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Money Management Boot Camp: Lessons Learned

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1 Money Management Boot Camp: Lessons Learned
Meghan Williams

2 Buff $mart President’s Initiative Started Fall 2017
4 Peer Financial Coaches Started with the President's Initiative to lower student debt at WT and the vision of Mike Knox, VP of SEES. After a semester and summer of planning, the program started in the Fall of I was able to hire 4 peer Financial Coaches. We had a great first semester with over 60 coaching sessions and over 30 presentations. Goal of the program is to target the freshmen and get to them before they take out an excessive amount of loans. Even though we were having a great semester I wanted to do something that covered more aspects of financial Literacy and what freshmen need to know.

3 The Idea of Money Management Boot Camp
I had several staff tell me to host a Financial Peace University for students. Costly for students Most information is what they need more towards their senior year. Still wanted to do a workshop series. Talked about my idea to the coaches and several different staff at WT. Someone suggested to do a book club with the book Graduate Survival Guide. Started coming up with the planning of Money Management Boot Camp. One of the hardest things was coming up with the name.

4 Marketing Have a great Marketing Department in our Division which did all the graphic design. Marketing outlets Digital Screens Table Tents Posters in the Student Center Social Media CAMP program signed up 28 of their students


6 Syllabus

7 Teaching the Material Peer Financial Coaches Education Credit Union
Topics covered: Student Loans Credit Cards Dumb Choices No Plan No Money Each Coach was assigned a chapter in the book to present over plus I had a chapter to teach. While planning the course we became friends with Education Credit Union. They have a great educational program that goes out into the community, mainly public schools and teach about financial literacy. They also hold training to train teachers. Coaches would teach the content from the book and then Colten with ECU would come in a expand on what was covered. They also had great activities that the students loved. Student Loans – the book talked about how to get through with out student loans and apply for scholarships, grants and getting a job, having a plan to graduate in 4 years – Colten talked about how if you do take out student loans, take out only what you need and also talked about other loans that can be taken out and how interest works. Activity – Jeopardy Game Credit Cards – Book covered how credit cards can get you sucked in and high interest rates and how easy they are just to use. Colten came in and talked about how to use them the smart way, how to have a good credit score, and if you choose not to use credit, how you would be able to get house loans. Activity – Credit Report Craper. Dumb Choices – covered scams and ways you might possibly lose scholarships, social media. Larsha created a short video of faculty and staff testimonials. Colten then talked about ways to overcome dumb mistakes. Planko Game No Plan – covered budgeting, cheat date ideas, insurance, making extra money, contentment. Colten – insurance, gave senerio and balance your budget No Money – Colten talked talked about little way you can save,


9 Celebration Dinner from Sharkey’s Guest Speaker
ECU Activity and Give-away Certificates Scholarships

10 Evaluation

11 Based On Pre Boot Camp And Post Boot Camp Evaluations’ Results.







18 Lessons Learned Active Marketing Give Assignments Activities Time
Offer an advanced course

19 Questions?

20 Meghan Williams 806-651-2369

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