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How SNA’s Professional Development Programs Can Help You Meet

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1 How SNA’s Professional Development Programs Can Help You Meet
Note that slides 2 and 4 have animations – the text flies in by bullet point.

2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
Define how the implementation of USDA’s Professional Standards relates to your professional role in school nutrition Identify the key learning areas of Professional Standards and learning formats/methods Identify how to track professional standards training Compare SNA’s Certificate and Credentialing programs’ alignment with annual training requirements for professional standards Read slide…

Key Area 3: (3000) Administration (3400) Human Resources & Staff Training (3420) Policies & Procedures This session counts toward your annual professional standards training. It can be coded to correspond with USDA’s Professional Standards Learning Topics in one of the four learning areas or key areas. The key area for this webinar is Key Area 3: Administration It is in the topic of Human Resources & Staff Training And the subtopic code of 3420 Policies and Procedures

4 USDA Professional Standards
So let’s start with the USDA Professional Standards Final rule…

5 Available at www. Implementation began July 1, 2015
FINAL RULE Published : March 2, 2015 Citation: 80 FR 11077 Available at www. Implementation began July 1, 2015 SY 2015/2016 Establishes minimum requirements Hiring standards for NEW State/local directors Annual training standards for ALL employees The final rule was published on March 2nd 2015 You can find it at or via the SNA website using the web address you see on screen. The rule was effective July 1, 2015 and establishes minimum requirements for NEW State/local directors. Current State and local directors are all being grandfathered into their current positions and do not need to meet the new requirements. It also established annual training standards for ALL employees – (current and NEW) and this is the focus of our discussion today.

6 Before we dive in, let’s address some frequently asked questions!
Please note that the following questions pertain the SNA’s certificate and credentialing programs.

Titles (assistant director/office staff etc.…) Read the position description in the RULE to see if it applies to the actual job done Particular Circumstances Check with your state agency Tracking USDA tracking tool and SNA tracking tools available Please note that USDA came out with a new Q&A guide in May 2016 with more details. Go to the SNA Professional Standards Hub to link to this resource. There are a number of questions about titles “I’m a supervisor not a director – what do I fall into?” – USDA strongly encourages everyone to read how the positions are described in the RULE to see if it applies to your job. Choose the position description that is most closely aligned to what you do – as titles vary so much. (Presenter, adding anecdote here would be great.) If you have a particular circumstance – check with your state agency. However, on some questions, State Agencies are still waiting on some guidance from USDA so they may not be able to answer you right away – but your state agency should be your main contact for questions about your particular circumstance. There are lots of ways to track training. SNA has created the Professional Development Learning Plan to serve as a resource for managers tracking staff training. We’ll talk more about the Learning Plan in a few minutes.

8 Can CEUs for exhibit hours count towards professional standards?
No more than two hours dependent on your state agency’s guidance. Read slide… Q. Can CEUs for exhibit hours count for professional standards? A. No more than two hours dependent on your state agency’s guidance As you can see from the chart on this slide, we have heard from quite a few state agencies on what can count for exhibit hours. This information can also be found in the State Resource Center.

9 What about substitutes?
Full time substitutes should meet requirements Check with your state agency regarding part time substitutes If someone is temporarily “acting” but has been doing so for a significant period of time – they should meet the requirements Only required for national school lunch and breakfast program – more flexibility with summer/supper Read from slide…

SFA managers 10 hours - SY Part-time staff working an average of less than 20 hrs/week 4 hours - SY and beyond SFA directors 12 hours - SY SFA staff 6 hours - SY The annual training requirements were phased in for SY 15/16. These are the required annual training hours for SY 16/17, and beyond, by level. For clarification, if an individual performs several jobs, he/she has to meet the annual training standards for the higher position.

11 STANDARDS Training is allowed in a variety of formats and from different sources - SAE funds can be used towards training State agency, SNA, in-house, ICN, commercial vendors etc. See: Read from slide…

12 SNA’s four Key Areas align with Professional Standards learning areas
KEY LEARNING AREAS SNA’s four Key Areas align with Professional Standards learning areas 1. Nutrition 2. Operations 3. Administration 4. Communications & Marketing Did you know that the 4 learning areas in USDA Professional Standards are based on the 4 key areas in SNA’s Keys to Excellence standards and best practices? This is very important because it means that SNA’s programming is fundamentally aligned with Professional Standards. For as long as I can remember, all of SNA’s professional development programming has been based on the four key areas you see on screen.

13 So where can you find training? USDA’s professional standards website has over 500 training programs that you can access. These are coded based on the professionals standards codes and many of SNA’s programs and webinars are included. You can of course find training from the sources you have always relied on: SNA, your SNA state affiliate, Institute of Child Nutrition, Your State Agency, and more!

