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Portraits of Jesus A Lent Course at Aldridge Parish Church

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1 Portraits of Jesus A Lent Course at Aldridge Parish Church
6 Wednesday evenings 7.45pm – 9.30pm 14th Feb Jesus - the Trailblazer (Letter to Hebrews) 21st Feb Jesus - the History Maker (Luke and Acts) 28th Feb Jesus - the Hidden King (Mark’s Gospel) 7th Mar Jesus - the new Moses (Matthew’s Gospel) 14thMar Jesus - the Lord who Reigns Now (Paul’s letters) 21st Mar Jesus - the Meaning of Life (John’s Gospel) 1

2 Creating a Portrait A Portrait is ‘the Remembrance of a Friend’
Portraits attend to the inner life, character and importance of the subject and the artist builds that into how the ‘appearance’ is re-presented. The artist ‘plays’ with the tension between the visual (literal) and the ‘significant’ - which is less tangible, harder to express and usually more important. 2

3 A Portrait of Jesus 3

4 The Tools of the Literary Portrait Painter
The shape of the Text – ‘editor at work’ The Interactions between different characters The selection of language – ‘playing with words’ The adoption of a ‘Point of View’ in the text The invitation to the Reader to be a detective The Scriptural ‘Trinity’ – Text, Readers, Holy Spirit 4

5 Jesus - the History Maker
Portraits of Jesus A Lent Course at Aldridge Parish Church 6 Wednesday evenings 7.45pm – 9.30pm Jesus - the History Maker a portrait of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles 5

6 1. The Dedication of the Books
The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles Why Luke – Acts? 1. The Dedication of the Books Gospel of Luke ‘I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus… Lk 1.3 Acts of the Apostles ‘In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven…. Acts 1.2 6

7 The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles
Why Luke – Acts? 1. The Dedication of the Books Gospel of Luke ‘I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus… Lk 1.3 Acts of the Apostles ‘In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven…. Acts 1.2 2. The Sequence of Luke and Acts Jesus is ‘taken up’ to heaven Book 1. Gospel of Luke Book 2. Acts of the Apostles .. 7

8 The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles
Why Luke – Acts? 1. The Dedication of the Books Gospel of Luke ‘I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus… Lk 1.3 Acts of the Apostles ‘In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven…. Acts 1.2 2. The Sequence of Luke and Acts Jesus is ‘taken up’ to heaven Book 1. Gospel of Luke Book 2. Acts of the Apostles .. 3. The Literary Greek Style in each book ‘The language and style of (Luke-Acts) stand out in the New Testament and show… he was writing literature for an educated audience.’ I H Marshall, Tyndale NT Commentary, 1980 8

9 John the Baptist and Jesus
The ‘Shape’ of Luke and Acts The Gospel of Luke John the Baptist and Jesus Ministry in Galilee Journey to Jerusalem Ministry in Jerusalem Passion Risen Jesus Preface 1.5 – 4.13 4.14 – 9.50 9.51 – 19.10 9

10 The ‘Shape’ of Luke and Acts
The Gospel of Luke John the Baptist and Jesus Ministry in Galilee Journey to Jerusalem Ministry in Jerusalem Passion Risen Jesus Preface 1.5 – 4.13 4.14 – 9.50 9.51 – 19.10 The Acts of the Apostles Ministry of Peter in Jerusalem and Caesarea Conversion of Saul Gentile Cornelius believes Church planted at Antioch Ministry of Paul based in Antioch Mission 1 – Asia Minor Mission 2 – Macedonia Mission 3 – Asia Paul to Jerusalem Arrested in Jerusalem Prison in Caesarea Travels to Rome Taught about Lord Jesus Birth of the Church 1.1 – 2.47 3.1 – 12.25 13.1 – 20.38 10

11 The ‘Shape’ of Luke - Acts
Jesus, ministry in Galilee Jesus, journey to Jerusalem Jesus, ministry in Jerusalem, death, resurrection Birth of the Church – Peter, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Mission to the Gentiles – Paul, Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece Paul in Jerusalem, Caesarea, Malta, Rome Preface Birth of the Church Luke – Acts: History of Jesus and the Spirit Historical Development – Events happened 11

