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Lesson 2 Dialogue 1 Pattern 1: measure words (个,张)

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2 Dialogue 1 Pattern 1: measure words (个,张)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2 Dialogue 1 Pattern 1: measure words (个,张)
Pattern 2: 这/那 “this/that”;的 “’s” Pattern 3: 谁 “who” Pattern 3: 有 “to have”

2 1. Measure words - Number - 这 + Measure word + Noun - 那
Student / teacher / Chinese / American

3 3 teachers 2 younger sisters 1 student 5 Americans 7 Chinese students 4 pictures 9 younger brothers 8 older sisters 6 girlfriends

4 2. 这/那 “this/that”;谁 “who”
A: 那个人 (男孩子) 是谁? B: 那个人 他 是我(的)儿子. 那个男孩子 A: Who is that person (boy) ? B: That person (boy) is my son. ?

5 mother son daughter older brother younger brother older sister
father mother son daughter older brother younger brother older sister younger sister Man Woman boy girl father mother son daughter brother

6 1: 那/這 MW N 那个人是谁? 那个人是我爸爸。 ?

7 mother

8 Older brother

9 Younger sister

10 daughter 小高

11 son 小高

12 wife 小高

13 father 小美

14 Younger brother ? 小美

15 mother ? 小张

16 teacher ? 小王

17 student ?

18 friend 小王

19 ? 小美 老王

20 3. 有 “to have” A: 你有弟弟吗? B: 我有弟弟。我有三个弟弟。 OR B: 我没有弟弟。
A: Do you have any younger brother? B: I do. I have three younger brothers B: No, I don’t.

21 3. 有 Younger sister Older brother Older sister Good friend Boyfriend

22 4. 我的家人: Family members

23 Pair Work Introduce your family to your partner. - This is my photo
- This (person) is my ____, this is my ….. - I have (number) (siblings) - I don’t have any (siblings) Volunteer: Please introduce your partner’s family photo to the class.

24 Friday Today L2D1 WB HW due
(For I. Listening Comprehension, provide English translation for WB dialogue only, not textbook’s. You will lose 2 points if you don’t provide the translation) Today 5:00 Chinese Table – Mountainlair Food Court

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