar or PPT (information presented differently in each) Attend the walk-through (the Student October process) webinar or view it on the Student October Snapshot webpage, 46

47 Recurring Issues, Problems, Questions

48 Recurring Issues, Problems, Questions
Primary School = 0 in the Student School Association (SSA) file If Primary School = 0 and there are not any other SSA records in the October Count window with Primary School = 1, then the SASID would not be included in the Student October snapshot Coding full day Kindergarten as ½ day Kindergarten Grade <> funding eligibility Attending for full day, but only receiving part-time funding, should report as full day Kindergarten (007) Warnings Do not require exceptions Do not prevent you from moving forward in your process Student with warnings would still be included in the snapshot (provided the student does not have errors) Indicate that perhaps there is a problem with your data. Should be reviewed to confirm whether or not a problem/error exists. Pressing submit during “File Upload” multiple times Check top of screen where tab name is for going-around-in-circles image 48

49 Recurring Issues, Problems, Questions
Loading a record to SSA but not to DEM or vice versa Need error free records in both to be included in the snapshot Loading school year when you mean to load or vice versa is for SEY and is for Student October Backup files before editing them Suggest using date, collection, school year, and tag in file name Examples _DEM_forSTUOCT14_tagOCT.xls _SSA_forSEY201314_tagNone.csv Know what you loaded for Student October! Editing text files (txt, csv) using Excel Do not do You will lose preceding zeros Use text editor For instance, TotalEdit, a freeware I use ( 49

50 Recurring Issues, Problems, Questions (continued)
Coding Race/Ethnicity American Indian or Alaska Native This is for more than North American residents “A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North or South America (including Central America), and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community recognition.” Also includes: Central American Indian groups (e.g., Mayan) South American Indian groups (e.g., Taino) North American Indian groups (e.g., Navajo) Alaska Native groups (e.g., Yup’ik) 50

51 Recurring Issues, Problems, Questions (continued)
Are you in production or QA (testing environment)? QA looks like this (center top is in red): Production looks like this (center top is in blue): Working in QA has no impact on production and v.v. And data will not be transferred by CDE from one to the other = potential for errors 51

52 Recurring Issues, Problems, Questions (continued)
BOCES Coding (contractual agreement) Correct coding of students attending a BOCES program where the program does not have a school code Use PAI of 01 – 08 with a funding code (if student is eligible to be funded – that is, if your district is paying tuition to the BOCES program) and count at his/her home school. Incorrect coding where student reported by a BOCES: Reported by a non-BOCES as having a PAI of 01 – 08 Correct coding where student reported by a BOCES: Non-BOCES should report (correct coding): PAI of 31 (School District or BOCES with Contractual Agreement) or PAI of 33 (Online Schools Contractual Agreement) Example: BOCES (receiving tuition) PAI 01 (Resident, Designated School), funding code 87 (Not Eligible, Receiving Tuition) Non-BOCES (paying tuition): PAI 31 or 33, funding code 80 (Full Time) 52

53 Recurring Issues, Problems, Questions (continued)

54 Recurring Issues, Problems, Questions (continued)
99999 Error "The SASID is invalid or name, birth date, or gender does not match what is in the RITS system“ but your data looks like there is a match RITS and Student Interchange RITS updates to Pipeline run hourly; the change may not yet be reflected in the Pipeline. You can either: Wait one hour and re-upload your file or After an hour, in Pipeline, select “Edit Record” for the IDs with this error, place a checkmark to the left of the record (by clicking the box), and press “Save.” If the SASID update is now reflected in Pipeline, the red highlight of SASID (indicating error) should go away. Otherwise, it is possible there is a discrepancy. Verify: Date of Birth has a preceding zero if needed (such as ) Names are in the correct [Name] part field. Check if a name part is in the incorrect field, such as last name being in the [First Name] field. What is matched for a SASID: Student First Name Student Last Name Student Middle Name Date of Birth Gender 54

55 Resolving Duplicate Funding

56 Resolving Duplicate Funding
Once you have created a snapshot, run Student October Cognos report, "Summary of Pupils Being Reported by Another District," to see what other districts are claiming a student that you have claimed for funding For any duplicates, contact the other district and work to resolve it on your own ** Rerun the duplicate report frequently as the data comes from the snapshot and other districts might not have created their snapshots or might have updated them since you ran the report last *** If unable to resolve a duplicate, wait for the collection to close. ** Resolving it outside of FAST makes everyone’s work easier and requires less time *** This is one reason why all districts should work to create snapshots (even if not error free) before deadlines. If a student transfers between districts and attends both districts on the pupil enrollment count day, the receiving district is entitled to include the student in its funded count. Strongly Suggest ** and *** 56

