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Anxiety Disorders: EQ: What are Anxiety Disorders and how do they impact the individuals who suffer from them?

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Presentation on theme: "Anxiety Disorders: EQ: What are Anxiety Disorders and how do they impact the individuals who suffer from them?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anxiety Disorders: EQ: What are Anxiety Disorders and how do they impact the individuals who suffer from them?

2 What are Anxiety Disorders?
Def: A condition in which intense feelings on apprehension are longs standing and disruptive. This can be triggered by a variety of unique factors -Stress (the big one) -Fear (A response to stress) -Sadness

3 Symptoms of Anxiety: The symptoms of Anxiety Disorders are commonly…
-Increased heart rate -Sweating -Rapid Breathing -Dry Mouth -Sense of Dread

4 Phobias: The Most Common Disorder
Def: An anxiety disorder involving strong, irrational fear of an object or situation that does not objectively justify such a reaction. Almost all people have these disorders They can definitely have an impact on our behavior What are you afraid of? (list 5)

5 Specific Phobias: Def: An anxiety disorder involving fear and avoidance of heights, animals, and other specific stimuli and situations. People will avoid any situation that could put them in any possibility of contact with their phobia

6 Social Phobia: Def: An anxiety disorder involving strong, irrational fears related to social situations. These people will generally try to avoid certain types of social situations They may avoid social situations all together and become isolated

7 Agoraphobia: Def: An anxiety disorder in which one has a strong fear of being alone or away from the security of one’s home It can be very difficult for these people to get out into the world.

8 Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
Def: A condition in which one is plagued by a relatively mild, but persistent anxiety that is not focused on one thing. People usually describe the feeling that something bad is going to happen, but for no logical reason

9 Panic Disorder: Def: An anxiety disorder involving sudden panic attacks. These symptoms can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack Can be particularly debilitating.

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