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Welcome to the Wonderful World of Hospitality

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Wonderful World of Hospitality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Wonderful World of Hospitality

2 Hospitality From the French word “hospice…
“To provide care/shelter for travelers”

3 Pineapple Symbolic of… Welcome Friendship Hospitality

4 Characteristics of Hospitality
Pineapple is a symbol of welcome, friendship, and hospitality Largest and fastest growing industry Emphasis on service, and guest satisfaction Product is intangible and perishable

5 Characteristics of Hospitality
Hospitality (cont.)… No such thing as business hours Hospitality operations run on a 24 hour basis all year round Characterized by shift work

6 Corporate Philosophy Philosophy…
Shift towards greater employee empowerment Strong links to TQM Service philosophy is a way of life

7 Corporate Culture Culture… Overall style and feel of the company
Mission Statement Central purposes, strategies, and values Goal Broad statement geared towards accomplishment

8 Corporate Culture Culture (cont.)… Objective Strategy/Tactics
Quantification of goals Strategy/Tactics Actions needed to reach goals

9 Reasons Behind Inconsistency in Service
Education system does not teach service Little priority to training in service Over reliance on Technology Lack of motivation

10 7 Deadly Sins of Service Sins of service… Apathy Robotics Brush-off
Coldness Condensation Robotics Rule book Runaround

11 Success in Service Success… Focus on the guest
Understand the role of the guest-contact employee Weave a service culture into education and training systems Thrive on change

12 Moments of Truth Examples in a restaurant… Guest calls for reservation
Guest tries to find restaurant Guest parking Guest welcome Guest is told table is not ready Guest goes to lounge for a cocktail

13 Leadership Effective leadership involves…
Applying your own particular brand of leadership to the operation Managing change effectively Valerie Ferguson

14 Leadership Leadership (cont.)… Fostering teamwork
Soliciting teamwork from employees Motivating employees Delivering on all promises Valerie Ferguson

15 Traits of Leadership Traits… Integrity Honesty Trustworthiness
Confidence Creativity Flexibility

16 Traits of Leadership Traits (cont.)… Communication
Willingness to teach Motivation Adaptability

17 Leadership Characteristics
Strong sense of purpose Persistence Self-knowledge Always seeks new learning experiences Enjoys work

18 Leadership Characteristics
Characteristics (cont.)… Relationships based on trust and respect Socially responsible Takes risks Sees mistakes as opportunities Serves the needs of others

19 A “MUST” for Leaders Leaders… Provide clear expectations and standards
Communicate those expectations Hold members accountable for their feedback

20 A “MUST” for Leaders Leaders (cont.)…
Coach through honest and direct feedback Recognize, reward, and celebrate success

21 Service and TQM Service… Ensures consistency
Participative process that involves all departments Continuous process Should be an integral part of the mission It’s simply EXCITING

22 Making it Happen Happening… Good Academic record Resume Internships
Mentor Job shadowing

23 Making it Happen Happening (cont.)… Networking Work experience
Extracurricular Activities

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