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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATION 11/13/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMUNICATION 11/13/2018

2 The word Communication is of Latin origin, derived from the Latin word communicare, which means to share or exchange information, news, views etc. MEANING

3 Communication can be defined as the exchange of information, ideas, and knowledge between sender and receiver through an accepted code of symbols. It is termed effective only when the receiver receives the message intended by the sender in the same perspective. DEFINITION

personal process occurs between people involves change in behaviour means to influence others expression of thoughts and emotions through words & actions. tools for controlling and motivating people. it is a social and emotional process ESSENCES OF COMMUNICATION

Written Oral Visual Audio-Visual Computer based MEDIA OF COMMUNICATION

6 Types of Communication
Interpersonal Communication Intrapersonal Communication Extra Personal Communication Group Communication Mass and Media Communication Types of Communication

7 Interpersonal Communication:
This happens between two (or more than that) people. When one person communicates with another using words and symbols we call it interpersonal communication. The success of this communication depends on the familiarity of knowledge, background and experience of the individuals involved. Interpersonal Communication:

8 Intrapersonal Communication
‘Intra’ means ‘within’ It is talking to one’s own self without the involvement of a second person or party. Electrochemical and electro technical activities of bodily sense are involved. Eyes: transmitter, Central nervous system: medium, brain: receiver and activation of muscles gives feedback. Intrapersonal Communication

9 Extra Personal Communication
Communication between human beings and animals, inanimate objects and their surroundings. The sender may use words but may receive response in the form of gestures. Extra Personal Communication

10 It is an extension of interpersonal communication where more than two individuals are involved in exchange of ideas, skills and interests.  A group is a number of people with a common goal who interact with one another to accomplish their goals, recognize one another’s existence and see themselves as part of the group.  Group Communication

11 Mass and Media Communication
This mode is followed when we communicate with large groups. Electrical/mechanical devices can be used to send the message. The channel could be newspaper, radio, TV, video, internet etc. Mass and Media Communication

Communication is a process whereby information is encoded, channelled, and sent by a sender to a receiver via a medium. PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION

Growth: Due to the emergence of multinational companies, large business houses those operate both within and outside the country demand people with good communication skills. It helps in the growth of organisations. Complexity: In the age of specialization, when a single organization has various activities like planning, advertising and financing etc. they need good communicators to co-ordinate with each other. In a complex situation like this clarity in communication is an essential factor. Competitiveness: The better the communication skills of a professional more are the chances to win the competition in the market. IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION

Harmony: Proper communication brings harmony in the organisation. Without a proper communication between individuals and departments no harmony can be expected. Understanding and cooperation: If there exists good communication between the management and employees, it will bring about an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence. Through effective communication employees get job satisfaction and sense of belongingness towards the organisation. IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION CONTD.

The communication process is cyclic in case of a two way interaction. The cycle of communication includes: 1. Sender and idea 2. encoding the idea into a message 3. Transmission of the message 4. Decoding of the message by the receiver 5. Receiver’s feedback CYCLE OF COMMUNICATION

16 Sender Message Channel Receiver Channel Feedback Message
Communication cycle Sender Message Channel Receiver Channel Feedback Message 11/13/2018

17 11/13/2018

Information Advice order Suggestion Persuasion Education Warning Motivation Raising morale OBJECTIVES OF COMMUNICATION

19 To be understood To be accepted To get something done To understand others

Clarity of thought and expression Completeness Conciseness Consideration Courtesy Correctness Concreteness PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION

21 Types of Communication
Communication can be divided in many ways:-- Purpose a. Personal b. Professional I. Informal i Grapevine II. Formal i Internal operational ii External operational 2. Movement a. Upward b. Downward c. Lateral or Horizontal d. Diagonal Types of Communication 11/13/2018

22 3. Number of persons a. Single
b. A specific group c. Masses 4. Media a. Verbal i. Oral ii written b. Non verbal i. sign language ii. Body language or Kinesics iii. Proxemics iv. Chronemics

23 Informal Communication
Grapevine - The term grapevine communication is often used interchangeably with the term informal communication. Grapevine is an informal network through which communication travels in an organization. Informal Communication

24 Advantages of Grapevine
In general Grapevine is – Not expensive Rapid Multidirectional if carefully cultivated , is capable of resolving conflicts voluntary and unforced Advantages of Grapevine

25 Disadvantages of Grapevine
If information is blindly accepted it may- reveal some degree of error be harmful in case it is baseless and imaginary lead to misunderstanding because it is imaginary. Cause damage to the organization because of its excessive swiftness at time Disadvantages of Grapevine

26 Formal Communication Internal Operational Communication
The communication that takes place within an organisation at various levels for the effective functioning of the organisation is termed as Internal Operational Communication External Operational Communication Communication that takes place between a manager and external groups such as - suppliers, vendors, banks, financial institutes etc. For instance - To raise capital the Managing director would interact with the Bank Manager. Formal Communication

27 Flow of Communication Downward Communication Upward Communications
Lateral or Horizontal Communication Diagonal Communication Flow of Communication

28 Flow of Communication Managing Director Finance Manager F1 F2
Sales Manager S1 S2 Production Manager P1 P2 Flow of Communication

29 Upward Communication Flows to a higher level in an organization
Provides feedback on how well the organization is functioning Non-directive in nature Examples: Grievance Redressal System, Complaint and Suggestion Box, Job Satisfaction surveys etc. Upward Communication

30 Downward Communication
Flows from a higher level in an organization In other words, it is the communication from superiors to subordinates in a chain of commands/instructions.  Used by the managers to transmit work-related information to the employees at lower levels Directive in nature Downward Communication

31 Lateral/Horizontal Communication
It takes place among people at the same level.   It is time saving. It facilitates co-ordination of the task.  It facilitates co-operation among team members.  It provides emotional and social assistance to the organizational members.  It helps in solving various organizational problems. It is a means of information sharing.  It can also be used for resolving conflicts of a department with other department or conflicts within a department. Lateral/Horizontal Communication

32 Diagonal Communication
Communication that takes place between a manager and employees of other workgroups. For instance - To design a training module a training manager interacts with an Operations personnel to enquire about the way they perform their task. Diagonal Communication

33 Face to face Telephonic conversation Video conference Meetings Conferences Interviews etc.
Verbal Communication 11/13/2018

34 Non Verbal Communication
i. Sign Language ii. Body language or Kinesics A. Posture B. Gestures C. Eye Contact D. Facial Expressions E. Appearance iii Proxemics iv Chronemics Non Verbal Communication

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