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Lecture 2 Model-based Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems

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1 Lecture 2 Model-based Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems
Gautam Biswas Dept. of EECS and ISIS Vanderbilt University Acknowledge Gabor Karsai, Pieter Mosterman, Sriram Narasimhan, Eric Manders, Nag Mahadevan, John Ramirez Supported by DARPA SEC, NASA-IS, NASA-ALS, & NSF-ITR Copyright © Vanderbilt University, 2006.

2 Overview Lecture 1: Diagnosis of continuous (dynamic) systems
Lecture 2: Diagnosis of hybrid systems to accommodate more real-world applications (physical processes with supervisory (discrete) control) Lecture 3: Online diagnosis? What’s the use – extend to fault-adaptive control Look at the bigger picture – fault-adaptive control, different fault profiles, prognosis, maintenance, safety, etc. … 11/13/2018

3 Lecture 2 Hybrid Modeling and Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems
Combining Qualitative FDI with Quantitative parameter estimation methods for more informed and more refined diagnosis Example Applications Generation of Toolsuite Simulation experiments Run time system 11/13/2018

4 Fault Adaptive Control Technology
The FACT Paradigm

5 Overview FACT – Fault Adaptive Control Technology
Goal: systematic model-based approaches to maintain system operations under degraded and failure conditions Expanded goals: reliable, safe, autonomous operation for long-duration missions Approach: Develop the technology and required tool-suite using Model-Integrated Computing approach to achieve this Components: Modeling Approaches – hybrid dynamic processes of the plant + reconfigurable controllers Online monitoring of system behavior Online fault detection, isolation, and identification Adaptive models – update plant model after failure Model-predictive fault-adaptive control 11/13/2018

6 Definitions FACT = Toolsuite for constructing software that performs
fault diagnostics and reconfigurable control Fault Diagnostics + Reconfigurable Control Fault Diagnostics = Fault Detection + Fault Source Isolation Reconfigurable Control= Controller alternatives + Reconfiguration Logic Fault-Adaptive control controller adapts its strategy to changing model of system Toolsuite = Design time tools + Run-time support system Application areas: Fault detection/Isolation/Reconfiguration/Adaptation Intelligent Vehicle Health Management Intelligent System Health Management 11/13/2018

7 Model-based Tools and System Development
Visual modeling tool for creating: Hybrid bond-graph models Timed failure propagation graph models Controller models (including reconfiguration) Controller Models Strategy Models Hybrid Diagnostics Active Model Modular run-time environment contains: Hybrid observer and fault detectors Hybrid and Discrete diagnostics modules Controller and reconfiguration strategy model library Controller selector and reconfiguration manager Active controller modules Modules can be used standalone Can use an RTOS as the platform Failure Propagation Controller Diagnostics Selector Fault Detector Plant Models Hybrid Observer Interface & Controllers Reconfiguration Manager Run-time Platform (RTOS) 11/13/2018

8 Fault-Adaptive Control Architecture
Process Hybrid Observer Fault Detector Qualitative Fault Isolation Parameter Estimation Fault Diagnoser Controller 2 1 3 Supervisor Hybrid Bond Graph (HBG) Models Models s1 s3 s2 State Space Temporal Causal Graph Discrete Time Modes Active State Model 11/13/2018

9 FACT Components Modeling environment: Plant + controllers
hierarchical, multi-aspect Three views HBG view Plant I/O view: Sensors + Actuators Controller view (finite state machine, extend to MPC) parameterize faults TFPG view: specialized discrete-event diagnosis approach with time intervals Simulation environment: simulates physical system behavior including fault scenarios Run-time environment: implements fault detection, isolation, identification, and fault adaptive control algorithms 11/13/2018

10 Model building using GME
Building HBG models for diagnosis

11 Bond Graphs Models Impacting Trains Two tank system Two Tank System
Sf1 Two tank system Tank1 Tank2 C1 C2 R12 R1 R2 Lumped parameter Topological Modeling C: C1 R: R12 C: C2 Compact Representation across domains Sf: Sf1 1 R: R1 R: R2 Two Tank System 11/13/2018