States will review compliance with professional standards during the Administrative Review Technical assistance and corrective action will be used to address noncompliance It’s important to note that state agencies will review compliance during the administrative review. That’s why you should check questions you have about interpretations of the rule or particular circumstances with your state agency.

15 Hub Training guidelines Training trackers Learning plans (new!)
Hiring summaries Links to resources SNA is working with USDA to help our members implement professional standards: Visit our new hub for all professional standards information (URL on screen) You will find professional standards training guidelines and tools to track training for your district Of course, you are earning annual training hours for professional standards here at __________(meeting). You can download the training tracker from the SNA website - or pick up a paper copy from the resource table. And we have just developed new learning plans with links to free courses AND to tools to help you track training for different levels of staff.

16 LEARNING PLANS Two versions, simple & advanced
Exciting news! In response to member feedback, SNA has developed the Professional Standards Learning Plan. The Learning Plan provides supervisors managing staff a method of tracking and sorting important training information. The learning plan features two versions. The simple version works best with Excel or higher, while the advanced version works with Excel 2013. The plan provides 36 suggested online trainings based on job level. It also links to training that range from 1 to 8 hours. If you do not want to use the suggested training you can customize the training list to meet your needs. Two versions, simple & advanced Advanced for use with Excel Provides 36 suggested online trainings based on job level Links to training are provided and trainings range from 1 to 8 hours Customize to include your own in-school training

17 LEARNING PLANS Track all staff training and utilize built in tools
Advanced version: Utilizes Data Splicers to create a visual dashboard. This enables you to easily analyze and filter staff training Simple version: Utilizes standard table filters to analyze training data Additionally, the Advanced version utilizes data splicer to create a visual dashboard that enables you to easily analyze staff training. The simple version uses standard table filters, which can also be used to analyze staff training.

18 1 Hour of Training for 1 Continuing
SNA CERTIFICATE & CREDENTIALING PROGRAM CEUs ALIGNED WITH PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS 1 Hour of Training for Professional Standards 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) The fundamental concept to remember is that one CEU for the certificate program (and for the credentialing program) is one and the same as 1 hour of training for professional standards. You do not need to do something different or extra for SNA CEUs.

19 Certificate & Credentialing Governing Council SNS credential certificate program
Let’s move on to the SNA: Certificate and Credentialing Governing Council The SNS Credential and the Certificate Program

20 Certificate & Credentialing Governing Council
Responsible for governing of SNS Autonomous arm of SNA Responsible for policies of SNA’s certificate and credentialing programs Please read from screen…

The Credentialing exam tests for knowledge in the 4 key areas fundamental to USDA Professional Standards Let’s take a look at the credentialing program. The SNS Credential and exam are totally aligned with USDA professional standards. The exam tests people’s knowledge in the 4 key areas and 9 content areas that align with professional standards.

Once SNS Credential is earned, it is maintained for 3 years Requirement to earn 45 CEUs in 3 year period Encourage SNS credentialed professionals to earn 15 CEUs per year Once someone earns the SNS credential – it can maintain it for 3 years by earning 45 CEUs within those 3 years. The Governing Council encourages earning 15 CEUs per year to maintain the credential while also earning the required annual training hours. This is preferred over earning all 45 CEUs in the final year. That said, we will still accept 45 CEUs earned in the final year.

The study guide bundle package continues to remain very popular and provides the resources needed to prepare for the exam. The number of references to study for the exam have been reduced from about 90 to about 25! You can download the latest version of the credentialing handbook on our website. So now is a great time to consider getting your SNS if you have been thinking about it You can check the SNA website at the web address you see on screen to see the schedule of upcoming exams across the country.

24 Nearly 20,000 Certificate Holders
Benefits of the Certificate Program Provides a career ladder you can use to advance in the field Adds credibility to your position and to your school's program Enhances professional image with supervisors, parents, and administrators Helps you to stay current on the latest issues and solutions related to your job Certificate can be earned more quickly than a degree or a credential Nearly 20,000 school nutrition professionals currently hold a certificate! Remember that there are real benefits to the certificate program! Such as: read from slide…

Initial requirements for each level have not changed (one minor exception at Level 3) CEUs for renewals are now based on member type The initial requirements for each level have not changed at all except for one minor addition for Level 3– in other words, the nearly 20,000 SNA members with certificates continue to meet all requirements to earn a certificate. However, what has changed is that CEUs for renewing a certificate are NOW based on membership type.

