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Snakes In Little River Canyon National Preserve

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1 Snakes In Little River Canyon National Preserve
Timber Rattlesnake Copperhead Cottonmouth

2 Timber Rattlesnake Adults are an average length of 91-152 centimeters.
Has a broad triangular head. The body color may be yellow, gray, dark brown or black, with dark, V-shaped crossbands across the back. A distinct rattle on the end of a darkly colored tail produces a buzzing sound when vibrated.

3 Timber Rattlesnake Continued
A Timber Rattlesnake is said to be a mild mannered member of the Rattlesnake family. Though they are less likely to jump into a fight. They can be very fierce when cornered. The Toxity of this Rattlesnake is not as dangerous as the more volatile Eastern and Western Diamondbacks but still dangerous. The Timber Rattlesnakes numbers are dwindling dangerously low. Due to a loss of habitat. They can be found as far North as New England and as far West as Texas.

4 The Copperhead Two of Five species of Copperheads are found in Alabama. The Northern Copperhead and Southern Copperhead are both stout-bodied snakes. The head is noticeably wider than the neck. Their head is a copper color hence the name ‘Copperhead’. Both Copperheads belong to a group of snakes commonly known as “Pit Vipers.” They get this name because of a pit or hole located between the eyes and nostril. These are heat seeking sensors to find warm-blooded prey.

5 The Copperhead Continued
Copperheads are found in greatest numbers in forested areas that have numerous rocky bluffs and ravines. Copperheads are predators near the top of their food chain. Their diet consists of small mammals (mice, moles, shrews etc…) Copperheads are active during the day when it is warm. But when It is hot they are more active at night. Mating takes place after hibernation. The average litter size is from 6-9 but could be as low as 2 or as high as 17.

6 The Cottonmouth Typical adult size is 30-48 inches.
Cottonmouths are large, aquatic, venomous snakes. Heavy bodied. The young are more distinctly patterned than adults. They are common snakes found in wetlands. Many times non-venomous water snakes are mistaken for Cottonmouths.

7 The Cottonmouth Continued
Cottonmouths get their name from their habit of gaping their mouth open exposing the white lining of the mouth. This is their way of keeping predators away. Cottonmouths like to stand their ground and are aggressive.

8 That concludes this power point Thank you
THE END That concludes this power point Thank you

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