12 Hybrid Bond Graph Models
Notion of Switched junctions Operate in two modes: (1) On: traditional junction (2) Off: deactivated, inhibit transfer of energy Local control mechanism implemented as finite state automata Two types: (1) Controlled – by external signals (2) Autonomous – switching function depends on system variables CSPEC: OFF C1 C2 ON 11/13/2018

13 Hybrid Bond Graph Models (contd…)
Notion of Switched junctions Autonomous Junction – switching function depends on system variables Flow between tanks depends on height of fluid in the two tanks. Four conditions: 11/13/2018

14 Formal Definition of HBGs
Based on Hybrid Bond Graphs Bond graphs – generic elements (C, I, R, TF, GY), sources, junctions, and bonds Hybrid Bond Graphs – allow for discrete changes in model configuration (at meta level): idealized switches at junctions that turn energy connections on and off 11/13/2018

15 Building Models in GME Define modeling paradigm (Hybrid Bond Graphs, in our case) as a meta language Create model fragments for typical components In and Out ports defining input to and output from components (both energy transfer and signal communication) Build system components from model fragments by composition Establish connections between in and out ports of different components to specify interactions Switching signals for hybrid systems (controlled + autonomous) 11/13/2018

16 Modeling Language Physical system models Hybrid Bond Graphs
A topological model containing dissipative, storage, and source elements, connected as a reconfigurable network. (discrete changes in model configuration (at meta level): idealized switches at junctions that turn energy connections on and off) Bonds = energy flows Signal flows = information Fault model: Abrupt changes in plant parameters (C,R,I,.. values) Diagnostic problem: Given the deviation between the predicted and observed behavior, which plant parameter has changed? Components C,R,I,Gy,Tr Sf,Se Variables: e/f, u/x/y Energy/Signal ports Switched junctions 11/13/2018

17 Specifying Modeling Paradigm for HBGs
Define HBG elements - (Sf, Se, R, C, I, Tf, Gy, 0, and 1) as atoms Associated properties – e.g., parameter values; C, I have initial values Define Bonds as connections Restrictions on what connects to what Define control signals as atoms and switching connection to 0 or 1 junction Define autonomous signals as boolean decision functions Decision functions can include variables from the system 11/13/2018

18 Modeling Paradigm Example

19 Bond Graph Aspect: Model building
Component: subsystem block with I/O ports; component – HBG fragment Control Signal: continuous value link between components or external input to system DecisionIn(Out)Port: transmits switching values (binary) between signals EnergyIn(Out)Port: BG connect- ions In/OutPorts: pass real values into or out of subsystem ModFunction: Modulates BG com- ponent parameter values Plant: Collection of components + sensor & actuator elements (appear as ports) SwitchingSignal: Boolean value that turns junction on/off 11/13/2018

20 HBGs: Switching Junctions + Decision Signals
BG DecisionFunction. Modulating Function 11/13/2018

21 Modeling Fluid System Components
Typical components -Tanks, Pipes, and Pumps Tanks – C (Capacitance) connected to 0 junction Pumps – energy source (Se) + transformer (TF) connected via 0 junction Pipes – R (Resistance) connected to 1 junctions Two ports for pipes One port for tanks Switching Signal for valves 11/13/2018

22 Water Recovery System Reverse Osmosis 11/13/2018

23 Model Building Environment
 Graphical Component-based Modeling environment (GME)  Under each component model – hybrid bond graph model  Modeling environment: compositional tools for generating simulation models, hybrid observers, & diagnosis models 11/13/2018

24 ALS – HBG model Topological Compact Multi-domain First principles
Conductivity Conductivity calculations Topological Compact Multi-domain First principles Incorporates nonlinearities Easily linked to Supervisory (event-based controller models) can be easily integrated Feed Pump Membrane Feedback Loop Recirc Pump Purge to AES Mechanical Hydraulic 11/13/2018

25 Fault Diagnosis + Reconfiguration/Fault Adaptive Control
FACT Fault Diagnosis + Reconfiguration/Fault Adaptive Control

