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Chromosomes & DNA Replication

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Presentation on theme: "Chromosomes & DNA Replication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chromosomes & DNA Replication

2 DNA & Chromosomes Prokaryotes Eukaryotes circular chromosomes
DNA is found in cytoplasm Eukaryotes Located in nucleus 1000x more DNA than prokaryotes Number of chromosomes varies (human has 46, fruit flies has 8)

3 DNA Length Very long DNA in one human cell is one meter long
Ex: Imagine stuffing 300m of rope into your back pack

4 Chromosome Structure Contain DNA & protein (histones) packed together called chromatin Not visible until cell division

5 Chromosome Structure

6 DNA Replication Before a cell divides it copies its DNA (replication)
Each new cell now has a complete set of DNA The DNA molecule separates into two strands Two new strands follow the rules of base pairing (C with G, A with T) EX: a sequence of base pairs with TACGTT would have a complimentary strand of ATGCAA

7 DNA Replication

8 Cell Reproduction Facts
Adults produce about 2 trillion cells a day Replacement cells are exact copies of the old cells Some cells, like hair & nails, are replaced constantly Other cells, like brain & nerve cells are rarely replaced Replicating DNA provides both daughter cells with a complete set of DNA.

9 Cells divide because Large cells an inefficient. (diffusion of wastes/nutrients take too long) Growth & Development Replace old cells Replace damaged cells

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