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Published byHilda Casey Modified over 6 years ago
Grids for GeoSensors, GeoScience and GeoScientists
EarthScope CSIT Workshop March PTLIU Laboratory for Community Grids Geoffrey Fox Computer Science, Informatics, Physics Indiana University, Bloomington IN 11/13/2018 uri="
Trends of Importance Resources of increasing performance or functionality Computers (ASCI, Earth Simulator to TeraGrid), storage, sensors, networks, PDA’s Applications of increasing sophistication Size, multi-scales, multi-disciplines New algorithms and mathematical techniques Computer science Compilers, Parallelism, Objects, Components Grid and Internet Concepts and Technologies Enabling new applications XML, Web Services,Portals, Collaboration 11/13/2018 uri="
Projected Top 500 Until Year 2009
First, Tenth, 100th, 500th, SUM of all 500 Projected in Time Earth Simulator from Japan 11/13/2018 uri="
PACI 13.6 TF Linux TeraGrid Caltech Argonne SDSC NCSA 32 Nodes 0.5 TF
574p IA-32 Chiba City 256p HP X-Class 32 32 Caltech 32 Nodes 0.5 TF 0.4 TB Memory 86 TB disk Argonne 64 Nodes 1 TF 0.25 TB Memory 25 TB disk 32 32 128p Origin 24 32 128p HP V2500 32 HR Display & VR Facilities 24 8 8 5 92p IA-32 5 HPSS HPSS 24 4 Extreme Black Diamond OC-12 Chicago & LA DTF Core Switch/Routers Cisco 65xx Catalyst Switch (256 Gb/s Crossbar) ESnet HSCC MREN/Abilene Starlight OC-48 Calren OC-48 OC-12 NTON OC-12 ATM Juniper M160 GbE SDSC 256 Nodes 4.1 TF, 2 TB Memory 225 TB disk NCSA 500 Nodes 8 TF, 4 TB Memory 240 TB disk Juniper M40 Juniper M40 vBNS Abilene Calren ESnet OC-12 OC-12 OC-3 vBNS Abilene MREN OC-12 2 2 OC-12 OC-3 Myrinet Clos Spine 8 4 HPSS 8 UniTree 2 Sun Starcat 4 Myrinet Clos Spine = 32x 1GbE 1024p IA-32 320p IA-64 1176p IBM SP Blue Horizon 16 = 64x Myrinet 14 4 = 32x Myrinet 1500p Origin Sun E10K = 32x FibreChannel = 8x FibreChannel 10 GbE 32 quad-processor McKinley Servers 4GF, 8GB memory/server) 32 quad-processor McKinley Servers 4GF, 12GB memory/server) Fibre Channel Switch 16 quad-processor McKinley Servers 4GF, 8GB memory/server) Cisco 6509 Catalyst Switch/Router IA-32 nodes 11/13/2018 uri="
The HPCC Track The 1990 HPCC 10 year initiative was largely aimed at enabling large scale simulations for a broad range of computational science and engineering problems It was in many ways a success and we have methods and machines that can (begin to) tackle most 3D simulations ASCI simulations particularly impressive DoE still putting substantial resources into basic software and algorithms from adaptive meshes to PDE solver libraries Machines are still increasing in performance exponentially and should achieve petaflops in next 7-10 years EarthScope community needs to harness these capabilities Japan’s Earth Simulator activity major effort with large hardware and software (GEOFEM) efforts 11/13/2018 uri="
Some HPCC Advice to EarthScope
Important to build Sustainable modular software Use MPI and openMP if needed for performance on shared memory nodes Adaptive Meshes Load Balancing PDE Solvers including fast multipoles Particle dynamics Other areas such as datamining, visualization and data assimilation quite advanced but still significant research } Are well understood to get high performance parallel simulations Use broad community expertise 11/13/2018 uri="
Use of Object Technologies
There is emerging HPCC component architecture allowing production of more modern libraries (integration Infrastructure) DoE has very large CCA – Common Component Architecture – effort Package software (“system and applications”) as distributed objects – not as traditional libraries CORBA Java and Web Services are not naturally high performance as component models but OK for coarse grain objects (“full programs”) As a language, C++ can be high performance but Java is not uniformly so (it is improving) Fortran (including Fortran90) will continue to decline in importance and interest – the community should prefer not to use it Not essential to write modules in object oriented language It is essential to package modules in object framework 11/13/2018 uri="
What is a Web Service I A web service is a computer program running on either the local or remote machine with a set of well defined interfaces (ports) specified in XML (WSDL) In principle, computer program can be in any language (Fortran .. Java .. Perl .. Python) and the interfaces can be implemented in any way what so ever Interfaces can be method calls, Java RMI Messages, CGI Web invocations, totally compiled away (inlining) but The simplest implementations involve XML messages (SOAP) and programs written in net friendly languages like Java and Python Web Services separate the meaning of a port (message) interface from its implementation so CAN get high performance in spite of voluminous XML format Enhances/Enables re-usable component model of ANY electronic resource 11/13/2018 uri="
