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Expression of activated HER2 in human testes

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1 Expression of activated HER2 in human testes
Inchoel Shin, Ph.D., Hyun Joo Kim, M.Sc., Won Heum Nah, M.Sc., Hyun Jun Park, M.D., Myung Chan Gye, Ph.D., Hae Young Park, M.D., Ph.D.  Fertility and Sterility  Volume 95, Issue 8, Pages (June 2011) DOI: /j.fertnstert Copyright © 2011 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Gene expression of her2 in human testes. (A) Reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of her1, 2, 3, and 4 mRNA. (B) RT-PCR of her2, c-kit, prm1, and gapdh mRNA in human testes. Lane 1: obstructive azoospermia with normal seminiferous tubule histology. Lane 2: hypospermatogenesis. M: 100 bp ladder. (C) Relative levels of her2 versus gapdh mRNA in normal and abnormal spermatogenesis. ∗Statistically significantly different from abnormal spermatogenesis by Student’s t-test (P=.0013). Error bar = standard deviation. (D) Western blot of HER2 in human testis. MCF-7 cells overexpressing HER2 were included as a positive control. Control vector: vector-only transfected MCF-7 cells. (E) Immunoprecipitation (IP), Western blot of tyrosine phosphorylated HER2. Rabbit normal IgG was used as a negative control for HER2 immunoprecipitation. (F) Confocal images of HER2 immunoreactivity in human testes. Spermatogonia (Sg) and early spermatocytes (ESc) were strongly positive for HER2, and HER2 immunoreactivity also was found at the interface between elongating/elongated spermatids (ESt) and Sertoli cells (S). Spermatozoa (Sz), peritubular cells (P), and Leydig cells (L) were also positive for HER2 immunoreactivity, but pachytene spermatocytes (PSc), and round spermatocytes (RSc) were not. Rabbit normal IgG was used as a negative control. HER2 = green; nuclei = red. Bar = 10 μm. Fertility and Sterility  , DOI: ( /j.fertnstert ) Copyright © 2011 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions

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