26 Model-Predictive Control Architecture TRANSCEND + Utility-Based Control
Fault-Adaptive Control Reconfigurable Control <par, mag> Utility-based Control Discrete-Time Simulator Residual Evaluation (Qualitative) Quantitative Residual Generation Fault Detection u Qualitative Fault Isolation Switching EKF ŷ f1 Parameter Estimation f2 Process + r y Symbol Generation s Temporal Causal Graph Hybrid Bond Graph (HBG) s1 Mode 1 State Space s3 Mode 2 s2 Mode 3 EKF – Extended Kalman Filter 11/13/2018

27 Run-time System Hybrid Observer
FINITE AUTOMATON MODELS 2N modes CONTROL EVENTS AUTONOMOUS EVENTS RECALCULATE EXTENDED KALMAN FILTER Tracks plant behavior, estimates discrete and continuous state Handles modulated (non-linear components Observer is constructed from component models automatically EST: xk ,yk uk CONTROLLER yk PLANT 11/13/2018

28 Run-time System Fault Detection
n Faults Residual: Gaussian white with zero mean To detect a fault, the generalized likelihood ratio test (LR) is used for hypothesis testing System + + + residual Model Extended Kalman Filter Residuals deviate from zero because of Noise (n) Separation of effects necessary! Modeling errors () X Sensor inaccuracies () Faults ! 11/13/2018

29 Run-time System Hybrid (TCG) Diagnostics
Plant Models (Hybrid Bond Graphs) TCG Diagnostics Temporal Causal Graph Parameterized State Space Model State Space Models + Hybrid Automaton Fault Isolation Symbol Generation Fault Identification Hybrid Observer Kalman Filter Fault Detector Hypotheses Generation Signature Generation Progressive Monitoring Hr Parameter Estimation Residual Hybrid Automaton Mode change Roll Back Hypothesize Autonomous Transitions Roll Forward 11/13/2018

30 Hybrid Diagnosis Problem
Piecewise linear hybrid dynamical systems Presence of fault invalidates tracked mode trajectory Time Line Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5 Fault Occurs Fault Detected Tracked Trajectory Actual Trajectory T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Mode 6 Mode 7 Fault Hypothesis: <mode,parameter> Roll Back to find fault hypotheses Known Controlled Transition Catch up to current system mode to verify hypotheses against measurements Note: Controller transitions known Autonomous transitions have to be hypothesized Hypothesized Autonomous Transition Possible current modes Hypothesized fault mode Hypothesized intermediate modes Roll Forward to confirm fault hypotheses 11/13/2018

31 Hybrid Diagnosis: Issues
Sometimes fault detection occurs after mode change occurs Requires fast roll back process to identify correct model for fault isolation k-diagnosability: system is k-diagnosable if the effects of a fault manifest themselves in k mode transitions. Issues: Fast roll back process up to k modes What to propagate across mode-change boundaries? Lemma 1: If controller model is “correct”, fault must have occurred in one of the modes in the mode trajectory 11/13/2018

32 Hybrid Diagnosis: Issues
To compare against current behavior, fault signatures have to be generated by a quick roll forward process Issue: Autonomous changes cannot be correctly predicted. Tracking process invokes multiple paths 11/13/2018

33 Fault Isolation & Identification
Roll Back Process Candidate Set <fault,mode> Hypothesis Generation (Back Propagation) Signal to Symbol Generator Past Mode Trajectory Mode mi Qualitative Hypotheses Refinement Forward Prop + Prog Monitoring Quick Roll Forward Refined Candidate Set <fault,mode> current mode From Hybrid Bond Graphs Temporal Causal Graphs (TCGs) Observations Quick Roll Forward Quantitative Hypotheses Refinement Parameter Estimation State Space Models Refined Candidate Set <fault,mode> current mode Online estimation 11/13/2018

