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Towards a Pan European ecosystem assessment
Dania Abdul Malak ETC-SIA / Univerity of Malaga Ispra, 19 November 2013
Support Target 2 Action 5 Objectives
To put together approaches and tools to support experts through the provision of a : Conceptual framework for ecosystem mapping and a wall-to wall ecosystem map addressing ecosystem structure (by mapping of their biophysical delineation and health), Conceptual framework for ecosystem assessment, state of the art on knowledge available to evaluate ecosystem condition, ecosystem pressures and drivers of ecosystem change, and provide some specific indicators on certain pressures: based on the EU 2010 biodiversity baseline and against which to test specific targets of the Strategy 2020. Special focus on terrestrial ecosystems, but its coverage is not exhaustive as it is data driven with a strong emphasis on the available spatial datasets Geographical coverage : EEA-39 space including the EU-28 European Union MS For each ecosystem type, we have attempted to find a set of most suitable datasets, indicators or proxies which reflect information on the condition of each ecosystem, the drivers, pressures, and threats, and the limitations encountered when using the data driven approach.
Mapping CLC 2006 100*100 m HR-layers 100*100 m JRC Forest 2006
Geometric refinement CLC / EUNIS crosswalk EUNIS L2 HR riparian areas draft ES map 2006 DEM 100*100m slope altitude landform Upper tree line Env. regions Pot. Nat. vegetation HANTS EU SEAMAP Soil map geologicalmap ECRINS surface water SLF (ESA) ammendedcrosswalk Thematic refinement Likelihood maps ES map 2006 Art. 17 Quality indic. WFD Quality indic. State indicators Quality assessment MSFD Quality indic. LUCAS 2*2 km ES map + quality 2006
Pan-European ecosystem map
Cross-walk between CLC and ecosystem types (table 3 on typology of ecosystems of the MAES report)
Ecosystem assessment Following the DSIPR integrated in the MAES conceptual framework
Ecosystem Assessment Based on the DISPR
Data base
Overview: Drivers and pressures
Synthesis table Synthesis table lists the main sources and the most important gaps in data and indicators available on the condition and key drivers for the assessment of the state and the pressures on the Pan European ecosystems: To note: special attention was given to data sets that are subject to continuing monitoring It is to note that: this report provides an overview of the major sources of updated spatial information to be used at Pan-European scale. Therefore, better datasets are expected to be available at national / subnational scales and that such datasets are not addressed in this report. and reporting under other European Environmental legislations to make possible the assessment or measurement of change in time against the set baseline (around 2010) until 2020 and to test the changes in Pan-European ecosystems. Only the most relevant knowledge available is listed in this table. Please refer to the “Towards a Pan-European ecosystem assessment report (ETC_SIA 2013) for more details
Synthesis table
Nutrient accounts methodology
Example Output map –N-Deposition to forests Methodology development – Agro ecosystems , grasslands, and forests
Indicators on Land use management
Impacts of agricultural land use and land management on biodiversity: series of sub-indicators (farming intensity, crop productivity, soil suitability, + composite indicators on farming intensities vs. soil suitability,..) example on – farming intensity (NODATA for Switzerland).
13 Thank you For further contact:
Dania Abdul Malak - For further information, please contact: ETC/SIA Universidad de Málaga PTA - Tecnological Park of Andalusia C\ Marie Curie, 22 (Edificio Habitec) 29590, Malaga, Spain, EU P: F: @: Or visit our website at:
Mapping units, resolution, and projections
Min. requirements and scale for the assessment to be useful: The method selected for the spatial overlay of the Pan-European EA approach needs therefore to consider: The heterogeneity of the input information and therefore needs to be practical for setting up the assessment method. land related Pan European indicators are commonly available at resolutions of around 1 km2 or less, water related indicators are often calculated on sub-basin or basin levels, pressures related to the atmosphere are available at scales larger than 1 km2, statistics used to derive spatial indicators on human management of ecosystems are collected at NUTSx level. In parallel, the emerging Copernicus land monitoring services such as the HR thematic layers and the modelling tools that are increasingly used to produce data flows to be included in the assessments 1 km grid for terrestrial datasets at the Pan-European scale. Using this methodology, datasets, as well as modelled data, measures datasets (point data), and statistics can be integrated and assessed in a valid way. The coordinate reference system (CRS) to project all data is the standard CRS used by EEA, based on ETRS89-Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection EPSG:3035. For these reasons, broad-scale terrestrial ecosystems and their records can be easily converted into a reference grid of 1 * 1 km cells, based on respective INSPIRE specifications, and can be linked to key qualitative properties, in each cell across Europe. This linkage provides direct input layer for ecosystem state and enables assessment of ecosystems. Though, the mapping of the areas to be assessed for the geo-biophysical features (land cover, soil properties, topography, etc.) and for the ecosystem properties can be addressed using a regionalisation approach. The scale at which Pan-European ecosystems can be mapped is influenced by the spatial resolution of the indicators used for this purpose. And the spatial indicators for assessing ecosystems differ in spatial resolution and scale, being influenced by the biophysical input datasets used to derive the indicators in question.
Outlook Availability of Pan European ecosystem map,
Overview on the availability and reliability of knowledge to assess the condition and pressures of each ecosystem type, The generation on new knowledge, Devemopment of Pan European ecosystem assessment
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