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TEA Corrective Action Plan

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1 TEA Corrective Action Plan
USDE, OSEP Monitoring Visit resulted in requirement of TEA to Develop Plans to address four corrective actions

2 Supervision of each ISD to ensure they identify, locate and evaluate all children suspected of having a disability. Increase and review the size of the Review and Support Team in Special Ed. with a minimum of one visit every six years This team will focus on legal compliance but also support most effective practices for better outcomes for students Adjust PEMS data collection components

3 Ensure ISDs locate and evaluate children who should have been referred for an initial evaluation and consider if additional services are needed. * Inform families by using a third party * Expand the call center * Trainings for LEAs on conducting assessments * LEA provide compensatory services

4 TEA will provide training to all staff to ensure that struggling learners in RTI, dyslexia, and 504 are not delayed or denied the right to an initial evaluation TEA will release resources to be shared with parents TEA will revise the dyslexia handbook to clarify for parents TEA will create and execute a statewide professional development for all educators

5 TEA will monitor ISDs implementation of IDEA requirements for students receiving special education services under IDEA, as well as supports through RTI, 504, and dyslexia. Create the Special Education Escalation Team If you receive a negative monitoring report (from Review and Support Team) you will be referred to the Escalation Team for intensive assistance Until team is created, the School Improvement team will focus existing activities to identify high needs LEAs TEA will help ensure a variety of third party technical assistance providers are available to districts

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