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Chapters 1-3 Vocabulary Fudge-A-Mania by Judy Blume

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1 Chapters 1-3 Vocabulary Fudge-A-Mania by Judy Blume
Serious – extremely bad or dangerous Clamped – to hold something firmly Squirmed – to wiggle around Disgusting – very bad or gross Lecture – a long serious talk with someone that warns him or her about something Obnoxious – very rude

2 Chapter 1 Who’s the Lucky Bride?

3 serious – extremely bad or dangerous
The two cars were in a serious accident.

4 serious – extremely important
Which conversation looks like it might be serious?

5 clamped – to hold something firmly
The child clamped his hand over his mouth.

6 clamped – to hold something firmly
Why would someone clamp their hand over someone’s eyes?

7 Comprehension Questions Chapter 1
What news does Fudge share with Peter? Why does Peter fall back flat on the floor? Where is the Hatcher family going for vacation? How long will their vacation last? How do you think Peter feels about Shelia Tubman? Write: Prediction: Why does Peter dislike Shelia Tubman?

8 Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
How did Peter feel about Fudge marrying Sheila Tubman? Use clues from the story to support your answer. ______________________________________

9 Chapter 2 Pete and Farley

10 squirmed – to wiggle around
The tiny kitten squirmed out of the vet’s hands.

11 squirmed – to wiggle around
“Dad lifted her out of her baby seat and she squirmed until he put her down.” Tell me what you visualize when you read this sentence. What kind of animal might squirm around?

12 disgusting – very bad or gross
Boogers dripping down your face is disgusting.

13 disgusting – very bad or gross
crickets cockroaches worms Which of these do you think is the most disgusting food of all?

14 Chapter 2 Comprehension Questions
What new characters were mentioned in chapter two? Why isn’t Peter hungry? Why does Fudge use a nickname? What is his real name? Why is Jimmy’s family so different? How does Peter try to get out of the family vacation?

15 Narrative Writing Connection
Peter is embarrassed by Fudge at dinner. Tell about a time that someone embarrassed you. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

16 Chapter 3 The Most Disgusting of Them All

17 lecture – a long serious talk with someone that warns him or her about something
The college professor is giving a lecture about a famous person to his class.

18 obnoxious – very rude This guy is being very obnoxious! What is he doing that is obnoxious?

19 obnoxious – very rude Can you make up a sentence about this boy using the word obnoxious?

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