57 Duplicate Student Funding Process (continued)
You will, after approving your data, receive an ed communication from CDE indicating you have an error that needs to be resolved (duplicate funding). Next steps will be outlined in the Duplicate counts between districts and Approved School Facilities will also be addressed during this phase of the process. Run the Student October Cognos report, “Audit Exception Report" for the IDs, names, and contacts with duplicates You will need to forward documentation to the Field Analyst Support Team via CDE’s Secure Transfer Site or in person by November 14th CDE’s Field Analyst Support Team will determine who should count the student. You may need to change your data within Data Pipeline Note: If you need to delete an ID, be sure to delete it in both the Demographics and Student School Association files 57

58 Duplicate Student Funding Process (continued)
If you changed your data within the Pipeline (edited data or deleted IDs) you will need to re-create your Snapshot to reflect those changes in the Snapshot You will need to ask me to unlock your Snapshot before re-creating it You will then need to re-submit your Student October snapshot Student Profile -> Status Dashboard -> Submit to CDE (need to have role of LEAAPPROVER) Since you resubmitted your data (and the counts and/or funding changed), you will need to download the latest version of the Data Summary Report and get that signed by Secretary of BOE: In Pipeline -> Student Profile -> Status Dashboard -> Download Sign Off Form (need to have role of LEAAPPROVER) 58

59 Data Privacy and Security Sending CDE Files with PII

60 Maintaining Student and Educator Privacy and Data Security
CDE is committed to ensuring the security and privacy of all student and educator data CDE safeguards student data in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Educator data is protected by state legislation: Section (3), C.R.S. Section , C.R.S. SB 191 rules (1 CCR ) CDE’s goal is to meet and exceed the requirements under FERPA 60

61 Data Transfers And Email
In order to protect student and educator privacy and ensure security, we ask that you not send personally identifiable information (PII) using Reason: is not secure What is PII? Data that can potentially identify a specific individual Some examples: Social Security number, name, home address, address, DOB, telephone, and gender Rather, PII information should be sent using our Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server 61

62 Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Registration
CDE’s Secure File Transfer Protocol server can be accessed at Quick and easy (less than 5 minutes) registration process 62

63 Secure File Transfer Registration

64 Secure File Transfer Protocol Server registration
Password should contain upper case, lower case, and numbers 64

65 Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Server registration
You will then receive an “activation” . Press the link to activate From: [Add to Address Book] To: Subject: CDE-Transfer account activation link Date: Apr 28, :22 AM Dear Joe Piper, Thank you for registering for an account. To activate your account, click on the link below. If you are having problems with the link above, you can manually enter your username and activation code here: Your username is: Your activation code is:  Please note: This was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming s. Please do not reply to this message. 65

66 Sending and Receiving Files
If CDE needs data from you that contains PII, CDE will send you a request using the SFTP program. You will receive an sent through the SFTP program: you will be prompted to log into the SFTP server and attach the file there Correspondingly, if CDE needs to send you a file containing PII, the file will be added to the SFTP server. You will receive an indicating this. You can log into the SFTP server to access the file and can download it from there Before you send a file, CDE must first initiate the request and you can reply with the attachment. Therefore, please first send an to me letting the owner know you wish to send a file. SFTP server s should not be used for regular communication; only to note sending/receiving files Files on the SFTP server are purged after a period of time – you will receive an regarding this 66

67 What can be sent by email?
Best not to send any identifying information. But there are situations where it is necessary You can send me SASID without identifying PII (for instance, without full name and DOB) For instance, if you want to send a Cognos error report, you can send that, but first please remove name and DOB from the file Again, FAST does not want SASID sent to them in s If you are unsure what you can send, please contact me first If you inadvertently include PII in an , the PII reference will be removed in any responses to the 67

68 Student October Documentation

69 Student October Documentation
Per your requests, I have revised the documentation and made it easier to locate Most documentation you will need can be accessed from these sites: Student October Snapshot: This site has a link to the Student October Resource Guide Student Interchanges: Data Owners: The “List of Data Coordinators and Data Owners by Interchange” at Strongly Suggest! Please read, review, or at the least, scan the documentation May save you time Find answers on your own – do not need to wait for a response from CDE Avoid common problems and issues Increase understanding 69

