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Presentation on theme: "N 1 9 LIMITS."— Presentation transcript:

1 N 1 9 LIMITS

2 Tchs_sen19rs Stay Connected!!! Text: @trihigh19 to: 81010
Class Website:

3 Senior Dues!!! $285 DUE: December 21, 2018 • Graduation Venue
• Visions • Senior Class Picture • Senior Picnic • Senior Breakfast • Senior Class T-shirt • Yearbook

4 There will be NO REFUNDS!
Senior Dues!!! There will be NO REFUNDS! This includes: transferring to another school, getting withdrawn, dropping out, suspensions, etc.

5 Online Payment Only:
How to Pay!!! Online Payment Only:

6 Payments online @:
Herff Jones!!! Payments $85 + Tax ~ $91.59

7 Senior Pictures!!! Cady Studios $30 on October 27th, am – 6pm

8 Homecoming!!! October 26th 30th Anniversary!!!!

9 Must be paid by February 1st, After - $50 late fee
Prom April 12, 2019 ~ $100 Must be paid by February 1st, After - $50 late fee Last Date to Pay: March 29, 2019

10 College Tours

11 PSEP Statement of Purpose Autobiographical Essay [Week of Aug of 6th]
Career Outlook Cover Letter & Resume’ [Week of Aug 20th] Recommendation Letter Official Transcript (Process) - [See] - per Mrs. S. Green TBA SAT and/or ACT Registration Financial Plan: Budget (Car/Transportation, Apartment, Credit & Tax Info) College Admission Requirements College Essay/Personal Statement [Week of Sept 10th] Scholarship Application(s) Interview Research [Week of Sept 24th] Voter (All students) & Selective Service (males only) Reflective Essay [Week of Oct 8th] Professional Pics Works Cited [Week of Oct 22nd] Final Exam Presentation [December] PSEP

12 PTSA $8.00/Person First meeting Sept. 4th at 6:30pm
Scholarship opportunity to 1 senior PTSA student PTSA

13 Final Exam Exemption!!! Attendance during final exams is mandatory. Students absent on final exam days must have a parent/guardian contact the Attendance Office prior to the absence in order for the absence to be considered as excused.

14 Final Exam Exemption!!! The Final Exam Exemption Incentive provides students the opportunity to exempt final exams provided: a student misses no more than five days per semester of that particular class, (excluding excused, pre-approved, school-related activities, bereavement and religious holidays). Absences due to unexcused, ISS and OSS are considered absences from class no more than four tardy arrivals to the class and has an average of an 85 or above in that particular class. This does not include honors points. Submit a completed final exam exemption form

15 Final Exam Exemption!!! Exemption of the final exam for first semester with the above criteria beginning August 29, 2018 and met by December 7, 2018 (due to schedule changes and 10 day count) Exemption of the final exam for second semester with above criteria beginning January 7, 2019 and met by May 15, 2019

16 Final Exam Exemption!!! Final Exam Exemption Incentive - Q&A
1. What is the purpose of the exam exemption incentive?  The purpose of our exemption incentive is to improve student attendance.   2. What is the rationale behind documenting student absences? To ensure the accuracy of student records Absences that are excused permit students to make up work without a penalty To determine eligibility for the exam exemption. 3. Is taking an AP exam considered an excused absence?  Students taking an AP Exam are coded as "school activity" on the day they take an AP Exam. Therefore, their absence will not count against them for attendance regarding the Final Exam Exemption Incentive Policy.

17 Final Exam Exemption!!! 3. If my child takes four college visits in the spring would he be able to exempt his finals? The policy states that official documented college visits are not counted towards absences. Official college visits are when the student has completed the pre-arranged college visit form and has supplied the proper documentation of the college visit to the attendance office. 4. In what classes can final exams not be exempted? Online courses Courses that have a state mandated assessment Any Move-On-When-Ready course   5. Can you exempt an End of Course (EOC) test?   No. Where do I go if I have more questions about attendance? To verify absences per course, go to Student Access Center/Home Access Center at then go to Student and Parents Home Access Center. You can always reach out to your grade level assistant principal or our attendance office if you have questions regarding your child's attendance.   

18 Are you Ready to Graduate and begin College & Career?
12th Grade Support Staff Mrs. Green: 12th Grade Counselor; M-Z (J-108) Mr. Altidor: 12th Grade Counselor; A-L (J-118) Ms. Mickens, GRASPS Counselor (F-103) Ms. Leonard: Graduation Coach (F-101)

19 Graduation Requirements.
4 Literature courses​  (9th and 10th Lit/Comp, 11th American Lit, World Lit/Multi Lit) 4 Math courses (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Math elective) 4 Science courses (Biology, Phys Sci/Physics, 2 science electives) 3 Social Science courses (World and United States History, Economics/American Government) 1 Unit Total of Health and Personal Fitness 3 CTAE Pathway or Fine Arts or World Language 4 Electives

20 After Graduation. College & Career.
Options After Graduating Tri- Cities High School College: Technical School (Trade) , 2 Year School, 4 Year School Career: Apprenticeship, Job with Ability to Move Up. 3. Military: Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, Marines, National Guard. Non-Options After Graduating Tri-Cities High School 1. Your Mom’s Couch 2. East Point Streets 3. Anything Not on the list to the Left! College & Career.

21 Register for ACT and/or SAT
College & Career. Register for ACT and/or SAT SAT School Day: Wednesday, October 10TH @ Tri-Cities High School

22 College & Career. Make List of 5-8 Colleges; Begin to Apply & Visit!

23 College & Career. Visit the Tri-Cities High School Counseling Site!
Site contains all of the information you need! Registration links, scholarship information, etc.

24 Contact Us. Mrs. Green: 12th Grade Counselor (M-Z)J108
Mr. Altidor: 12th Grade Counselor (A-L)J118 Ms. Leonard: Graduation Coach (F-101)

25 The Princeton Review ACT & SAT Preparation Programs

26 Georgia Student Finance Commission
Getting You the Money for College!

27 College & Career: This is how you will send your TRANSCRIPTS
Create an Account on Parchment! This is how you will send your TRANSCRIPTS to colleges and some scholarship organizations.

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