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Rebellion! Responsible Government!

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Presentation on theme: "Rebellion! Responsible Government!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rebellion! Responsible Government!

2 Rebellion?! Why?! People in Canada were frustrated with the government. Technically a democracy, but the Province of Canada was controlled by “oligarchy”: a small ruling class of elites “Family Compact” in Upper Canada “Chateau Clique” in Lower Canada Government under the 1791 Constitution Act

3 The Reform Leaders Upper Canada Lower Canada William Lyon Mackenzie
Owned a newspaper called The Colonial Advocate, and used it to talk about injustice of Family Compact Louis-Joseph Papineau Was a lawyer who used a newspaper called Le Canadien to fight against Chateau Clique and to get increased rights for the French.

4 So, there was a giant fight, right?
It was over pretty quickly. For example: At the Battle of St. Eustache, 1480 government soldiers and militia against 200 rebels. Result was 70 dead reformers, and 3 dead soldiers. Reformers were met with overwhelming force in both Upper and Lower Canada.

5 Aftermath of the Rebellion
Despite its swift end, the British government was concerned about Rebellion Lord Durham was asked to report problems among the colonists and find a way to make them less angry Lord Durham’s report led to many changes in the provinces of Canada

6 Lord Durham’s Report Two major recommendations in his report were:
The two colonies should become one called the United Province of Canada (Lower Canada became Canada East, Upper Canada became Canada West) The united colony should have responsible government

7 Responsible Government? What’s that?
The government is responsible to the people that elect it. Elections are held to decide who runs the government, instead of being appointed by governors from England. Responsible government now!

8 The Act of Union (1841) British government acted on Lord Durham’s recommendations Joined Upper and Lower Canada as the United Province of Canada (now Canada West and Canada East) The two aims of the British: Give the English people control of the newly named Province of Canada (English speakers in Canada East worked with English speakers in Canada West to keep control) Have a new colony with a responsible government.

9 Pros and Cons Benefits Drawbacks
People had more of a say in who was running their country. Responsible Government shared equally between East and West. Much more peaceful solution than in USA, France, etc. French feared that new waves of English immigrants would tip the balance of power. Canada West and Canada East had equal representation in government, and often blocked each other’s votes.

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