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SSKE2. The student will explain that people earn income by exchanging their human resources (physical or mental work) for wages or salaries. Not Yet Demonstrated.

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Presentation on theme: "SSKE2. The student will explain that people earn income by exchanging their human resources (physical or mental work) for wages or salaries. Not Yet Demonstrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSKE2. The student will explain that people earn income by exchanging their human resources (physical or mental work) for wages or salaries. Not Yet Demonstrated The student does not explain how people earn money in exchange for their work. Meets The student explains how people earn money in exchange for their work. Assessment Activity (1) Teacher will create role-playing opportunities where children can pretend to be community helpers with an exchange of money for service/work. Teacher will listen to and observe students. (2) Teacher will create a class store, restaurant, or mini-economy set up in class (students role play situations to earn class money for later exchange in class store.) Teacher will listen to and observe students. Teacher can also take pictures and record dictations to place in student portfolios. (3) Students will create a drawing and/or writing about working and earning money. Teacher will keep student work as a work sample for the student portfolio. (4) As a whole group, discuss the types of jobs held by family members and relatives. Building on the first standard, this standard should lead students toward an understanding that people can be paid for their work. Sometimes this work takes physical forms (the mail carrier, fire fighter, soldier, farmer) and sometimes this work takes mental forms (doctor, teacher) etc. Wages are typically seen as short term payments (hourly, daily, or weekly) whereas salaries are typically set for a longer tie periods (monthly, yearly, multi-yearly). GeorgiaStandards.Org, Economics Reference Sheet K-2

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