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World War I Research Task

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Presentation on theme: "World War I Research Task"— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I Research Task

2 The task: Working in pairs, you will be researching a topic relating to World War I. You will be creating a PowerPoint presentation to present your information. Research your topic in DETAIL. Make sure that you put all the information you find into your own words!!!

3 The task: Your research should be focused on the Australian experience of WWI. You will be presenting your information to 2 other pairs. You will have 6 periods to complete this lesson – use your time wisely!

4 Structure of your presentation
NOTE: you might like to devote a slide in your presentation to each dot point - Introduction– Briefly state what your presentation will be about. - Who? – Who were the key people involved? - What? – What were the key events? - When? – What are the key dates associated with your topic? - Where? – What are the key locations related to your topic? - Why? – Why was your topic important in WWI? - How? – How has your topic influenced our world today? - Create a collage of pictures – make sure you use pictures revelant to your topic!

5 Structure of your presentation
DO NOT: put big chunks of information on your PowerPoint!!!! Your PowerPoint is not there for you to read from, it is there as a visual aid for your presentation. You might like to write up some cue cards to help with your presentation.

6 Working effectively as a group
Some things to keep in mind when working as a group: - Work cooperatively and respectfully with your group members. - Assign roles or responsibilities to each other. - Good communication is essential. - Make sure that the work load is shared EQUALLY - be fair to each other!

7 List of topics - Simpson and his donkey - Boy soldiers - Casualties (injuries or deaths) of the war - Nurses - Medicine - Weapons - Minorities (women/indigenous people) - Animals - Leaders in WW1 - Trench warfare - Benefits of the war - Significant battles of WW1 - Divisions of the Australian Armed Force - Bravery awards/medals of WWI

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