34 Roll Back Process Qualitative Hypotheses Generation
Fault: Leak in Drain Pipe Qualitative Hypotheses Generation Back propagate through TCG in current mode to identify candidates Back propagate across mode transitions using transition conditions (need to account for reset conditions, and change in plant configuration – invert qualitatively) Repeat same process for previous modes to identify more candidates Tank 1 Pressure Tank 2 Pressure Tank 3 Pressure Transition Fault Occurred Fault Detected System Autonomous Transition At time of fault detection, Current Mode Candidates = C2+(0-+ ,-+- ,000 ), C1+(-+- ,0-+ ,000 ), R1- (0-+ ,00- ,000 ), R12- (0-+ ,0+- ,000 ) Previous Mode Candidates = C1+(-+- ,000 ,000 ), R1- (0-+ ,000 ,000 ) 11/13/2018

35 Quick Roll Forward In continuous case, mismatch implies fault hypothesis is not consistent. However, in hybrid tracking, it may imply that we are not in the right mode. We need to identify the current mode (roll forward) All controlled transitions are known, but we have to hypothesize autonomous transitions since observer can no longer predict them correctly Use fault signatures to hypothesize mode transitions Tank 1 Pressure Tank 2 Pressure Tank 3 Pressure Transition Fault Occurred Fault Detected System Autonomous Transition At time of fault detection, Current Mode Candidates = C1-(+-+ ,000 ,000 ), R1+ (0+- ,000 ,000 ) No Previous mode candidates 11/13/2018

36 Real-life example: Aircraft Fuel System
New models built based on feedback from Boeing MATLAB simulation for the system Experiments in tracking and FDI Model: 22 components 6 state variables 7 measured variables 6 control signals 60+ symbolic equations 11/13/2018

37 Fuel System Experiments: Parameter values
Component Parameter Name Value Kalman Filter Sensor Accuracy 0.05 Modeling Error 0.001 Fault Detector Fault Detection Threshold 2-3 Window Size (Variance Estimation) 50 Window Size (Mean Estimation) 5 Fault Isolation: Symbol Generation Slope Detection Sensitivity 1 Window Size 11 Fault Identification: Parameter Estimation Number of Samples <=400 Error Function Parabolic FDI system: Design Parameters 11/13/2018

38 Real-life example: Aircraft Fuel System
Left Wing Tank Pump Degradation at t = 150 Pump fault 433 sec Transfer manifold pressure Left Wing Tank pressure Initial Set = 13 candidates 11/13/2018

39 Real-life example: Aircraft Fuel System
Left Wing Tank Pump Degradation at t = 150 Left Wing Tank Pressure: - (below nominal) 4 candidates 11/13/2018

40 Real-life example: Aircraft Fuel System
Left Wing Tank Pump Degradation at t = 150 After parameter estimation True fault: LWTTF- value=0.66 Observer updated: Tracking Again successful 11/13/2018

41 Real-life example: Aircraft Fuel System
Left Wing Tank Pump Degradation at t = 150 TCG LOG 11/13/2018

42 Aircraft Fuel System Time Measured Deviation Fault Set 433 434 439 465
Left Wing Tank Pump Degradation at t = 150 Time Measured Deviation Fault Set 433 Transfer Manifold Pressure (XMP) 13 candidates 434 XMP: discontinuous 10 candidates 439 465 Mode Change: Left Feed Tank Mode Change: Left Feed Tank Off 469 Left Wing Tank Pressure ++ LWT_Pipe.R+, LWT.TF- LWT.R+, Leg26.R- 471 Mode Change: Left Wing Tank: Pump On 489 Left Feed Tank Pressure -- LWT.R+ 528 Mode Change: Left Feed Tank On Parameter Estimation started LWT.TF-: fault coefficient: 0.658 Summary of Results 11/13/2018

43 Fuel System: Experimental Results
Faults Performance Parameters Fault Type Fault Magnitude Fault Detection Time Fault Isolation Time Initial/Final Candidate Set Parameter Estimation Error Noise level 2% 3% LTT-Pump Efficiency Drop 33% 422 555 225 398 14/3 13/4 2.19 5.43 60% 182 183 144 240 1.28 1.79 80% 134 124 197 13/5 0.88 1.49 RWT-Pump 117 285 170 211 2.15 6.11 83 93 139 1.52 1.67 5 55 106 13/3 0.68 RLCV –Block (valve)  1.5 63 65 97 103 25/2 0.62 0.5  1.75 51 58 86 23/1 0.28 0.46  2.00 52 46 79 0.2 Leg21-Pipe (Block) 99 100 136 350 1.58 1.65 95 90 303 14/2 0.78 0.57 76 202 0.19 0.34 11/13/2018