What is a Web Service II Web Services have important implication that ALL interfaces are XML messages based. In contrast Web Services in some sense replace distributed object paradigms such as CORBA and Java but can wrap these other technologies as Web Services We wrapped our CORBA + Java Computing Portal Gateway as Web services straightforwardly Security Catalog Payment Credit Card Warehouse shipping WSDL interfaces 11/13/2018 uri="
Raw Resources Clients Raw Data Raw Data Render to XML Display Format
(Virtual) XML Data Interface Web Service (WS) WS WS WS etc. XML WS to WS Interfaces WS (Virtual) XML Knowledge (User) Interface Render to XML Display Format (Virtual) XML Rendering Interface Clients 11/13/2018 uri="
Classic Grid Architecture
Resources Database Database Content Access Composition Middle Tier Brokers Service Providers Netsolve Security Collaboration Computing Middle Tier becomes Web Services Clients Users and Devices 11/13/2018 uri="
Examples of System Web Services I
OGSA (Open Grid Service Architecture) Integrate Web Service and Grid Concepts and allows Globus to be implemented as Web Services Audio-Video Conferencing as a Web Service Integrates H323, SIP, JXTA (etc.) protocols by mapping to single XML Interface Provides VRVS reflector model from Messaging Web Service Messaging or Event Web Service provides intelligent routing and buffering of messages Computing as a Web service Job submittal, status, composition, data services, visualization Performance WS allows access to distributed monitoring data, analysis, models, and final benchmarks with interoperable XML interfaces 11/13/2018 uri="
EarthScope Peer to Peer Grid Community
“Everything” (people/sensors/ applications) connected by XML messages Distributed Scientists using Collaboration Web Service to access/use Application Web Services 11/13/2018 uri="
Gateway and Web Services
We can use the Gateway Computing Portal as an example ( It is largely built using CORBA with a Java Server Pages front end Several capabilities have been interfaced using WSDL Job Submission (11 Methods including execute local and remote command, copy files etc. as well as Submit Job) Manage WebFlow Session (67 Methods) Generate Batch Script (just 1 method but two implementations developed – one at SDSC and one at Indiana – with UDDI to manage) Each is one service – could have used finer grain services Sample files are at 11/13/2018 uri="
WSDL Abstractions WSDL abstracts a program as an entity that does something given one or more inputs with its results defined by streams on one or more outputs. Functions are defined by method name and parameters methodname(parm1,parm2, … parmN) Where parameters are “Input” “Output” or both In WSDL, we will have a Web Service which like a (Java or CORBA Program) can be thought of as a (distributed) object with many methods Instead of a function call, the “calling routine” sends an XML message to the Web Service specifying methodname and values of the parameters Note name of function is just another parameter 11/13/2018 uri="
WSDL Message Example <message name="submitRequest">
<part name="xmljob" type="xsd:string"/> </message> <message name="submitResponse"> <part name="response" type="xsd:string"/> For the batch script service, we pass the XML description of the job as a string and get back the script as a string. In general, any XML primitive or complex types can be used in messages. We could improve our service by defining a BatchScript complex type. 11/13/2018 uri="
SOAP and Gateway Portal I
Having specified service in WSDL, the run-time is implemented in SOAP which is “just” an XML header (info needed by transport – empty here) and body Here is SOAP transported by HTTP message This is execLocalCommand WSDL operation to run one particular command (ls) on current WebFlow directory HTTP Header Argument of operation SOAP Envelope and body Specify ls as 11/13/2018 uri="
Examples of System Web Services II
Education as a Web Service One of easiest to do as object standards well defined (IMS) and little performance issues Grading, Homework submission, registration, assessment etc. Universal Access and Web Services As Web Services allow multiple implementation of a particular interface, one can adjust to needs of particular clients (PDA v. versus, impaired sight etc.) Can build custom implementations of certain web services for particular communities but re-use others Collaborative Web Services As interfaces all message based, much easier to share Web Services than other applications (PowerPoint interface is NOT message based and harder to share than server app) 11/13/2018 uri="
Education as a Web Service
