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Capital Investment Network Scottish Government Update

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1 Capital Investment Network Scottish Government Update
Alan Morrison Health Finance and Infrastructure 4 October 2016

2 Infrastructure Investment Plan
Published on 16 December 2015 Sets out a refreshed programme of long-term investment in Scotland Infrastructure investment is central to the Scottish Government’s economic strategy and our vision for a prosperous, fair and well-connected Scotland The 2015 plan sets out: why we need to invest; how we will invest; and what strategic, large scale investments we intend to take forward within each sector over the next 20 years.

3 Infrastructure Investment Plan
Prioritise infrastructure investment based on our guiding principles of: delivering sustainable economic growth through increasing competitiveness and tackling inequality; managing the transition to a more resource efficient, lower carbon economy; supporting delivery of efficient and high quality public services; and supporting employment and opportunity across Scotland.

4 Infrastructure Investment Plan
Plan aims to meet these challenges across a diverse range of programmes and by delivering key commitments: Transforming early learning and childcare – expansion to 1140 hours per year; Enhancing housing supply in Scotland – 50,000 homes; Creating a new, overarching energy strategy for Scotland, as well as recognising it as a national infrastructure priority; Continue with expansion of broadband; Investment in healthcare infrastructure, including the establishment of several new diagnostic and treatment centres; and Investment to improve transport infrastructure including measures to improve journey times and connections, reduce emissions and improve the quality and accessibility of public transport.

5 Infrastructure Investment Plan
Available Scottish Government Capital (DEL) Budget: £2,949 million £3,080 million £3,244 million In cash terms by 2020 the budget will be lower by £91 million than it was in (£3,335 million), which equates to a 15.7% reduction in real terms.

6 Infrastructure Investment Plan
Projected Project Pipeline Estimated Capital Investment Timetable £million National infrastructure priority on energy efficiency 6,000 Mid 2030s Scottish Water Investment Programme 3,600 Up to 2021 Affordable housing 3,000 2021 A9 / A96 Dual carriageway 1,500 Forth Replacement Crossing 1,325 2017 Glasgow Terminal Stations 1,300 Beyond 2019 Scotland’s Schools for the Future 1,130 2020 Glasgow and Clyde Valley City Deal A90 Aberdeen Peripheral Route 745 End 2017 Edinburgh – Glasgow Rail Improvements 742 March 2019 M8 M73 M74 Motorway Improvements 439 Superfast Broadband 410 To Ferry and Harbour Projects 400 To 2022 Unscheduled and Diagnostic Care Centres 200 TBC NHS Grampian - Baird and Anchor 145

7 NHS Boards - Aspirational Plans
Hospital Replacement Programme / Major Projects NHS Ayrshire and Arran – Crosshouse Hospital NHS Borders – Borders General Hospital NHS Highland - Raigmore Hospital NHS Lanarkshire – Monklands Hospital NHS Lothian – Edinburgh Cancer Centre NHS Tayside – Ninewells Hospital

8 NHS Boards - Aspirational Plans
Board Specific Projects Highlighted as Strategic Priorities include (not an exhaustive list) NHS Borders – eHealth NHS Dumfries and Galloway – Cresswell Maternity Unit (£18 million) NHS Fife – Primary Care Centres (£10 million) NHS Grampian – Primary Care Centres NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde – developing plans to support their clinical strategy NHS Lothian – Oncology, Telephone Replacement (£26 million) NHS Shetland – Acute Ward Redesign (£6 million) NHS Tayside – Ninewells Electrical Infrastructure, Children Theatres (~£30 million) State Hospital – Perimeter Fence Replacement (£5 million) NSS – Logistics Warehouse Ambulance Service – Defibrillators / Site Improvements (£24 million)

9 NHS Boards - Aspirational Plans
Other Areas of Expenditure Medical Equipment eHealth / Information Technology Backlog Maintenance Shared Services

10 Capital Review – Short Life Working Group
Chaired by Alan Gray, Director of Finance NHS Grampian The members of the group shall be a small representative group of Directors of Finance, Health Finance and Health Facilities Scotland. Purpose To develop a high level risk assessment of the asset base using the data in the latest state of the estate report and other sources where appropriate. To consider options to fund an asset management programme for NHS Scotland and how such funding could be prioritised. This will include considering how best to utilise appropriate capital planning tools. To provide advice to HFS on the guidance to be issued to Boards for the next update of the Asset Management Strategy to ensure that this captures a complete assessment of the asset base Once complete a wider prioritisation group will be set up to consider how we rank these various investment options.

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