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L. Dara Baldwin, MPA Senior Public Policy Analyst June 25, 2018

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1 L. Dara Baldwin, MPA Senior Public Policy Analyst June 25, 2018
Public Policy Updates from DC and Using Intersectionality in Transition Work L. Dara Baldwin, MPA Senior Public Policy Analyst June 25, 2018

2 Social Justice/Equity Work
“Here's to the extremely enthusiastic ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the extremely enthusiastic ones, we see genius, because the ones who are enthusiastic enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” -Steve Jobs NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

3 DC Updates & Intersectionality
Outline for Discussion NDRN – Information and History Disability Rights – overview of history & “avenues” of work Public Policy update DC – Housing and Transportation (Transition issues) NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

4 DC Updates & Intersectionality
Outline for Discussion – cont’d V. Intersectionality VI. Three areas of possible collaboration NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

5 Today’s Presenter: L. Dara Baldwin, MPA
Senior Public Policy Analyst, National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) Based in Washington, D.C. Follow Personal Twitter & IG: @NJDC07 Biography NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

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9 NDRN – NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

10 NDRN NDRN – National Office split in three parts
Curt Decker, Executive Director Technical Assistance and Membership Outreach Legal Department & Program work Policy Department – Federal Legislative Policy – Team of three Eric Buehlmann – Deputy Executive Director of Policy Dara Baldwin – Senior Public Policy Analyst Amanda Lowe – Senior Public Policy Analyst NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

11 NDRN NDRN – National Office for the P&A Network
To Learn about the P&A Network go to: See video P&A’s Federally funded program – Labor/HHS – DHHS - Administration on Community Living (ACL) 57 P&A’s – 1 in every state = 50; 1 in every territory = 6; and 1 specifically for the Native American community Eight programs – to assist with civil and human rights of PWD – PADDS; CAP; PAIMI; PAIR; PAAT; PABBS; PATBI & PAVAhttp:// NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

12 NDRN P&A serve all as long as they have a disability – not CJ, divorce, real estate lawyers but Civil Rights NDRN & P&A network use social justice practice of Intersectionality (a critical race theory) in their work (Kimerlé Crenshaw) People with disabilities are ALL parts of life and so we use this in our work – race, religions, multiple social economic statuses, sexual-orientation (LBGTQIA), incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, immigrants, refugees etc. The multi-marginalization and discrimination of this community – AA, Trans woman, Muslim, refugee with a disability NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

13 Policy Issues Issue Areas: (a few) ADA/Civil Rights -LTSS
Education Social Security Emergency Preparedness Technology Employment Transportation Fiscal Policy Veterans & Mil Family Health Criminal Justice Housing Juvenile Justice Restraint & Seclusion -Disaster Relief NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

14 Disability Rights Issues 115th
Issues of relevance – currently in the 115th Congress Stopping ADA Notification Laws moving in 115th Congress – House passed H.R. 620 – working so Senate does not Eliminating Restraint & Seclusion and SRO’s in schools Saving the ACA (Affordable Care Act) – Medicaid – HCBS Rule Appropriations – funding our programs & those services used by PWD Housing – funding for Accessible Affordable Social Security – protection & funding Criminal and Juvenile Justice Reform NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

15 Transportation – DC Updates
NDRN remains a member of the ACAA Coalition convened by PVA Updates: House bill to improve ACAA (H.R. 5004) introduced by Rep. Langevin (D-RI) 2/13/ Senate version (S. 1318) introduced by Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D- WI) Letter of support sent by CCD Transportation TF - pdf FAA Reauthorization done – there is now another 6 month extension – Congress has until September 30, 2018 to pass a long-term reauthorization – working to get disability provisions included in this long-term authorization. NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

