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Road to the Revolution.

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1 Road to the Revolution


3 Proclamation of 1763: Drew an imaginary line down the spine of the Appalachian Mountains. Closing all lands west of the line to colonial settlement by English colonists.


5 Britain's new colonial policy
The British government decided to keep an army in North America. Around 10,000 soldiers arrive in 1764. England: for protection Colonists: for enforcing unpopular British laws Britain thought the colonists should share in the TAX burden to pay for the French and Indian War.

6 Taxes 1764: The Sugar Act 1765: The Quartering Act 1765: The Stamp Act
1767: The Townshend Acts 1773: The Tea Act 1774: The Intolerable or Coercive Acts

7 The Boston Massacre In a form of protest, the Massachusetts Assembly devised a new method of protest. BOYCOTT certain items This was a success therefore Parliament eliminated the most unpopular taxes except the one on tea. On March 5, 1770: Protesters lined up at the tax office shouting “You lobsterback”, “You bloodyback”. Confusion would follow; shots rang out and five colonists fell mortally wounded.

8 The Boston Massacre One of them was a former enslaved African “Crispus Attucks”. Led by Samuel Adams, the Patriots circulated letters describing what they called the Boston Massacre. Britain brings the soldiers to trial resulting in mild punishment of just one soldier.

9 The Intolerable or Coercive Acts
In 1773: The Boston Tea Party: Destroyed an entire shipment of tea in response to the Tea Acts. Colonists: Violated their rights. “No taxation without representation” Intolerable Acts: Ended local self-government in Massachusetts and closed Boston’s commerce All around the colonies there were additional protests including the convening of the First Continental Congress.

10 Crash Course

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