44 Diagnosability of Faults
Aircraft Fuel System Diagnosability of Faults Using simulated data Measured Variables for experiment: output pressures at the wing,transfer, and feed tanks, & pressure at transfer manifold. 2% noise in measured signals (Gaussian) WTP WTR TTP TTR TMR SPR FTP FTR X WT – Wing Tank TT – Transfer Tank TM – Transfer Manifold FT – Feed Tank P: Pump, R: Resistance Using TCG diagnostics -- cannot differentiate between pump degradation and pipe leak on a segment Need additional measurements: e.g., flow rates, pump output 11/13/2018

45 Summary Modeling of Physical Hybrid Systems using Hybrid Bond Graphs
Computational models derived – Hybrid Automata State Space Equations Temporal Causal Graph Fault Diagnosis: Process parameter based using qualitative + quantitative methods Hybrid Observers Robust Fault Detection + Symbol Generation Fault Isolation (Qualitative) Fault Identification (Parameter estimation) Toolset for modeling, tracking, FDI, and fault-adaptive control 11/13/2018

46 Tool chain development
Software Components Tool chain development

47 Software Generation FML file:
Model Database for Plant, Components, and Controller FML file: Compact, textual representation of the models Desktop Run-time package Generator (Model Interpreter) CPP/H files: Models in the form of executable C++ code Platform Run-time package Generator produces Loadable model file for desktop experiment environment Executable C++ code for embedded platform 11/13/2018

48 Tool Operations 2. Desktop experimentation, validation 1. Modeling
3. Feedback Model Interpretation 4. Deployment on embedded platform 11/13/2018

49 Application options Hybrid diagnosis in a user application
Data Collection Component failures, magnitudes Fault Diagnostics Application: IVHM Monitoring and Fault Isolation 11/13/2018

50 Application options Fault diagnostics, monitoring, and control
IVHM Fault Diagnostics, Monitoring and Control Data Collection Output Interface Component failures, magnitudes 11/13/2018

51 Application options Fault diagnostics and reconfigurable control
IVHM – Fault-adaptive Control Data Collection Root failure modes Output Interface Component failures, magnitudes 11/13/2018

52 FACT Integration with other tools
Diagnosability Analysis Detectability Distiniguishability Ambiguity sets Simulation Tools Discrete-event: Failure propagation Continuous time: Hybrid system (Simulink/Stateflow) FACT Toolsuite Modeling Tool Desktop Environment Deployment Platform FMECA Import Translator Failure modes Monitors Components Memory usage estimator Based on platform Integration with autocoder Connection towards Matrix-X 11/13/2018

53 FACT: Interpeters Generate task specific analysis tools and synthesize software components from the models Simulink/Stateflow models for simulation/ experimental testbed Hybrid automata (state-space) models for system observers Hybrid TCG models for FDI Discrete Time models for model-predictive control Models Interpreters Tools Systems 11/13/2018

54 Building Simulation Models using Simulink (original method)
Preserves component based hierarchy of the model Utilizes bond graph component model library Mode switching triggers new causal assignments in the model using the SCAP algorithm Fault scenarios easily created using graphical utility Sensors in the model mapped to Simulink scopes Collect nominal + fault data for experimental studies Problems with this approach: Junction switching implemented as standard Simulink switches All input output signals had to rerouted dynamically at all junctions Number of switches required very large Solution: Clean separation between continuous simulation and control structure for model reconfiguration Implement switching function as C S-functions 11/13/2018

55 Bond Graphs (BG)  Computational Models
BG to Block Diagram Computational Model Constituent element blocks + algebraic relations at junctions Facilitated by exploiting causality in BG structure Well defined causality assignment procedures (e.g., SCAP: Rosenberg and Karnopp, and others) Determining Bond (DB) One per junction, derived from causality at junction Determines algebraic relations 11/13/2018

