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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC SPEAKING."— Presentation transcript:


2 Final instructions: Your presentation is on August 20th
Your speech should last 3 – 5 minutes You must memorize your speech. Be careful with your personal presentation that day. Practice, practice, practice! Good luck!

3 Watch the following video and take notes

4 Practice. Practice. Rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan on using. Work to control filler words; Practice, pause and breathe. Use a clock to check your timings and allow time for the unexpected. Know the audience: Try to speak to one or two people in the audience as they arrive – they will be your allies in the audience – it is easier to speak to friends than to strangers.

5 Smile:  Look like the content matters to you – if the audience don’t feel that it is important to you, it will be really hard for them to feel that it should be important for them.

6 A speech has three sections:
1st paragraph: Greetings, introduce yourself and present your thesis. 2nd paragraph: defend your thesis with at least three arguments (advantages, scientific data, facts, etc) 3rd paragraph: Conclusion; say why your thesis is right and why your audience should think the same as you do. Thank to the audience

7 POSSIBLE TOPICS: Bullying Cruelty to animals Technological advances
Social networks Rock legends Abortion Teenagers and the Internet Musical evolution Chilean Television Enviroment Etc…

8 Time to write ! Complete the following model.
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