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FSA Parent Presentation

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1 FSA Parent Presentation
March 1, 2018

2 Introductions & Objectives
Florida Statutes How do we use the results? Tested grades subjects and time requirements Testing formats Question types How we prepare at school? How to prepare at home? Score reports Website

3 Florida Statute  Student assessment program for public schools.—(1) PURPOSE.—The primary purpose of the student assessment program is to provide student academic achievement and learning gains data to students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and school district staff. This data is to be used by districts to improve instruction; by students, parents, and teachers to guide learning objectives; by education researchers to assess national and international education comparison data; and by the public to assess the cost benefit of the expenditure of taxpayer dollars.

4 How are the results used?
Parents are advised how their child performed, and how they compare to the school, district and state achievement. They also can see historical growth when comparing year to year. Schools use the achievement data to write school success plans, and triangulate data to track student performance in order to provide additional support the following year. Districts use the data to track school risk ratios (course failures, attendance and discipline) in order to allocate supports for schools Florida uses the data to create a school and district grade and measure the effectiveness of our instructional practices Globally the data is used to compare different countries performance in core subject areas

5 What grade levels take standardized tests?
Grade 3 – Reading and Math Grade 4 – Reading/Writing and Math Grade 5 – Reading/Writing, Math and Science Grade 5 – Cambridge Only Reading, Math and Science – writing is embedded in all tests

6 Testing Formats Reading 3rd: Paper-Based 4th and 5th: Computer-Based
Writing 4th and 5th ONLY: Paper-Based Math 3rd, 4th, and 5th: Computer-Based Science 5th ONLY: Paper-Based

7 2018 Testing Schedule

8 Item Types Multiple choice Editing Task
“Selectable Hot Text – highlight answers within text Drag-and-Drop Hot Text – drag answers around Open Response – write out answer Multi-select – more than one answer Evidence-Based Selected Response (EBSR) – Part A Part B Graphic Response Item Display (GRID) Multimedia

9 Multiple Choice

10 Editing Task

11 Drag and Drop “Hot” Text

12 Open Response

13 Multi-Select

14 Evidence Based Selected Response

15 Graphic Response Item Display

16 How do we prepare students at school?
Challenging & Viable Curriculum aligned to tested standards Practice throughout the year by using Quarterly Checks Accommodation are provided throughout the school year Interventions support students who have learning gaps Small Group Instruction IRLA Conferencing Grade level Team Planning Support facilitation Practice tests for test format and content

17 How can you prepare your child at home?
Good Night’s Sleep Balanced Breakfast – also free breakfast at school Practice Tests Emotional and positive support Talk to your child and encourage them Arrive to school every day – attendance is crucial

18 Performance Level Indicators


20 To Access help understanding the FSA score report go to:
fileparse.php/5662/urlt/Und FSAReports17.pdf

21 FSA Website

22 Questions?

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