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On your scrap piece of paper, brainstorm carbohydrates - write down everything you know so far about carbohydrates… CARBOHYDRATES.

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Presentation on theme: "On your scrap piece of paper, brainstorm carbohydrates - write down everything you know so far about carbohydrates… CARBOHYDRATES."— Presentation transcript:

1 On your scrap piece of paper, brainstorm carbohydrates - write down everything you know so far about carbohydrates… CARBOHYDRATES

2 Macro = Big Needed in large amounts… Macronutrients include proteins, fats, carbohydrates

3 Carbohydrates should provide 50% of the body’s energy
= ENERGY eaten > broken down into glucose > absorbed into bloodstream > used for energy Carbohydrates should provide 50% of the body’s energy Too much carbohydrate = stored as body fat Simple Carbohydrates (known as sugars) Energy is released quickly Complex Carbohydrates Energy is released slowly

4 Divided into 3 main groups: SUGARS
STARCHES (slow releasing carbohydrates) Take longer to digest than sugars so release energy more slowly over a longer time - healthiest sources of energy DIETARY FIBRE (Non-starch Polysaccharide) Found in the cell structure of plants Humans cannot digest fibre - but important in moving waste material through the body INTRINSIC(natural sugars) From part of the cell structure in some fruits & vegetables EXTRINSIC (added sugars) Not found naturally, added to provide sweetness/quick source of energy

5 DIETARY FIBRE Keeps the gut healthy and prevent constipation.
Fibre is not digested when we eat it. 12 grams vs 18 grams! Plant based foods:

Excess protein > converted into glucose > stored in the liver as glycogen > secondary source of energy Proteins = long chains of amino acids (indispensable amino acids – cannot live without them)

7 HBV = High Biological Value LBV = Low Biological Value
ANIMAL HBV = High Biological Value Contain all of the indispensable amino acids VEGETABLE LBV = Low Biological Value Lack one or more of the indispensable amino acids NEED TO MIX & MATCH BOTH IN DIET NOVEL PROTEINS Grown from micro-organisms which produce mycoprotein known as Quorn (low in fat, good source of proteins for vegetarians).

8 = ENERGY & supply vitamins A, D, E & K (also provide a protective layer around delicate internal organs such as kidneys) ANIMAL Saturated fatty acids (converted to cholesterol in liver) Need some cholesterol (healthy cells & hormones) Too much = blocked arteries & heart disease VEGETABLE Unsaturated fatty acids (NOT converted to cholesterol in liver) Healthier than animal fats

9 Ways of cutting down on saturated fat:

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