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Pre-Revolutionary Events

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Revolutionary Events"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Revolutionary Events

2 Proclamation Line of 1763 Sugar Act 1764 Tax on molasses (important triangle trade)

3 3. Stamp Act 1765 Placed a tax on legal documents like wills, diplomas, marriage license, death certificates “No taxation without Representation!!” Sent petition to King… they were ignored Started to boycott (refused to buy goods) Finally, Parliament repealed (did away with)

4 4. Townsend Acts 1767 Tax on glass, paper, paint, lead & tea!!!!

5 5. Boston Massacre – March 5, 1770
Lobsterbacks (aka Redcoats aka British soldiers) fired into crowd of angry colonists Crispus Attucks-> 1st person to die (African-American) Paul Revere paints -> Bloody Massacre


7 6. Tea Act 1773 Tax put on tea, hurt merchants and colonist protest and leads to… Boston Tea Party – November 1773


9 7. Intolerable Acts - closed the port to Boston - Massachusetts forbidden to hold town meetings - criminals tried in other places (Canada) - Quartering Act

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