SNA CEU Requirements for Level 1 Professional Standards Required Annual Training Hours for SY Directors 12 CEUs 12 Hours Managers 10 CEUs 10 Hours Staff/Employees 6 CEUs 6 Hours Staff less than 20 hours 4 Hours State Agency Directors 15 CEUs 15 Hours For level 1, the current minimum requirement for renewal is 6 CEUs. This will remain the same minimum CEU requirement for employee level members who will need to meet 6 hours of annual training for professional standards in SY And for staff who work less than 20 hours, while professional standards requires 4 hours of annual training, 6 hours are still required for the SNA certificate program. However, managers will now need to have 10 CEUs for renewal or 10 hours of training – this matches up with the SY annual training hours required for professional standards. Directors will need to complete 12 annual hours of training for professional standards so they will need to complete 12 CEUs for renewal. State agency directors need to complete 15 CEUs and 15 training hours. Changes were effective July 1, 2015

SNA CEU Requirements for Level 2 Professional Standards Required Annual Training Hours for SY Directors 12 CEUs 12 Hours Managers 10 CEUs 10 Hours Staff/Employees 6 Hours State Agency Directors 15 CEUs 15 Hours For Level 2, you will notice that CEUs are still based on membership type but everyone must meet a minimum of 10 CEUs for renewal. This is because level 2 is higher and requires more training hours to maintain. This is down from the previous minimum requirement of 12 CEUs. Changes were effective July 1, 2015

SNA CEU Requirements for Level 3 Professional Standards Required Annual Training Hours for SY Directors 12 CEUs 12 Hours Managers 10 Hours Staff/Employees 6 Hours State Agency Directors 15 CEUs 15 Hours For Level 3, you will notice that CEUs are still based on membership type but everyone must meet a minimum of 12 CEUs for renewal. This is down from the previous minimum requirement of 18 CEUs. Changes were effective July 1, 2015

29 Updated SNA Certificate Guide!
Page 3: New Certificate Program Submission Cover Sheet Page 7: Calculating CEUs and Training Hours A new May 2016 edition of the certificate guide is available for you to download summarizing the information we just reviewed. It’s available at the web address you see on screen www. Also available for download are the separate application form and the NEW certificate program cover sheet, which is now required for levels 2 and 3 And for our SNA State associations, the guide and application have not been professionally printed but they are available to download, so you can print them out and hand them out at your state conferences.

30 New REQUIRED Cover Sheet for Levels 2 & 3
NEW - Certificate Program Submission Cover Sheet for Levels 2 and 3 You now have two options when submitting required paperwork. 1. You may submit proof of ALL training documents along with the new cover sheet OR 2. Your manager may review your training and then sign the cover sheet providing confirmation. If your supervisor signs the cover sheet you DO NOT need to send all of the supporting documentation! You should ALWAYS keep a file of all training documentation in the event you are randomly selected for an audit. Step 2 So let’s talk about the NEW Required Submission Cover Sheet. This new- REQUIRED- document for Level 2 and Level 3 submissions must be completed and turned in with the application. The cover sheet helps submitters to organize their submission and should help to guide them through the submission process Additionally, there are now two options when submitting the required paperwork for Levels 2 and 3 Option 1 requires the submission of ALL training document and the new cover sheet Option 2 requires the review and sign-off of the submission by the supervisor. This means that the supervisor is confirming that the submitter has all of the required documentation. If the supervisor signs the cover sheet submitters DO NOT need to provide all the supporting documentation! You should ALWAYS keep a file of all training documentation in the event you are randomly selected for an audit.

31 New REQUIRED Cover Sheet for Levels 2 & 3
This slide shows excerpts from Page 1 which requires the completion of some basic information The cover sheet also provides two submission options. Option 1 requires that all submission materials be submitted Option 2 allows the submitter to have their supervisor review the submission documentation and confirm that the requirements have been met by signing the attestation so that they do not need to submit all of the paperwork. The two options are clearly outlined for the submitter to note which option works best for them. REMEMBER you should ALWAYS keep a file of all training documentation in the event you are randomly selected for an audit.

32 New REQUIRED Cover Sheet for Levels 2 & 3
Page 2 of the cover sheet requires the completion of some additional information along with a section for the submitter to confirm the number of training hours being submitted in each Key Area.

33 New REQUIRED Cover Sheet for Levels 2 & 3
The last two pages of the Cover Sheet are for listing all the acquired training. As noted on the previous slide, the total number of hours entered on these pages are summarized on Page 2. The cover sheet is now required when submitting for levels 2 and 3.

34 New bundling options for certificate program
Ideally one full hour of training on same topic, but now you can bundle: 2 x 30 min trainings 4 x 15 min trainings SNA’s Certificate in School Nutrition Program also has momentum. Given the need for more flexibility, the Governing Council has allowed SNA members can now bundle shorter formats of 30 or 15 minute trainings to equal one hour for the certificate program. These must be on the same topic. Must Be Same Sub-Topic (i.e. all on allergies)

Professional Development Articles (PDAs) still count -maintain maximum of 3 per year 1 CEU (not 2) for teaching a course 1 CEU (not 2) for writing a magazine article We will continue to accept Professional Development Articles for CEUs and continue to allow for a maximum of 3 per year. These are tests at the end of School Nutrition magazine and there are some available on our website. These have all been matched up with professional standards topics. Additionally, we continue to allow CEUs for teaching a course and writing a magazine article – but 1, not 2. Again, for consistency with USDA professional standards.