16 Housing – DC Updates On March 7, 2018, as reported in several news outlets, Secretary Carson decided to remove inclusion and anti-discrimination language from the HUD’s mission statement. NDRN worked with others on a letter of response to this – 573 National, State and Local organizations signed onto this letter. Secretary Carson issued an open letter to the HUD staff stating that he has no intention of doing this –but the statement leaked does not reflect this. We are currently working with the same AFFH Rule working group to get a meeting with HUD to discuss this further. NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

17 Housing – DC Updates NDRN – Dara Baldwin the newly formed CCD Emergency Management Ad Hoc committee NDRN attending the Getting It Right Conference on Disability and EM – May 2018 in DC - We remain a member of the NLIHC – Disaster Recovery Working Group: We are meeting with House and Senate members to push for funding for Emergency Management – pre, during and post work that is inclusive of people with disabilities. We are also meeting with House and Senate members to push for funding for housing recovery funding that is accessible and affordable. NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

18 NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

19 Equity/Intersectionality/Social Trust
Let's talk about race, baby Let's talk about you and me  Let's talk about all the good things  And the bad things that may be… Don't decoy, avoid, or make void the topic Cause that ain't gonna stop it - From Salt-N-Pepa (Let’s Talk about Sex) NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

20 Exercise on “Exploring Differences”
Talk about the first time you realized you were different Example: Walking into a room full of people and being the only person of color/woman/different faith How did that make you feel? Remember those feelings – during this training NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

21 Intersectionality Intersectionality – see information sheet
The term was identified in 1989 by Kimberlé Crenshaw who is an American civil rights advocate and a leading scholar of the field known as critical race theory. She is a full professor at UCLA Law School and Columbia Law School and she is the Executive Director of the African American Policy Forum - In September 2015 – Prof. Crenshaw wrote Washington Post article “Why Intersectionality can’t wait” (one of my mentors/who has become a friend) – NDRN works closely with the Professor Crenshaw & AAPF since – on multiple issue areas – but started through the #SayHerName campaign NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

22 Equity/Intersectionality/Social Trust
Do you see yourself void of discrimination? Do you recognize your own bias? Do you understand the plight of being disenfranchised or marginalized? NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

23 Equality vs Equity Equality – the quality or state of being equal – like in quality, nature or status – growing up – “we are all the same” – we are not the same we are very different and we should embrace those differences not shame them or forget they exist Equity - justice according to natural law or right specifically: freedom from bias or favoritism NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

24 Marginalized vs. Discriminated
Marginalize Defined: to relegate to an unimportant or powerless position within a society or group (multi- marginalized groups) Relegate – to assign to a place of insignificance or of oblivion: put out of sight or out of mind *Social Trust Discriminate – to make a difference in treatment or favor on the basis other than individual merit *Words used to make others feel comfortable when discussing race, religion, sexual-orientation – we are living in times where we don’t have time for comfort Resource: “Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools” by Monique W. Morris NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

25 Structural Racism A system in which public policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms work in various, often reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial group inequity. It identifies dimensions of our history and culture that have allowed privileges associated with “whiteness” and disadvantages associated with “color” to endure and adapt over time. Structural racism is not something that a few people or institutions choose to practice. Instead it has been a feature of the social, economic and political systems in which we all exist. NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

26 Privilege (White) “Privilege exists when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they belong to, rather than because of anything they’ve done or failed to do. Access to privilege doesn’t determine one’s outcomes, but it is definitely an asset that makes it more likely that whatever talent, ability, and aspirations a person with privilege has will result in something positive for them.” ~Peggy McIntosh Being able to… assume that most of the people you or your children study in history classes and textbooks will be of the same race, gender, or sexual orientation as you are assume that your failures will not be attributed to your race, or your gender not have to think about your race, or your gender, or your sexual orientation, or disabilities, on a daily basis... NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