56 BG  block diagram conversion (Ignore switching junctions)
– Each BG element, i.e., sources, capacities, inertias and resistive elements replaced by a block expressing effort-flow relations – Each bond replaced by two links – Each junction replaced by block that models algebraic constraints imposed by bond Assumptions: no algebraic loops no elements in derivative causality 11/13/2018

57 Example BG  Block Diagram
Bond Graph Model BG Component Library Computational Structure: BG Junction Translated Block Diagram Model 11/13/2018

58 Issues in HBG  Block Diagram Translation Process
HBG Complexities Junction switches (on and off) may cause causality changes at runtime, thus block diagram may change Only changes in DBs will change algebraic relations at junction These changes can propagate Both Junctions, a and b On Junction a turned Off Determining bond for adjacent 0 junction changes Changes propagate through all other junctions 11/13/2018

59 Possible Approaches to Simulation Model Generation
Pre-generation of model configurations results in 2n possibilities Online generation of models at every mode change can be computationally expensive Our approach: derive new block diagram incrementally from old Start with block diagram in initial mode Look for changes in DBs Update block diagram at changes 11/13/2018

60 Our Approach Details Model Creation in Simulink Run time
First build library of BG components as Simulink blocks: implemented as Matlab scripts Implement Junctions as C S-function Use add-block function to build hierarchy of connected component models along with determining bond information (SCAP algorithm) Run time 11/13/2018

61 I-Element Component Construction
% Input Port add_block('built-in/Inport',[sys,'/','Effort']) set_param([sys,'/','Effort'],... 'Port','1',... 'position',[30,30,50,45]) % Initial Condition add_block('built-in/Constant',[sys,'/','InitialCondition']) set_param([sys,'/','InitialCondition'],... 'position',[30, 110, 50, 130]) % Inertia add_block('built-in/Constant',[sys,'/','Inductance']) set_param([sys,'/','Inductance'],... 'position',[30, 220, 50, 240]) % Math Function (Reciprocal) add_block('built-in/Math',[sys,'/','Reciprocal']) set_param([sys,'/','Reciprocal'],... 'Function','Reciprocal',... 'position',[125, 215, 145, 245]) % Product1 add_block('built-in/Product',[sys,'/','Product1']) set_param([sys,'/','Product1'],... 'position',[120, 112, 150, 143]) % Integrator add_block('built-in/Integrator',[sys,'/','Integrator']) set_param([sys,'/','Integrator'],... 'InitialConditionSource','External',... 'position',[210, 72, 250, 123]) % Output Port add_block('built-in/Outport',[sys,'/','Flow']) set_param([sys,'/','Flow'],... 'Port','1',... 'position',[435, 142, 455, 158]) % Product2 add_block('built-in/Product',[sys,'/','Product2']) set_param([sys,'/','Product2'],... 'position',[320, 132, 350, 163]) % Add connections add_line(sys, 'Effort/1','Integrator/1') add_line(sys, 'InitialCondition/1','Product1/1') add_line(sys, 'Inductance/1','Product1/2') add_line(sys, 'Product1/1','Integrator/2') add_line(sys, 'Integrator/1','Product2/1') add_line(sys, 'Inductance/1','Reciprocal/1') add_line(sys, 'Reciprocal/1','Product2/2') add_line(sys, 'Product2/1', 'Flow/1') 11/13/2018

62 Junction implementation
/* Function: mdlOutputs * Abstract: * This function computes the outputs of the S-function block. * Generally outputs are placed in the output vector, ssGetY(S). */ static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { const real_T *in1 = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0); const real_T *in2 = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,1); real_T *out1 = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0); real_T *out2 = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,1); real_T *control_output = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,2); const mxArray *determiningbonds; double *dbdata; int dbond; // First, get the determining bond: determiningbonds = mexGetVariablePtr("global", "determiningbonds"); // determiningbond == -1 means junction is off if(dbond == -1) { …} else { … // get array of effort/flow inputs: // sum all dependent inputs with appropriate signs } // output resulting sum on determinte bond, // determinite bond's input on remainding: // put outputs to out#: out1[0] = outputs[0]; …. 1  determining bond Junction switching on  off 11/13/2018

