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Ankle Taping.

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1 Ankle Taping

2 1. Prep skin Leg extended Foot is in neutral (neither inverted or everted) Ankle is dorsiflexed to 90° Apply a layer of prewrap There should be no holes or gaps in the prewrap When applying, pull prewrap moderately, avoid wrinkles

3 3. Apply 2 more anchor strips in the instep of the foot
2. Apply 2 anchor strips where the gastrocnemius muscle and the Achilles tendon meet The first strip is half on the skin and half on the prewrap Each strip is individually applied Slightly apply a downward angle Pull slightly and avoid wrinkles 3. Apply 2 more anchor strips in the instep of the foot Tape should not go over the hook of the 5th metatarsal Always apply tape about halfway over the next piece of tape.

4 4. Make sure the athlete does not have any pain with the tape (pain indicates that the tape is too tight) The purpose of these anchors is to give the rest of the tape something to stick to The rest of your ankle tape should be confined to this area

5 5. Apply your first stirrup
This strip should go directly over the medial malleolus Pull medially side of the ankle to the lateral side of the anchor Hold the tape at the top of the anchor to avoid pulling the tape completely off. Rip tape on the lateral side of the anchor. Purpose of the stirrups are to pull the ankle outward (thus helping prevent an inversion ankle sprain, the most common type of ankle sprain)

6 6. Apply a C-strip/horseshoe
Begins on the medial instep anchor, pulled slightly over and under the malleolus, tear at the lateral instep anchor The purpose of the c-strip is to allow a smooth surface on the Achilles tendon to prevent friction

7 7. Alternate 2 more stirrups and 2 more c-strips.
You should have a total of 3 stirrups which will fan out You should have a total of 3 c- strips, one below your first c-strip and one above

8 8. Apply 4 heel locks, alternating between lateral and medial
To apply a lateral heel lock, start on the lateral part of the heel, hook the heel, come up on the opposite side and go around the ankle once To apply a medial heel lock, follow the same movements but start on the medial side of the heel v=QZAEUI57BxQ

9 9. Apply 2 figure 8’s This strip will loop around the foot and the ankle. Apply tension while making this loop

10 10. Making your tape job look “pretty”
There should be no holes in the tape Any holes around the heel to be filled in with a c-strip Apply multiple strips continuously (closed basket weave) around the ankle inferiorly to superiorly The purpose of this is to close any loose ends up and prevent tape from rubbing over with activity

11 11. Check pulse

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