27 Social Trust A public administration theory first introduced by Robert Putnam of Harvard University – in his book Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community – book Drawing on vast new data that reveal Americans' changing behavior, Putnam shows how we have become increasingly disconnected from one another and how social structures - whether they be PTA, church, or political parties - have disintegrated Until the publication of this groundbreaking work, no one had so deftly diagnosed the harm that these broken bonds have wreaked on our physical and civic health, nor had anyone exalted their fundamental power in creating a society that is happy, healthy, and safe NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

28 Social Trust In addition to this he also discusses some of the many barriers and/o culture that has caused the disintegration of the bonds. Work together – laws make us Affirmative Action, Civil, Disability Rights laws make us but we don’t worship or play together. How many of us have PWD who are friends outside of work? Who we consider our brother and sisters in life? (Think about this) NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

29 Importance of Language
People first language; terms like vulnerable, poor rather than – poverty or low social economic status; LGBTQIA – terms used for the queer nation. Vulnerable – synonyms – helpless, defenseless, powerless, weak Defined: in need of special care, support or protection because of age, disability or risk of abuse and neglect *The fact that someone has any of these characteristics is not why they are vulnerable: “There is nothing wrong with PWD” you can’t have it both ways! Through no other fault than their own – that is not true – there is fault and it’s structural. We must identify, accept and learn how to use the facts about structural racism, marginalization and discrimination that have created these situations for them. Many people who are any of a combination of the three find this term offensive when used to describe them and their lives. NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

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31 THANK YOU NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

32 Disability Rights Movement
NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

33 Disability Rights Disability Rights – History – fascinating but lacks diversity (see resources slide for readings etc.) LEADON Network & NDLA statement on racism and bias in disability rights community and movement (handout) Three “avenues” to this work Paternalistic – we have to take care of PWD Clinical – we have to “cure or fix” them – genetics 3. Civil and Human Rights - PWD can and should live in the community provided with supports and give opportunities to decent employment, housing and all aspects of life NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

34 Connecting & Collaborating
Policy Team Work Plan – Implementing the Policy Agenda Coalition Work – members of multiple Civil & Human Rights Coalitions Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funds (CHCDF) - Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD)- Justice Roundtable – on several working groups - Lambda Legal - Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights - NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

35 Connecting & Collaborating
Policy Team Work Plan – Implementing the Policy Agenda National Black Justice Coalition - National Center for Transgender Equality - National LGBTQ Task Force - National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) - PFLAG - Reentry and Housing Coalition - NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

36 Resources LEADON Network – Black #Disability History baldwin-disability-ombudsman/ No Pity by Joe Shapiro (Book on the history of the disability rights movement) The Nation 2017 Progressive Honor Roll: ADAPT Most Valuable Grassroots Activism National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA) statement on racism and bias in the disability rights movement - from-the-national-disability-leadership-alliance-on-racism-and-bias-within-the- disability-community-and-movement/ 60 Minutes Segment with Ed Roberts - roberts/sixtyMinutes.html NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

37 Resources Resources cont’d:
ADA training: ADA Network: ADA Basics Building Blocks – series: Cornell University Disability Statistics Online resource: “Lives Worth Living” Movie about the disability rights movement - worth-living/ NDRN –Our history: history.html Words matter – People First Language NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

38 Resources Intersectionality – see information sheet
The term was identified in 1989 by Kimberlé Crenshaw who is an American civil rights advocate and a leading scholar of the field known as critical race theory. She is a full professor at UCLA Law School and Columbia Law School and she is the Executive Director of the African American Policy Forum - In September 2015 – Prof. Crenshaw wrote Washington Post article “Why Intersectionality can’t wait” (one of my mentors/who has become a friend) – NDRN works closely with the Professor Crenshaw & AAPF since – on multiple issue areas – but started through the #SayHerName campaign NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

39 National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)
Please contact me: Contact information: L. Dara Baldwin, MPA Preferred Pronouns: She/her/hers Senior Public Policy Analyst National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) Phone: ext. 102 Website: Facebook: NDRNAdvocates NDRN - DC Updates & Instersectionality - May 2018 Dara Baldwin

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