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Healthy Early Years Pilot Project

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1 Healthy Early Years Pilot Project
21st March LEAF Hayley Harkins Helen Cameron Verity Welch

2 Islington HEY aims: Support settings (including child-minders) to monitor, evaluate and evidence how their setting supports health and wellbeing Developing practitioners’ understanding of the health needs of children under 5 in Islington and of their direct impact on children’s health and well-being Support settings to ensure early identification of health needs including how other professionals and services can support and complement their work Help settings identify and address training needs relating to health and wellbeing Signpost to local training, resources and services for settings and parents Provide evidence based good practice to identify what else settings can do to support health and wellbeing

3 What do you know about current health priorities?

4 HEY Supports settings to work with families on Islington’s health priorities:
Healthy weight, healthy lives (childhood and maternal obesity) Improving the oral health of children Improving mental health/emotional health and wellbeing Speech, language and communication Reducing teenage pregnancy rates and supporting teenage parents Reducing alcohol and substance misuse Reducing smoking rates and increasing numbers of smoke free homes Increasing coverage rate of childhood immunizations Improving mother and baby’s health and wellbeing during pregnancy and beyond Helen

5 KEY MESSAGES (the ‘why’)
Make settings want to explore further and feel differently about their role Brain development and link between health, social and cognitive development which is supported through EYFS Role of parents Key person role- positive interactions that support self-esteem and resilience fundamental to life chances. High quality training and effective regular supervision Engage with other services to improve integrated working early intervention, early habits, prevention, life chances Leadership and Management How it links Verity

6 What happened? Discuss what was done, V

7 Case studies Difference- Stories-Case studies

8 The audit As a hand-out-look at it-Discuss-feedback- then back for the final slides

9 How can your Children’s Centre help you
Margaret Macmillan Speech therapy Clinical Psychology Brokering with partners Links to Health Visitor team Training opportunities and more… Additional support- V/H or Hayley What we did ,what we did next, what we found etc.-Mention Healthy Eating awareness event etc. etc. etc. links with PV!s training /support etc. • Support with audit for managers and identified leads – group meetings led by PVIs (I think you were at this one) • Facilitating cluster meetings so PVIs can share the process of both audit and actions (This was where we looked in more detail at how they had done their audits and how to proceed) • We held an afternoon session on Healthy Eating based on audit findings – the PVIs identified this as an area where they would welcome information to enhance their practice. We brokered with our partners to invite Breast feeding, Oral Health, Dietician and clinical psychology. PVIs gained up to date information and made links with leads in these areas and were able to organise input specific to their needs, e.g. fluoride varnish visit, free brushing for life toothbrushes. Our next session is focussing on speech therapy service including referrals, support and training available • Venue for cluster PVI training – Healthy Setting training in October 2015 for all cluster PVIs (this will be one of their INSET days and will be run by Helen Cameron and others) • Sharing good local practice and supporting colleagues in non-judgemental forum (hope to carry on with support as a group identifying strengths and areas of need)

10 Quality assurance Healthy Early Years (HEY!) Programme - Purpose:
To ensure that settings awarded with Healthy Early Years’ recognition: are effectively supporting children’s health and wellbeing They are meeting all the HEY standards There is consistency of expectation for settings with the HEY! award They are recognising and celebrating good practice They are Identifying areas to develop work even further They are helping children and families and wellbeing is at the heart of this!!! They now know what to do

11 Quality Assurance A certificate!! and a window sticker Process:
Settings will be encouraged to provide peer support and share good practice throughout the process. Quality assurance group: 1 representative from LBI early years 1 representative from the health and wellbeing team Audit showing how you meet all the standards and a case-study showing the impact of your work on children or families (what have you done and what difference did it make). The difference impact

12 Future ideas Further training Clusters Sharing good practice
Involvement of other stakeholders Mention Marjons Menu drop in-Child-minders etc. Helen might want to mention GLA here GLA etc

13 Questions

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