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ARCHER SWIM AND DIVE Make this website a new favorite. www

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1 ARCHER SWIM AND DIVE Make this website a new favorite. www
ARCHER SWIM AND DIVE Make this website a new favorite!

2 Team website

3 Booster Positions Volunteer Coordinator Hospitality / Concessions
Banquet Helpers Meet setup and running

4 Away meets – 2 runners, 12 timers,
Home meets – Meet director, 13 timers, computer operator, Timing console operator, dive scorer verifier Away meets – 2 runners, 12 timers, 2 score table verifiers, dive scorer, announcer

5 Beginner 1 - Runner – Pick up cards from timers and take them to the scoring table. Away Team provides 2 1 - Concessions – Home team provides, if wanted. 2 - Timer – Time swimmers using a stopwatch (2 per lane). Home and Away Team provide

6 Intermediate 3 - Diving Announcer / Scorer – Announce the divers and their dives. Scorer enters scores into computer – both provided by away team. 4 - Scoring Verifier –During home meet, they assist with console and computer operations (2) Away Team 4 - Diving Score Verifier – Verifies the scores that are written on dive sheet with computer. Home Team

7 Difficult 5 - Meet Director - sets up and takes down meet – Requires Training Home Team provides 5 - Scoring Computer Operator – runs the computer for the home meet – Requires Training Home Team 5 - Timing Console Operator – runs the timing console at home meet. Sends info from touch pads to the computer – Requires Training Home Team

8 Trainings Meet Setup training Computer training
Oct Mt Park Pool Oct – West Gwinnett Pool Computer training Oct. 20 – 1 Mt Park Oct 27 – 1 West Gwinnett Dive Training – all divers and dive parents Oct Berkmar HS 1-3

9 Coaches Michele Broeg, head coach
Susan Ethridge & Chris Hays, assistant coaches Christy Paul, dive coach

Get in great physical shape Commit to attend all practices Improve personal best times Letter in Swimming Qualify for County Championships Qualify for State Championships Set new Archer records!

11 USS Swimmers / AAU Divers
Must attend all Club practices. Please provide your club team name and coach contact info. State and County cuts can replace missed meets due to schedule conflicts and athlete must then attend County and State meets. Must see Coach Broeg the Monday before meets to sign up for meet events.

Swim at least 50 yards (2 laps) legally Have basic knowledge of all 4 competitive strokes Must commit to daily training: -over 2000 yards a day (80 laps)

Willing to become proficient in at least 6 different dives off of a one meter diving board. Dives include: Front dives, back dives, inward dives, reverse dives, dives with twists and somersaults Training- Able to travel to Collins Hill Pool 2-3 times weekly

8 swim meets/ 1 invitational/ 2 championships meets from Oct. 15th - Feb. 6th Preseason – 9 dryland practices starting Sept 25th 59 practices until Jan. 12- Last Dual Meet 61 practices until Jan. 18- County Champs 70 practices until Feb. 2- State Champs Finish the Race!

15 HOLIDAY TRAINING It is important that swimmers attend as many practices as possible during school holidays: Tentative Dates: Nov. 19, 20 Dec. 26, 27, 28 Jan. 2

16 DIVING CLINICS For more information visit or call or

Parent pick-up (car pool)* Student drives (car pool)* (*must sign transportation form)

18 REMIND 101 Grab Your Phone!

19 REGISTRATION FEE $325.00 Includes: * NOT included: Warmups (optional)
Team Swim Suit / Team swim cap /uniform t-shirt / pool rental, swim meet fees, county & state t-shirts, equipment, candy, banquet for swimmers, awards and more. * NOT included: Warmups (optional) Extra t-shirts

20 Additional Fees Volunteer Fee - $100 per athlete (completely refundable once volunteer obligations are met) Payment options – PayPal, Check, Cash Fundraiser Fee - $100 (this can be paid in place of participating in team fundraisers) Will not be due until December Can purchase / sell 20 Krispy Kreme Certificates Can purchase / sell 2 blankets Any combination of above

Meet Academic Eligibility (see team rules) Turn in Physical Form (including Parental Consent & Insurance Info. on back) *you will NOT be allow to start workout unless all requirements are satisfied

22 Team Swim Suits Ladies’ Suits Jammer Brief

23 Warmups Team spiritwear Shirts / hoodies


Sept 25th – first dry land practice – AHS 3:0o – 4:00 Oct. 15th - 1st Day of swim / dive practice: Swimmers: GGC Mon/Wed/Fri 3:30-5 Tue/Thur 7.00 – 8:30 Divers: Mon/Wed/Fri.? 6:30 – Collins Hill Pool

26 Georgia Gwinnett College Expectations
Athletes must sign in at desk – there will be a form to sign every practice. Can use locker rooms, but leave them as you entered them. Must shower before entering pool! There will be equipment we can use. We are on a college campus – buddy system in and out of building. Parents will drop off at front gravel parking lot. Parents can wait in lounge area for practice to be finished, but cannot come on the pool deck. Parents are welcome to wait in their cars.

27 PAYMENT DUE DATES TOTAL Dues $325 Sept. 27 – at least $200 or in full
This includes $100 volunteer fee for a total of $300 Oct. 13th – last payment of $125 Dec. 9th – Fundraiser Fee of $100 / if not participating in fundraisers. The last day to receive a refund for those who decide to not continue with the team will be Thursday, October 25. This refund will only be for any dues. Any spirit wear ordered, suits or warmups cannot be refunded.

28 Team Bonding Opportunities
Senior Night Football Game – tailgate, Oct. 26th Signup on line Lunch after first meet at Stevie B’s in Snellville November 3rd

29 Registration process Station 1 – Online registration / Handbook sign off Station 2 – Physical forms check off Station 3 – Spirit wear Mark team shirt size and color for extra shirts Station 4 – Warmups Station 5 – Swim Suit Station 6 - Payment

30 Form

31 The Code for Living Life Principles Learned Through Sports
Because I am a role model and have the opportunity and responsibility to make a difference in the lives of others, I commit to this Code. I will take responsibility and appropriate actions when I fail to live up to it. As an individual: I will develop my skills to the best of my ability and give my best effort in practice and competition. I will compete within the spirit and letter of the rules of my sport. I will respect the dignity of every human being, and will not be abusive or dehumanizing of another either as an athlete or as a fan. As a member of a team: I will place team goals ahead of personal goals. I will be a positive influence on the relationships on the team. I will follow the team rules established by the coach. As a member of society: I will display caring and honorable behavior off the field and be a positive influence in my community and world. I will give of my time, skills, and money as I am able for the betterment of my community and world.

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