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The Book of Titus Introduction & Titus 1:1-9 Titus 1:10-16 Titus 2:1-8

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Presentation on theme: "The Book of Titus Introduction & Titus 1:1-9 Titus 1:10-16 Titus 2:1-8"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Book of Titus Introduction & Titus 1:1-9 Titus 1:10-16 Titus 2:1-8

2 What Titus Should Teach & Do
This chapter focuses on what Titus should teach and do (or better, not do). Hendriksen divides the book as follows: Chapter 1 – Congregational Life Chapter 2 – Individual Life Chapter 3 – Public Life Lenski says this chapter deals with the position of Christians among men generally (good citizens).

3 What Titus Should Teach & Do
Teach People (vv. 1-8) Avoid Division (vv. 9-11) Salutation (vv )

4 What Titus Should Teach & Do
Teach People (vv. 1-8) Avoid Division (vv. 9-11) Salutation (vv )

5 Teach People (vv. 1-8) To be Obedient to Civil Authority (v. 1)
Need is seen in the nature of the Cretans Cretans were naturally turbulent, troublesome and insubordinate (Erdman) Hendricksen: Polybius and Plutarch said the Cretans fretted and fumed under Roman yoke Just as needed today – we live in age of disregard for authority Command is hard when leaders are wicked & corrupt Written when Nero was emperor – persecuting Christians Paul just released from prison Part of being sound in the faith

6 Teach People (vv. 1-8) To be Obedient to Civil Authority (v. 1)
To be Ready for Good Works (vv. 1, 8, 14) Verse 1: Some have tried to tie this with obed. to civil authorities (Lipscomb) Similar connections – Romans 13:1-3 Not limited to that – but forms a bridge from duties to government to all men “Ready” – “prepared” (Lexham) – in action and resolution (not have to be coaxed or pushed) “Good work” – Action defined by God (Prov. 14:12)

7 “The characteristic modern disease is boredom, and boredom is the direct result of selfishness. As long as people live on the principle of ‘Why should I do it? Let someone else do it’, they are bound to be bored. The interest of life lies in service.” Barclay, 291

8 Teach People (vv. 1-8) To be Obedient to Civil Authority (v. 1)
To be Ready for Good Works (vv. 1, 8, 14) Verse 1: Verse 8: “Faithful saying” – absolutely trustworthy - so that Titus can teach with confidence (insist, ESV) “Careful” – concentrate, be thinking about = looking for opportunities “Good and profitable” – for man’s good – good for the doer as well as receiver (cf. Acts 20:35)

9 Teach People (vv. 1-8) To be Obedient to Civil Authority (v. 1)
To be Ready for Good Works (vv. 1, 8, 14) Verse 1: Verse 8: Verse 14: “Maintain” – be in lead – be at the head (BDAG) Otherwise, not fruitful

10 Teach People (vv. 1-8) To be Obedient to Civil Authority (v. 1)
To be Ready for Good Works (vv. 1, 8, 14) To be Good to Others (vv. 2-7) How to treat them (v. 2) Don’t speak evil - show contempt / harm reputation Peaceable – “avoid quarreling” (ESV); “not to be contentious” (ASV); same word “not quarrelsome” (1 Tim.3:3) Gentle – yielding, kind, courteous (BDAG) Show all humility Same word translated “meekness”, & “gentleness” Same word 2 Tim. 2:25 – dealing with opposition Act in a manner that is gentle and mild… Opposite of haughty & harsh spirit of one struck on self Show ALL humility to ALL men

11 “Showing some mildness toward some people might not be so difficult
“Showing some mildness toward some people might not be so difficult. Nor showing all (that is, complete, thorough-going) mildness to some people, or even some mildness to all people. But to show all mildness to all people, even to all those Cretan ‘liars, evil brutes, and lazy bellies,’ was an assignment impossible of fulfillment apart from God’s special grace!” William Hendricksen, 387

12 Teach People (vv. 1-8) To be Obedient to Civil Authority (v. 1)
To be Ready for Good Works (vv. 1, 8, 14) To be Good to Others (vv. 2-7) How to treat them (v. 2) Those not good to others change by grace (vv. 3-7)

13 Those not good to others change by grace (vv. 3-7)
What we once were (v. 3) Foolish – Conduct toward others foolish - unwise Disobedient – to God / in subordinate to civil authorities; without regard for authority Deceived – by false doctrines / by own heart or desires Serving various lust & pleasures – did what we wanted / became slaves to our desires Living in malice & envy – Wickedness in general / or seek to do others harm driven by envy Hateful – anything that is opposite of love “He does not stand next to his story, but he is himself part of it.” Hendricksen To be good to others (especial those hard to be good to) is easier when we remember that we too were once like them

14 Those not good to others change by grace (vv. 3-7)
What we once were (v. 3) Changed by the grace of God (vv. 4-7) The drastic change: to having hope (v. 7) The means of change: Grace of God (vv. 4-7) Kindness of God (v. 4) Love of God (v. 4) Not by works of righteousness – we have done (v. 5) Mercy (v. 5) – compassion, pity Grace (v. 7) – undeserved favor The action of change (v. 4, 5) The contrast implies – live different now (“but”) Obedience required (v. 5)

15 Baptized by Inst. of Word Saved
John 3:5 Water Spirit Kingdom 1 Cor 12:13 Baptized By one Spirit Into one body Tit 3:5 Washing of regeneration Renewing of Holy Spirit Saved Eph. 5:26 Water of water By word Cleanse Baptized by Inst. of Word Saved

16 What Titus Should Teach & Do
Teach People (vv. 1-8) Avoid Division (vv. 9-11) Salutation (vv )

17 Avoid Division (vv. 9-11) Avoid Foolish Disputes (v. 9)
Not the same as contending for truth Jude 3 – contend earnestly for the faith Phil. 1:17 – set for the defense of the gospel What is to be avoided Foolish disputes – controversies – not part of the revelation (cf. 2 Tim. 2:23) Genealogies – Filling in and spinning stories around fictitious names – among Jews – tribes (cf. 1 Tim. 1:4) Contentions – strife, discord (BDAG) Striving about law – OT (Moses) – not binding Reason: unprofitable and useless Sharp contrast to useful matters (v. 8) When teaching: Don’t waste time on useless material!

18 Avoid Division (vv. 9-11) Avoid Foolish Disputes (v. 9)
Reject a Divisive Man (vv ) Divisive man “factious, division-making” (BDAG) Idea one who chooses for self – choses to depart from divine truth To be Rejected (2 John 9-11; Rom. 16:17-18) After first and second admonition Work with him – give him time to correct problem But toleration should not be ongoing Reason: warped – turned aside, perverted – gone from the right course Self condemned – Conscience guilty – due to repeated admonitions

19 What Titus Should Teach & Do
Teach People (vv. 1-8) Avoid Division (vv. 9-11) Salutation (vv )

20 Salutation (vv. 12-15) Be Diligent to Come (v. 12)
Send Others on Their Journey (v. 13) Urge Brethren to Maintain Good Works (v. 14) Those with Me Send Greetings (v. 15) Greet Those Who Love Us in the Faith (v. 15)

21 What Titus Should Teach & Do
Teach People (vv. 1-8) Avoid Division (vv. 9-11) Salutation (vv )

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