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Module 3: Attendance Action Plan

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1 Module 3: Attendance Action Plan
Distribute “My Personal Action Plan” to each student, and direct them to complete them. Then: Collect all Personal Action Plans. Photocopy the students’ plans. Keep one copy of each student’s plan in his/her portfolio, and return the original to each student tomorrow. Students should keep their Action Plans in their notebooks where they can refer to them. Your having copies of their action plans will help you to reinforce individual plans with students.

2 Complete My Personal Action Plan
Distribute My Personal Action Plan to each student, and direct them to complete them. Then: Collect all Personal Action Plans. Photocopy the students’ plans. Keep one copy of each student’s plan in his/her portfolio, and return the original to each student tomorrow. Students should keep their Action Plans in their notebooks where they can refer to them. Your having copies of their action plans will help you to reinforce individual plans with students.

3 Journal Write your thoughts regarding the work you did today.
What new ideas did you learn today? How will these ideas help you improve your attendance in school and in your daily life?

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