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Why did religion develop?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did religion develop?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did religion develop?
Some theories about the origins and purpose of religion

2 Early Humans and Religion
How did they learn about the world? How did they explain things like natural disasters or death? Animism: Spirits in everything


4 Materialist Theories These writers believe that religion is man-made (like a material), and is used by human beings to control or appease others.

5 Materialist Thinkers Sigmund Freud religion makes humans feel better.
Karl Marx religion is the "opiate" of the masses Used by upper classes prevent rebellions over poverty and inequality Sigmund Freud religion makes humans feel better. Relationships with the divine replaced unfulfilling relationships Religious people are indulging in guilt or illusions.

6 Do you agree with these ideas?
Take a moment to jot down your thoughts in your notes.

7 Functionalist Theories
These writers believe that religion developed because it serves a useful evolutionary purpose in the world.

8 Functionalist Theories
John Bowker’s book "Is God is a Virus?" describes how religion brought individuals together so that the species could reproduce. The "god gene"? A study by behavioral psychologists at Duke University noted how religion makes people healthier. Why might that be?

9 Will there always be religion?
Some people don't think so....

10 Do you think religion will disappear? Why?
Magic Theory This is the belief that the first humans believed in magic and used that to explain the world. When they advanced beyond magic, they used religion to explain the world. Now that we have science, we can use that to explain the world and religion is no longer necessary. Do you think religion will disappear? Why?

11 Quick Review Functional theories believe...
Materialist theories believe... What role do scientists think evolution plays in the development of religion?

12 The Religious Spectrum
Theist Fundamentalist Liberal adherent Agnostic Atheist The Religious Spectrum How do we measure the strength of religious beliefs?

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