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Lesson 10 Vocabulary Words

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1 Lesson 10 Vocabulary Words
Story: Jose! Born to Dance

2 debut A first public appearance The jugglers had their debut on the television show.

3 Unyielding; difficult to deal with A donkey is a very stubborn animal.

4 permission Consent granted to someone in authority The father gave the girl permission to go swimming.

5 hauling To move from one place to another A tow truck is used for hauling cars off of the street.

6 mournful Feeling, showing or causing grief; sad The dog whined in a mournful way as he waited for his owners return.

7 To rise very high The basketball hoop towered over the woman.

8 The fact of being victorious The team raised the trophy in triumph.

9 discouraged Less hopeful or enthusiastic The banker was discouraged by the bad stock report.

10 toured To travel around We saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa when we toured Italy.

11 border The line where an area ends and another area begins. Illinois shares a border with Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa and Wisconsin.

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