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Importance of Attendance and What is RTI?

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of Attendance and What is RTI?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of Attendance and What is RTI?
Holly Linville

2 Daily Goal Current enrollment = 350 students
Take the number absent daily divided by 350 Example – 11 students absent 350 – 11 = 339 339 / 350 = 97% !!!!!!

3 RCS Attendance Policies
Parent notes – students are allowed to have 3 per semester for a total of 6 parent notes per year Doctor notes – Students are allowed to have 5 doctor notes per year Ky. State Fair – Students are allowed one day to attend the fair Perfect attendance is zero tardies and zero absences 





8 Switching Gears – What is RTI?

9 RTI – Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi- tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom.

10 Why do we do it ? To help our students achieve at all levels.
How do we determine who needs RTI? Classroom tests Thinlink Tests ACT Test K-Prep and end of year testing

11 We analyze data

12 Which helps determine RTI groups

13 Who Tests ???

14 Other Assessments 8th Grade – EXPLORE test 10th Grade – PLAN Test
End of Course Exams - Biology 10th Grade, Algebra II 11th Grade, US History 11th Grade, ELA 10th Grade 11th grade – ACT Test 11th and 12th grade – ASVAB & KOSSA 12th grade – Work Keys, Compass and Kyote

15 Mission Statement The mission of Robertson County Schools is to provide a safe, education-focused environment that fosters the development of all students to be college and/or career ready by graduation.

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