Can link to Science as a Web Service and substitute educational modules “Learning Object” XML standards already exist from IMS/ADL – need to update architecture Web Services for virtual university include: Registration Performance (grading) Authoring of Curriculum Online laboratories for real and virtual instruments Homework submission Quizzes of various types (multiple choice, random parameters) Assessment data access and analysis Synchronous Delivery of Curricula Scheduling of courses and mentoring sessions Asynchronous access, data-mining and knowledge discovery Learning Plan agents to guide students and teachers 11/13/2018 uri="
Distributed Sensor Web Service
Out Web Service ports Universal sensor access for people/computers In Web Service ports Different format Sensor Data 11/13/2018 uri="
Application Web Services
Filter1 WS Filter2 WS Filter3 WS Build as multiple Filter Web Services Prog1 WS Prog2 WS Build as multiple interdisciplinary Programs Data Analysis WS Simulation WS Visualization WS Note Service model integrates sensors, sensor analysis, simulations and people An Application Web Service is a capability used either by another service or by a user It has input and output ports – data is from users, sensors or other services Big services built hierarchically from “basic” services Sensor Data as a Web service (WS) Data Analysis WS Sensor Management WS Visualization WS Simulation WS SLE (space Link Extension) as a WS 11/13/2018 uri="
XML Skin XML Skin Message Or Event Based Inter Connection Soft ware Resource Soft ware Resource Data base e-Science is XML Specified Resources connected by XML specified messages Implementation of resource and connection may or may not be XML 11/13/2018 uri="
e-Science is just a pile of XML
Each leaf is a piece of XML either defining a nugget of information and/or containing links to other XML or “raw resources” Database 11/13/2018 uri="
XML (RSS) Specification of Information Nuggets
<item rdf:about=" <title> Processing Inclusions with XSLT </title> <link> </link> <description> Processing document inclusions with general XML tools can be problematic. This article proposes a way of preserving inclusion information through SAX-based processing. </description> </item> <item rdf:about=" <title> Putting RDF to Work </title> <link> </link> Tool and API support for the Resource Description Framework is slowly coming of age. Edd Dumbill takes a look at RDFDB, one of the most exciting new RDF toolkits. </rdf:RDF> Example of XML meta-data in the “pile” pointing to other (outside) resources 11/13/2018 uri="
Distributed Information
Actually the XML is distributed all around in a dynamic Grid 11/13/2018 uri="
Structured (XML) Information
Note XML specifies both internal and external nodes of tree root earthscope://root/one/two/bottom one two bottom 11/13/2018 uri="
Matching Information/Service Providers and Consumers I
Classic Centralized Approach Those with services publish information as to location – this is percolated up and down the tree of brokers At simplest, publish location; better publish location and meta-data allowing easier discovery of value Those wanting service, look it up using either Some search of information registered with brokers A search using a system like Google Because they were told some key Like using an encyclopedia; very reliable and fast for well established information 11/13/2018 uri="
Unstructured and Structured XML
Hoosier National Forest showing structured trees and a Gallimaufry of unstructured leaves (fall 2001) root earthscope://root/one/two/mess one two mess “mess” can be multiple levels of tree 11/13/2018 uri="
Event/ Message Brokers
Database Database JXTA Web Service Interfaces Event/ Message Brokers Integrate P2P and Grid/WS Peer to Peer Grid Web Service Interfaces JXTA Peer to Peer Grid 11/13/2018 uri="
Matching Information/Service Providers and Consumers II
Peer-to-peer Approach (or how to search the “mess”) Those with services publish XML advertisements to their friends; their friends may forward it to other friends Those wanting a service, publish an XML request to a chosen set of friends Friends use their personal idiosyncratic approach to matching requests with advertisements and to choosing who else should be asked Analogous to way communities exchange information as in a meeting like this Uncertain reliability but scales well (communities intra-exchange information independently) and supports rapidly varying information (Web Services) Allows many different approaches – EarthScope imposes interfaces NOT analysis methods 11/13/2018 uri="
Grid/P2P Use of Internet I
Cohen’s Rival Estimate Mainly Digital Video ROBERT B. COHEN, PH.D. COHEN COMMUNICATIONS GROUP Global Grid Forum Toronto Feb 11/13/2018 uri="
Grid/P2P Use of Internet II
S2S Server to Server Digital Video “on demand” 11/13/2018 uri="
Semantic Grid & Digital Brilliance I
