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Soils to Satellites Logos used with consent. Content of this presentation except logos is released under TERN Attribution Licence v1.0

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Presentation on theme: "Soils to Satellites Logos used with consent. Content of this presentation except logos is released under TERN Attribution Licence v1.0"— Presentation transcript:

1 Soils to Satellites Logos used with consent. Content of this presentation except logos is released under TERN Attribution Licence v1.0

2 Soils to Satellites NCRIS Capabilities Well Placed NCRIS capabilities have access to: Vast volumes of Data (uniformly and non-uniformly structured) High levels of Technical Expertise Advanced Technology & Technical Infrastructure.

3 Environmental Information Landscape for Australia Soils to Satellites

4 ALA and ÆKOS – data comparison Systematics – classification Breadth of life domains Rich spatial layers for location and environmental context and analysis 36m records - Museums and Herbaria, State agencies, NRMs, Citizen science Concentrates on species and specimen data and profiles Systematics – classification Breadth of life domains Rich spatial layers for location and environmental context and analysis 36m records - Museums and Herbaria, State agencies, NRMs, Citizen science Concentrates on species and specimen data and profiles Rich plot-based data Depth of single domain Contextual environmental observations Semantically federated and integrated complex data Output flexibility (first pass to greater detail) Describes biodiversity look & feel (ecosystem dynamics) Rich plot-based data Depth of single domain Contextual environmental observations Semantically federated and integrated complex data Output flexibility (first pass to greater detail) Describes biodiversity look & feel (ecosystem dynamics) Biodiversity Data - ALA Ecological Data – ÆKOS AEKOS supports rich, plot-based ecological data and leverages ALA complementary expertise in systematics, biodiversity and spatial platforms

5 Soils to Satellites Greater Synergies Possible Greater synergies between NCRIS capabilities possible by: Increasing cross-capability collaboration and communication Improving interoperability between NCRIS systems (including integration with non- uniformly structured data e.g. ecological & biodiversity data) Gaining familiarity of each others capabilities.

6 Soils to Satellites Soils to Satellites addresses these needs Incubator project to: demonstrate integration of disparate data independent of structure and standards collaboration and cooperation between NCRIS capabilities Value and power of mature ALA web services contribute to and enrich ANDS Research Data Australia platform generate real world feedback for future iterations.

7 Soils to Satellites Project Overview Australian National Data Service (ANDS) Applications Project July 2012 – June 2013 Project Partners: TERN Eco-informatics Atlas of Living Australia (CSIRO) Collaborators: TERN MSPN/TREND TERN AusCover

8 Soils to Satellites Integration of disparate data TREND ecological data (ÆKOS, CSIRO NSA) Plot-based plant community data Soil characterisation data - structure, pH,nutrients, carbon etc Atlas of Living Australia (spatially represented data) Species occurrence and distribution data Environmental characteristics TERN AusCover (biophysical remote sensing data) multi-spectral characteristics of site. TREND genomics data (BPA, SARDI, BGI, BOLD) Opaque blobs of genomics data including barcode sequences, Soil Metagenomics data, isotope data

9 Soils to Satellites Collaboration & Co-operation - bringing together technical expertise and technological infrastructure for mutual benefit.

10 Soils to Satellites Now 2050 Benefits Enables plot and data to be explored in new ways Exposes relationships not previously possible. Supports science questions Community composition and turn-over along environmental gradients Genetic differentiation and flow Understanding environmental drivers Current and predicted future species distributions Climate resilient and sensitive communities/refugia.

11 Soils to Satellites Specific System Capabilities Discover study locations using a wide range of criteria Explore data from these locations, including data from multiple site visits Compare survey, biodiversity and environmental data between study locations and visits Extract data for offline analysis Provide assistance to researchers in selecting relevant data depending on the research question

12 Soils to Satellites A live system!

13 Soils to Satellites A live system – Study Location – Environmental Values

14 Soils to Satellites A live system – Compare environment across locations

15 Soils to Satellites A live system – Actual sampling units – Soil Character

16 This project is supported by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) ANDS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program and the Education Investment Fund (EIF) Super Science Initiative

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