63 Our Approach Details Model Creation Run time ….
If junctions change state at a particular time step (implemented as a separate Simulink block) Apply causality propagation update function, i.e., find new determining bonds (efficient algorithm) Send new information to junction blocks & simulate next time step 11/13/2018

64 Causality Propagation Details
Causality update triggered by change in discrete state Start at junctions which switch If they cause changes in adjacent junction DBs then update DB’s algebraic constraints Continue till no DB change or all junctions visited For efficiency, junctions implemented as S-functions; use global variables (cf. Ptolemy’s director function) Causality Update one 1 zero S-function 2 3 S-function 2 S-function 3 S-function 4 S-function 5 5 4 11/13/2018

65 Example – Junction Switching

66 Conclusions and Future Work
Successful demonstrations of FACT – Hybrid Diagnosis on desktop environments Desktop simulation environments using Simulink as a design and analysis tool Now working on interface to hardware systems ( instrumented 3 tank system) Next: Multi-level decision-theoretic controller for managing resources in hierarchical, distributed, interacting subsystems Global system operates system within resource constraints while optimizing performance of subsystems Safety, robustness, and reliability based on dynamic models Tighter bounds on sizing problems at design time Other Work Incipient fault diagnosis Distributed diagnosis Diagnosis of multiple faults 11/13/2018

67 References P. J. Mosterman and G. Biswas, “A theory of discontinuities in physical system models,” Journal of the Franklin Institute: Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 335B(3): , January 1998. P.J. Mosterman and G. Biswas, “Building Hybrid Observers for Complex Dynamic Systems using Model Abstractions,” Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1569, Springer Verlag, The Netherlands, pp , March 1999. E.J. Manders, G. Biswas, P.J. Mosterman, L. Barford, and J. Barnett, ``Signal Interpretation for Monitoring and Diagnosis: A Cooling System Testbed,’’ IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 49(3), pp , 2000. S. McIllraith, G. Biswas, D. Clancy, and V. Gupta, ``Hybrid Systems Diagnosis,'' Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control -- Third Intl. Workshop, HSCC 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1790, N. Lynch and B. H. Krogh, eds., Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp , March 2000. P.J. Mosterman and G. Biswas, “A Hybrid Modeling and Simulation Methodology for Dynamic Physical Systems, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, vol.78, no.1, pp.5-17, Jan S. Narasimhan and G. Biswas, “An Approach to Model-Based Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems,'' Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Fifth Intl. Workshop, Stanford, CA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. LNCS 2289, C.J. Tomlin and M.R. Greenstreet, eds., Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp , March 2002. S. Narasimhan, G. Biswas, G. Karsai, T. Szemethy, T. Bowman, M. Kay, and K. Keller, “Hybrid Modeling and Diagnosis in the Real World: A Case Study,'' Intl. Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, Simmering, Austria, May 2002. G. Karsai, G. Biswas, S. Narasimhan, T. Szemethy, G. Peceli, G. Simon, and T. Kovacshazy, “Towards Fault-Adaptive Control of Complex Dynamic Systems,” Software-Enabled Control: Information Technologies for Dynamical Systems, T. Samad and G. Balas, eds., IEEE Press, pp , 2003. E.J. Manders and G. Biswas, “FDI of abrupt faults with combined statistical detection and estimation and qualitative fault isolation,” 5th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS), Washington, D.C., pp , June 2003. S. Narasimhan and G. Biswas, “Model-based Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems,” to appear IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A, to appear Sept E.J. Manders, G. Biswas, N. Mahadevan, G. Karsai, "Component-oriented modeling of hybrid dynamic systems using the Generic Modeling Environment," pp ,  Fourth Workshop on Model-Based Development of Computer-Based Systems and Third International Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MBD-MOMPES'06),  2006. 11/13/2018

68 Lecture 3 Limited Lookahead + Hierarchical Control
Distributed Diagnosis Diagnosis of Incipient Faults 11/13/2018

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