12 The ‘Shape’ of Luke - Acts
Jesus, ministry in Galilee Jesus, journey to Jerusalem Jesus, ministry in Jerusalem, death, resurrection Birth of the Church – Peter, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Mission to the Gentiles – Paul, Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece Paul in Jerusalem, Caesarea, Malta, Rome Preface Birth of the Church Luke – Acts: History of Jesus and the Spirit Historical Development – Events happened Geographical Movement – small rural province to Rome 12

13 The ‘Shape’ of Luke - Acts
Jesus, ministry in Galilee Jesus, journey to Jerusalem Jesus, ministry in Jerusalem, death, resurrection Birth of the Church – Peter, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Mission to the Gentiles – Paul, Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece Paul in Jerusalem, Caesarea, Malta, Rome Preface Birth of the Church Luke – Acts: History of Jesus and the Spirit Historical Development – Events happened Geographical Movement – small rural province to Rome Growth of the early church across the Roman Empire 13

14 The ‘Shape’ of Luke - Acts
Jesus, ministry in Galilee Jesus, journey to Jerusalem Jesus, ministry in Jerusalem, death, resurrection Birth of the Church – Peter, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Mission to the Gentiles – Paul, Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece Paul in Jerusalem, Caesarea, Malta, Rome Preface Birth of the Church Luke – Acts: History of Jesus and the Spirit Historical Development – Events happened Geographical Movement – small rural province to Rome Growth of the early church across the Roman Empire Narrative is the ‘historical’ expression of Jesus’ vision 14

15 Jesus - the History Maker in Luke - Acts
Jesus, ministry in Galilee Jesus, journey to Jerusalem Jesus in Jerusalem, death, resurrection Birth of the Church – Peter, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Mission to the Gentiles – Paul, Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece Paul in Jerusalem, Caesarea, Malta, Rome Birth of the Church Preface 15

16 Jesus - the History Maker in Luke - Acts
Jesus, ministry in Galilee Jesus, journey to Jerusalem Jesus in Jerusalem, death, resurrection Birth of the Church – Peter, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Mission to the Gentiles – Paul, Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece Paul in Jerusalem, Caesarea, Malta, Rome Birth of the Church Preface 16

17 Jesus - the History Maker in Luke - Acts
Jesus, ministry in Galilee Jesus, journey to Jerusalem Jesus in Jerusalem, death, resurrection Birth of the Church – Peter, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Mission to the Gentiles – Paul, Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece Paul in Jerusalem, Caesarea, Malta, Rome Birth of the Church Preface 17

18 Jesus - the History Maker in Luke - Acts
Jesus, ministry in Galilee 1. Jesus, journey to Jerusalem 2. Jesus in Jerusalem, death, resurrection 3. Birth of the Church – Peter, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria. 4, 5. Mission to the Gentiles – Paul, Antioch, Asia Minor, Greece. 6. Paul in Jerusalem, Caesarea, Malta, Rome. 7. Birth of the Church Preface Jesus Makes History at each stage by his words in the power of the Spirit Nazareth – the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. Lk The Journey to Jerusalem. Lk The commitment to ‘yet not my will, but yours be done’. Lk 22.42 The Instructions to wait for the Holy Spirit and then ‘be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.’ Acts 1.8 5. The Instructions to Peter to welcome the Gentiles. Acts The commissioning of Paul and Barnabas for mission. Acts Paul’s journey to Jerusalem and on to Rome. Acts 20.23 18

19 ‘the good news proclaimed to the poor’
The Mission of Jesus the History Maker Counter-cultural History The Spirit of the Lord is on me because 1. He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor’ 2. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and 3. recovery of sight for the blind 4. To set the oppressed free 5. To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour Lk Jesus replied to the messengers: ‘Go back and report to John (the Baptist) what you have seen and heard: 1. The blind receive their sight 2. The lame walk 3. Those who have leprosy are cleansed 4. The deaf hear 5. The dead are raised and 6. the good news is proclaimed to the poor’ Lk 7.22 Note to Theophilus to find out more about ‘the good news proclaimed to the poor’ please read Lk 4.20 – 7.17 19

20 Jesus the ‘History’ Maker
1. Jesus’s ministry was anointed and led by the Holy Spirit and so was the ministry of the early church. 2. Jesus’ Ministry made a public and well evidenced ‘difference’ – which all could see. 3. Jesus’ introduced the Kingdom of God in his day which will be experienced fully at the End time. 4. Jesus introduced his radical ‘counter-cultural’ history which prioritised the poor and marginalised and he met them where they were. 20

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