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Saving your Animations

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1 Saving your Animations

2 Saving your Animations
The file types we have used so far are: .jpg .psd .ai

3 Saving your Animations
You will be saving your Photoshop animations as two different file types: .GIF and .MOV

4 Saving your Animations : GIF
GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. GIF files use up to 256 colors, much less than other image file formats.

5 Saving your Animations : GIF

6 Saving your Animations : GIF
The smaller color palette keeps file sizes smaller, making GIF files ideal for internet graphics and simple animations. GIF

7 Saving your Animations
GIF files also support animation.

8 Saving your Animations
To save your animation as a GIF, go to: File – Save For Web and Devices.

9 Saving your Animations
SAVE YOUR GIF AS “8GifLastnameFirstinitial.gif” Ex: “8GifPerryK.gif”

10 Saving your Animations
Make sure it will save as a GIF, then click SAVE.

11 Saving your Animations
A .MOV is a movie file that is supported by the program QuickTime, an application made by Apple.

12 Saving your Animations
To save your animation as a movie file: File – Export – Render Video

13 Saving your Animations
Save your MOV as: “” Ex: “”

14 Saving your Animations
Make sure it will save as a Quicktime movie, then click Render.

15 Saving your Animations
We will be adding sound to your MOV files using iMovie HD.

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