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Term 4 AP Homework Homework 1 Due April 9th

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1 Term 4 AP Homework Homework 1 Due April 9th
AP Drawing Portfolio and AP Design Portfolio Upload at least 1 breadth and one concentration to the AP site. Write and upload your commentary rough draft to my link. Ask me for the commentary rough draft. AP Juniors (Submitting next year) Look at the photo and sketch of the spring flower from last term. Paint a quick watercolor using the photo and drawing for reference. Use at least three watercolor techniques. Term 4 AP Homework

2 Homework 2 Due April 18th Term 4 AP Homework
AP Drawing Portfolio and AP Design Portfolio Upload at least 12 art works to the AP site. AP Juniors (Submitting next year) Find and print or list and describe at least 12 different watercolor techniques.

3 Homework 3 Due April 23rd Term 4 AP Homework
AP Drawing Portfolio and AP Design Portfolio Finish downloading the images 12 breadth and 12 concentration AP Juniors (Submitting next year) Find a watercolor painting. Print or sketch it. Label five techniques they used. Wet on wet Glazing Dry brush

4 Homework 4 Due April 30th Term 4 AP Homework
AP Drawing Portfolio and AP Design Portfolio Finish uploading to AP, select and mat 5 quality pieces. FORWARD finished portfolio to me (Teacher) AP Juniors (Submitting next year) Find an interesting object and transform it into something living.

5 Homework 5 Due May 7th Term 4 AP Homework
AP Drawing Portfolio and AP Design Portfolio Create at least three sketch ideas for your painted, hall brick. AP Juniors (Submitting next year) Using the transformed object drawing from Hw 4, Add an interesting background. Think of a planet or surface where your creature might live. It can be in ink, pencil or color.

6 Term 4 AP Homework Homework 6 Due May 14th AP Drawing Portfolio and AP Design Write a critique of your brick design, as it looks so far. Include: Describe, Analyze, Interpret, Judge AP Juniors (Submitting next year) In your sketchbook, plan a summer art project. Do a preliminary sketch and list the materials you will need for the project. Materials: Photo of Delicate Arch Watercolor paper Watercolors Brushes Rags, water, salt, plastic wrap

7 Homework 7 Due May 21st Text the message 81010@ee6f8
Term 4 AP Homework Homework 7 Due May 21st AP Drawing Portfolio and AP Design Take a picture of progress on your brick and upload to my link (On my webpage) AP Juniors (Submitting next year) Sign up for AP “Remind” Pick up Summer Sketchbook and Summer Assignments Sheets. Text the message This is the class code for AP Art VanderToolen. Students and parents can always use ee6f8 to join.

8 Homework 8 Due May 28th AP Drawing Portfolio and AP Design
Term 4 AP Homework Homework 8 Due May 28th AP Drawing Portfolio and AP Design Take a final Photo of finished, signed and dated brick, upload to my link from my webpage. AP Juniors (Submitting next year) Go to my web page from the Highland High page. Open the AP folder and upload a Photo that you have taken and may use for a reference for an artwork this summer.

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