70 Student October Documentation (continue)
Walk through (time permitting) of some of the documentation that is helpful in your work: Checklist of steps related to the process Data elements Setting up rights in Identity Management (IdM) so you can access Data Pipeline Contacts Navigating CDE’s website Codes (school, district/BOCES, language, detention center, state) Past Data Pipeline Town Hall Webinars 70

71 When You Have Questions

72 When you have questions
Pipeline related issues: and cc Annie Examples: Cognos Down, cannot access Data Pipeline, problems with uploads Questions on data elements you are reporting for Student October: Business Subject Matter experts “List of Data Coordinators and Data Owners by Interchange” posted at and on slides coming up Audit related questions: All questions (except coding questions and count date questions) must be directed at the Field Analyst Support Team per Scott Abbey General questions: Annie Matula If this relates to a data element, I will likely cc the business subject matter expert Want a response fast? Check FAQ documents Check documentation Check Audit’s October Count Resource Guide (see for link to this) 72

73 When you have questions (continued)
If you still have questions after ing, reading, or calling: Ask for clarification You ed or called ___ hours/days ago and still have not received a response: If you are awaiting a response from me, please keep in mind that I can receive s per day in addition to calls and needing to attend meetings I do, however, get back in less than 48 hours. If you haven’t received a response in that time (or a reasonable other time frame), please resend the If you need an immediate response, check the resources on our website to see if there is information there Remember if it is about a data element, you can also connect the data owner Attend our weekly Town Halls to get the latest updates regarding the collection and any bugs and issues If you cannot attend, I strongly suggest you scan the Town Hall PPT posted at It only takes a minute but can save you much time and effort 73

74 When you have questions (continued)
Questions which you wish to address to other districts and the Pipeline community. Examples: Is anyone else experiencing problems with ____ (student information system) not correctly loading ____ (some value)? Has anyone found a solution to the problem of ________? Pros and cons of tagging? Sign up for the Data Pipeline Forum (if you have yet done this) and send a message to those members in the community To sign up: send an to with this in the subject line of a blank message: subscribe datapipeline-forum For subscribers to submit comments or question to the group: send to Then this is sent to all the members. Do not use this forum if your question is or should be directed at a specific individual or groups of individuals. If you do not know to whom you should address a question, please me (Annie) 74

75 Data Owners – Relevant Student October Data Elements
Contact Contact Info Language Background, Language Proficiency, Bilingual, ESL Morgan Cox, Christine Deines, ( ) ( ) School Food Service Eligibility Jane Brand Alternate Assessment Participant, Program Participants: District-Funded GED Program Jessica Allen Special Education Transition, Primary Disability Orla Bolger, Kathy Baca, Cindy Millikin Post-Secondary Program Enrollment Michelle Liu Homeless Situation, Primary Nighttime Residence Dana Scott Pupil Attendance Information (PAI) Parents Residence for Non-Resident Students Country/State/District Contractual Agreement with Third Party Educators Programs Program Participations: Independent Study Program Participations: Expelled Education Scott Abbey 75

76 Data Owners – Relevant Student October Data Elements
Contact Contact Info Public School Finance Funding Status, County Code of Residence for Joint School Districts Mary Lynn Christel Colorado Continuously, Continuous in School, Continuous in District, Date Most Recently Enrolled in US Marie Huchton Immigrant, Refugee Donna Morganstern Gifted and Talented Area Jacquelin Medina Entry Grade Level, School Building Code, District Code, Dennis St. Hilaire Entry Date, Entry Type, Exit Withdraw Date, Exit Withdraw Type, Retention Next School Year Kevin Smith Student Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Student Unique State ID (SASID), LASID Genevieve Hale (303) or 76

77 Additional Contacts Topic Contact
Contact Info Approved Facility School Contact the facility to resolve discrepancies or duplicates. Any other questions can be directed to: Brittany Hanley at (303) or or Dema Herrera at (303) or Audit related Scott Abbey, Field Analyst Support Team CPP/ECARE Nan Vendegna, Program Director Colorado Preschool Program (303) or Pre-coded labels for ACCESS SBD Sarah Underwood (303) or RITS Genevieve Hale, RITS SASID Consultant (303) or Student End of Year Kevin Smith, Student End of Year Coordinator (303) or Title I Interchange Donna Morganstern (303) 77

78 Thank you for attending!
If you have any questions, please reach out at any time There are never any stupid, silly, or “I should know that by now” questions (that you end up not asking) And I hope you enjoy the work ! Annie Matula, Student October Liaison Ask until you understand 78

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