The (XML) advertisement-request matching provides a publish-subscribe linkage between resources – these are people, computers and raw/processed data The richer the meta-data, the more precise the linkage This is spirit of Semantic Web – RDF/DAML/OIL metadata enables meaningful linkage In a physics analogy, resources can be thought of as spins and the meta-data induced linkage as forces or interactions Phase transitions will occur when “enough” resources are linked – one will get associated spins to align in the direction of new knowledge Term this digital brilliance 11/13/2018 uri="
Semantic Grid & Digital Brilliance II
This suggests ways of quantifying value of metadata induced linkages and ways of identifying where one “should” add more resource specifications Note that related resources are not necessarily directly connected but rather messages are forwarded through friends Study of Peer to Peer networks teach us that we can build “small worlds” where distance between resources is logarithmic in number of nodes This physics based picture provides an interesting underlying formalism to give a theory of e-Science …. All you need to do is to build a lot of XML Meta-data specification wizards 11/13/2018 uri="
Semantic Grid & Digital Brilliance III
EarthScope Collaboratory consists of a set of connected “spins” (being a physicist; resources if I was W3C) Resources are anything with a digital signature Raw data, Analysers, Simulators, Simulations, Processed Information, Extracted Knowledge, Scientists …. The linkage of Earthquake Fault Simulator Web Service to the Greens Function Solver Web Service is as program to subroutine; must have agreement on both syntax and Semantics The linkage of Granular Physics model to (my) remark that Los Alamos has interesting new simulation technology is less precise So linkages with very precise ontologies and those which are more qualitative are both part of Semantic Grid 11/13/2018 uri="
Portals and Web Services
Web Services allow us to build a component model (see CCA) for resources. Each resource naturally has a user interface (which might be customized for user) Web Service <--> Portlet Natural to use a component model for portal building displayed web page from collection of portlets So can customize each portlet and customize which portlets you want Apache Jetspeed seems good open source technology supporting this model JSP model is better than say a client-side Java integration in that also message based so this is “Portal as a Web Service” 11/13/2018 uri="
Jetspeed Computing Portal: Choose Portlets
4 available portlets linking to Web Services I choose two 11/13/2018 uri="
Choose Portlet Layout Choose 1-column Layout Original 2-column Layout
11/13/2018 uri="
Two Computing Portlets
11/13/2018 uri="
EarthScope CSIT Strategy
Make a list of resources with a hierarchical arrangement People, Places, Results (Publications, meeting archives, Simulation Output), Activities, Sensors (Instruments), Data (raw and processed), Earth features, Computers, Software Decide on component (Web Service) model and URI labeling (earthscope://devices/satellites/year/label …) Respect performance requirements Design so modules can be re-used, re-arranged and replaced for outreach (education) Study related CSIT architectures of other fields Grid Forum, PACI, ASCI for computing issues W3C Web Consortium for basic IT infrastructure openGIS XMML for related fields IMS for Education 11/13/2018 uri="
EarthScope HPCC Strategy
Decide what services are well enough understood and useful enough to be encapsulated as application Web Services Parallel FEM Solvers Visualization Parallel Particle Dynamics Access to Sensor Data Image Processing Make services as small as possible – smaller is simpler and more sustainable but with higher communication needs Compose large services from smaller ones Design Portals and portal components that allow one to manipulate services – set parameters, compose, invoke Install chosen System Web Services (job submit, performance, queue) on central machines and local clusters Make certain infrastructure supports compute, data, middleware needs Set necessary hardware/software meta-data 11/13/2018 uri="
EarthScope IT Strategy
Design an internal EIF (EarthScope Internal Framework) defining architecture and interface standards of internal Web Services and data structures Design EEF (EarthScope External Framework) which maps external raw data into sensor web services Support diverse set of explorations as many new approaches to Earth Science enabled by EarthScope Choose some appropriate (mix of) middleware frameworks .net, IBM, BEA, Sun, Oracle Look at special requirements for key system services Hardware/Data systems (new and legacy issues) Security Collaboration including Audio/Video conferencing Peer-to-peer networking Develop necessary meta-data wizards 11/13/2018 uri="
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