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Welcome to the Cardinal Family

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1 Welcome to the Cardinal Family

2 Athletic workout gear Two packages #1 shorts and t-shirt for $25
#2 Shorts, t-shirt, and nike socks $35



5 Remind instructions If you don’t have a smartphone, get text notifications. Text the to the number If you’re having trouble with 81010, try to (832) If you have a smartphone, get push notifications. On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link: Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.

6 Expectations Academics is #1
We expect the kids to act at a higher standard Anyone who is put in ISS will be put on a discipline contract No matter the sport, you must be at every practice

7 Football All can participate
Need a physical turned in to me by the first day of school Practice will start the first August 21st 4 days of shorts, t-shirt, and helmet 7 days of full pads before they can play in a contest

8 Football cont. A teams are competitive teams
B teams are participation teams Practice is over at 6:00.

9 Basketball Season starts in November and runs through February
Must try out to be on a team Must have a physical to tryout Must be passing all your classes to tryout

10 Basketball cont. 10 on the A team and 12 on the B team
Regular season plus three tournaments No practice over Thanksgiving or Christmas

11 Cross Country Season runs from end of November to end of January
You can run Cross Country and play Basketball Looking for those that can run sub 8 minute miles Started looking at the runners during their PE classes in 6th grade District meet will end the year and determine the District Champs

12 Golf Season starts end of February and runs until April
Only take the top 10 players from the 7th and 8th grade combined Will not play every tournament Practice is off campus and parents must transport their athlete to the match site on the days we play

13 Tennis Season runs from end of February until mid April
th grade and th graders Use challenge matches to determine the playing order Not everyone will make the District Tournament

14 Track and Field Season runs from end of February until mid April
Meets will be held at the high school District meet will be held at Challenger Memorial over a three day period

15 Inportant dates SWAT Camp starts June 12 Football equipment pickup august 17 4:30-5:30 pm First day of school/football practice august 21 Must have a physical to start practice

16 Questions??

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