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Quarantine Spotted Lanternfly.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarantine Spotted Lanternfly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarantine Spotted Lanternfly

2 States in the U.S.With Spotted Lanternfly

3 Why a Quarantine? Limited distribution Slow the Spread
Possible Eradication

4 Why a Quarantine Protection of Agricultural Commodities Trade
Grapes 5th in US Hardwoods 1st in US Orchard Production – Apples 5th in US Nursery Stock and Greenhouse – 4th in US State Parks – 3rd in US Trade

5 What is Quarantined? All living life stages of the Spotted Lanternfly.
Outdoor Household Items Crated Materials Vehicles, campers, trailers, recreational vehicles Hardgoods such as stone, tile, decorative materials Firewood Nursery Stock Natural Decorative Materials

6 What Can You Move? Vehicles, once you look for the insect.
Items within the quarantine area such as: Crated Materials Vehicles, campers, trailers, recreational vehicles Hardgoods such as stone, tile, decorative materials Firewood Nursery Stock

7 Who Will be Affected? Business Residents Agricultural Loggers
Landscapers/Garden Centers/Nursery Growers Arborists Farmers Non-Agricultural Hardgoods dealers Movers Haulers Construction Residents

8 Residents Business How to be in Compliance
Self Certification Checklist Business Phytosanitary Certificate Compliance Agreement

9 Quarantine Area

10 Quarantine Area

11 Monthly Calls with Elected Officials
Community Buy In Volunteer Banding Businesses Monthly Calls with Elected Officials Township County State Legislators

12 Who Is Working to Find Answers?
PDA United States Department of Agriculture Developed New Pest Advisory Group Developed Technical Working Group Penn State University Research Kutztown University Penn State Extension Outreach to communities, business, etc. Master Gardeners PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Coordinate surveys for pests in state parks and forests DCNR Research on bio-control

13 Enforcement Business Residents Inspections PDA Inspector
Compliance Agreements Moving Company – Notify customers of requirements Residents Checklist Report new finds of Spotted Lanternfly

14 Enforcement - Fines Fines – Who could be fined?
People who maliciously move items out of the quarantine area knowing the threat the pest poses to Pennsylvania.

15 How Can You Help? Be aware of items stored outside
Look on exposed areas of items stored outside Chippers, trailers, trucks Wheel wells, rims, tires, mowers Landscape materials such as pavers, stone, brick

16 How Can You Help? Know the quarantine area and the regulations
Community involvement Good company PR

17 How Can You Help? If you SEE IT - SCRAPE IT
Report it to Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture or Penn State Extension

18 How Can You Help? Given the small area known to be infested, working together we have a good chance to eradicate this pest. We can not accomplish this without residents and businesses. Report it to Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture or Local Penn State Extension Offices

19 Additional Information
PA Department of Agriculture, Region 7 Office –

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