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Digitalization and the Integration of Health and Social Welfare Services Client Data: The Future of Health and Social Welfare Services and the related.

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Presentation on theme: "Digitalization and the Integration of Health and Social Welfare Services Client Data: The Future of Health and Social Welfare Services and the related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digitalization and the Integration of Health and Social Welfare Services Client Data:
The Future of Health and Social Welfare Services and the related Legal, Economic and Technical Challenges Under-Secretary of State Dr. Tuomas Pöysti

2 Digitalisation as the opportunity and challenge of the health care and social welfare
Society and Government will be placed on ICT-based platforms - digital society and information government Intelligent information systems with algorithms - new efficiencies in health care and social welfare services learning machines automated, embedded decision-support and steering

3 Strategic vision of genomic data, ICT and virtualisation
Virtual clinic -concept new way of providing services intelligent systems analysing patient data - connection with other data - ubiquitous welfare apps. virtual health check Genomic data genome information at the service; health care and directo-to-consumer -market; risk-profiling national genome strategy combination of genome data to healt information Biobanks and development communities as drivers for change

4 Benefits of effective use of genomic data

5 Genomic data - objectives

6 Genomic data and ICT Economic possibilities
welfare business Access to business and innovation ecosystems Improvement of the quality and efficiency of health care  risk profiling and personalisation of service Potential growth business

7 Social welfare and health data to effective use
National service infrastructure and national ICT services for social welfare and health care messsaging based national archive and data repository ’’closed cloud’’ Access to own data and active use of the data

8 Finnish Social Welfare and Health Services Reform - main principles
Improvement of cost-effectiveness => reduction sustainability gap Comprehensive customer-oriented integration of services combination of general practitioner’s and specialised services combination of socia welfare and health services Administrative re-organisation - bigger providers of public services autonomous administrative regions Wide freedom of choise for individuals Wide use of competition and competitive arrangements Multiple service-producers

9 New administrative structures
CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Legislation, Financing and Steering 18 AUTONOMOUS REGIONS ORGANISING SOCIAL WELFARE AND HEALTH SERVICES IN THE FORM OF 15 REGIONS Joint suppurt services - common back office Common ict LOCAL GOVERNMENT Promotion of welfare and health

10 Informational conditions for wide freedom of choise and competion
Competition and use of competitive pressures and bench-marking comparability of information: costs, quality, effectiveness asymmetric information and market failures systematic comparison obligation to the private service providers to give comparable information Wise use of freedom of choise access to information comparability of information significance of signals; experience commodity and management of expectations and uncertainties in patient/client relationships Full integration and fluid flow of customer data in treatment / service relations

11 Legal challenges 1 Integration of the protection of personal data to the comprensive service integration in a multi-producer environment need to know - authetication of the legitimate users flow of data vs. data portability MyData and self-care/ access to own data (virtual clinic) Consent management system danger: trivialisation Act on Electronic Patient and Customer Data in Social Welfare and Health care in Finland Biobank Act

12 Legal challenges 2 Risk profiling and personalisation with genomic & other health data data minimality -principle excavation of new meanings for data in a given context capacity for ubiquitoius surveillance Informational rights access to own data right to complement own data right to self-determination - control of data and its usage right to knowledge and background knowledge right to get advice on the significance f genomic data and alghoritms

13 Legal challenges 3 Assumed consent and default position
Act on electronic patient and customer data in social welfare and health care in Finland Concept of singe consent Purpose definitions limitation in the Act on Biobanks - health care and related research only Data controller who shall be the controller joint controllership Inter-operability standardisation audit Ethics and fairness of processing Act on Biobanks Relationship between private and public sector acts / general and specific acts

14 Conclusions Inter-action with intelligent systems will be part of the future health care and socia welfare regulation of human - intelligent machine inter-action Structuring of the documents, legal management of meta-data and information processes increasingly important for fundamental rights OwnData / MyData to the systems created data an issue - data portability already an old concept Convergence of data categories and new ways of combination - genomic and big data together Government is a platform of ICT Governance and government is increasingly risk magement

15 Additional information www. stm. fi/sote-uudistus www. vm. fi Dr
Additional information Dr. Tuomas Pöysti Under-Secretary of State Government of Finland firstname.lastname at

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