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The Rise of Cities Chapter #6 - Section #2.

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1 The Rise of Cities Chapter #6 - Section #2

2 The Rise of Cities The population explosion that had begun during the 1700s continued through the 1800s. Cities grew as rural people streamed into urban areas. By the end of the century, European and American cities had begun to take on many of the features of cities today.

3 Outline pg. 203 - 207 I. Medicine and the population explosion
A. The fight against disease 1. 2. B. Hospital Care Improves 3.

4 II. City Life Changes A. City Landscapes Change 1. 2.
B. Sidewalks, Sewers, and Skyscrapers C. Slum Conditions D. The Lure of the City

5 III. The Working Class Advances
A. Labor Unions Begin to Grow 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Standards of Living Rise

6 Revolutions Video Mankind the Story of us All 15:40
Mega city of London is overcrowded and disease ridden.

7 Standards Check - Section #1
Homework Standards Check - Section #1 (pg. 196 – 202) 1. What factors led to the industrialization of other nations after Britain? –pg. 198 2. What was the dynamo’s impact on the Industrial Revolution? –pg. 199 3. How did technological advances in transportation and communication affect the Industrial Revolution? –pg. 201 4. Why were big business leaders “captains of industry” to some, but “robber barons” to others? – pg. 202

8 A View of Industrial America
World History Video THE JUNGLE A View of Industrial America The Industrial Revolution of the 1800s had a dramatic effect on economic and social life around the globe. The economies of industrializing nations shifted from agriculture to manufacturing – from rural areas to cities. This segment uses the story of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle to illustrate the difficult conditions endured by factory workers during this new industrial age.

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