36 Changes were effective
AUDIT INFORMATION Random audit process You do not need to submit proof of documentation when renewing Only if you are randomly selected for an audit CEUs must be within your certificate period Level 1: 6 CEUs for renewal Level 2: 10 CEUs for renewal Level 3: 12 CEUs for renewal We will continue our random audit process. For SNA’s certificate and credentialing programs, you still do NOT need to submit proof of your annual training or CEUs for renewal unless you are randomly selected for an audit. Remember that the CEUs earned for renewal MUST be earned within your certificate year or period. Changes were effective July 1, 2015

37 CEU DOCUMENTATION Tracking Grids (if you do anything, do this!)
Certificates of completion Copies of rosters College/Univ. transcripts Program agendas Registration confirmation letters SNA MyAccount record CEUs & Training The types of CEU documentation have note changed. However, we highly encourage you to complete a tracking grid as this will be very helpful for tracking professional standards training. This is very similar to what you have always done for SNA’s certificate and credentialing programs – but we suggest keeping a tracking grid too.

38 Now let’s address some more frequently asked questions!
The following questions pertain the SNA’s certificate and credentialing programs. For Q&As that apply directly to USDA professional standards requirements, there is a comprehensive Q&A accessible on the USDA website and we also link to it from the professional standards hub on SNA’s website.

39 Expectation on balance of training topics listed in the final rule and training in the 4 key areas
It depends on what your supervisor decides and what’s needed for your job. The only requirement is “other topics as determined by FNS” if there is an urgent need Read slide…

40 Frequently asked questions
If it is very short training like 15 or 30 minutes, can it count? 15 minutes or more can count for USDA Professional Standards. NEW! For SNA programming, the Certificate & Credentialing Governing Council will allow bundling two 30-minute trainings and four 15-minute trainings on the same topic to count as one CEU. Can the 15 minute intervals be cumulative to add up to 1 hour for example? Yes. Read slide… Please note, however, that under 15 minutes CANNOT count for the SNA certificate program but can count for professional standards.

41 Does wellness programming count (weight loss, minimizing stress) No
Remember that training must be directly job related and must fall under one of the four Key Areas Read slide… In talking with many state affiliates we have had good discussions around how a wellness walk or a Zumba session do not count either.

42 Frequently asked questions
Do we have to code training? No, but it is recommended USDA Professional Standards coding based on learning objectives for all training Carefully review what counts towards CEUs for professional standards. You may have heard about “coding” – here is what this means. USDA has provided a list of topics and learning objectives that have been coded for professional standards. This is to help people more easily identify the category of training they have received. And for people providing training, this helps you categorize training based on the learning objectives. SNA fully supports this system and process. That said, we have become a lot stricter about what counts for CEUs. For example, a session on parliamentary procedures or understanding bylaws used to count toward SNA CEUs – and while this is an important association management topic – it does not have enough of a link to school nutrition or professional standards -- so programs like these no longer count for now.

43 But… Can you carryover training hours from one year to the next?
Excess hours can be carried over to an immediately previous or subsequent school year over a period of two school years. But… Check with your state agency This is a question we receive quite often. Read slide… While you can carryover some hours, it is up to the state agency how many hours can be carried over to the next year. Typically you cannot get all of your hours in one school year with the intention of not needing to earn hours the next year. Also, SNA certificate and credentialing programming requires that you earn your hours within the active year.

44 What “proof of training” needs to be shown?
Fill out USDA tracking grid or the SNA Training Tracking Tool Recommend maintaining a file with training agendas/certificates/conference tracking sheets etc.… Read slide…

45 Download the Updated Guidelines!
Now Available! Download the Updated Guidelines! To help you plan training or to help people understand how training you received fits with professional standards, SNA has created professional standards training guidelines – This document includes a grid with the USDA Professionals Standards coded topics (organized by topic area) and also other popular training topics that could count toward professional standards with the relevant coding. The learning objectives are also included and some tips for how to code training. This is a MEMBERS ONLY resource.

46 Professional Standards
LOOKING AHEAD… Professional Standards Revised guidelines for approving CEUs for industry and other orgs Looking ahead – A lot more work to be done on professional standards. We have revised our guidelines for approving CEUs for industry and other organizations to make sure they are aligned with professional standards Working on developing training based on your needs. You will hear more about that in the coming months.

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