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Idaho RID Business Meeting

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1 Idaho RID Business Meeting
Saturday, April 21, 2018

2 Board: President, Kristy Buffington Vice President, Shelia Robertson Treasurer, Fran Bennett Secretary, Carrie Peters Eastern Idaho Member-At-Large, Janette Lovell Northern Idaho Member-At-Large, Teresa Ford Student Member-At-Large, Gio Marquez

3 Committee Chairs: Professional Development Co-Chairs, Shannon Stowe & Ann Flannery Scholarship Chair, Dawn Wells Hospitality Chair, Kristi Kulik Social Media/Website, Sierra McIver

4 Call to Order

5 Agenda Determination of Quorum, Minutes approval Board & Committees
Administrative Determination of Quorum, Minutes approval Reports Board & Committees Special Orders Recognitions Old Business Audit New Business Elections, Motions from the Floor

6 Determination of Quorum
85 Members as of April Members with voting rights Quorum as of April 20 The quorum of the business meeting shall be no less than twenty-five (25) percent of the total number of Certified, Qualified Educational Interpreter and Associate members; fifty-one (51) percent of those present and voting constitutes a majority. Voting Rights: Certified, Qualified Educational, & Associate members may vote as long as they hold dual membership in Idaho RID & National RID

7 Minutes Approval I move that we accept the minutes of the April Business meeting.

8 Board Reports

9 Professional Development
PRESIDENT Kristy Buffington Professional Development October 4-6th, College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ID Partnering with CDHH for quarterly mini-workshops move around the state Call for Conference Presenters due 05/04/18 President term ends 06/30/19 Electing: Secretary, President-Elect Thanks to Lindsay Goodman-Gerken, Gio Marquez, Mike Smith & Val Sturm Welcome Sierra McIver, Dawn Wells, Teresa Ford RID Region V Conference: Vancouver, WA, July 11-14

10 FY 2018: 85 Members of IdahoRID

11 Shelia Robertson Seeking: VICE PRESIDENT Deaf Community Chair
Fundraising Committee Chair Historian Student Member-at-Large Idaho RID Committee volunteers Professional Development Committee Scholarship Committee Fall Conference Committee volunteers

12 SECRETARY Carrie Peters No Report

13 $ 4,321.47 Checking Account (Wells Fargo)
TREASURER Fran Bennett ACCOUNT BALANCES $   4, Checking Account (Wells Fargo) $13, Savings Account (Wells Fargo) $       PayPal $  18, TOTAL  (On 04/01/18)

14 INCOME: (by category):
$    Workshop Income $ Membership Fee Income $     Fall 2017 Conference Sponsorships $   14,120.00

15 $ 3872.40 Fall 2017 Conf. presenters/ Travel
EXPENSES 07/01/17 to 04/01/18 $   Fall 2017 Conf.  presenters/ Travel $     Fall Conference Expenses $    RID Region V Conference 2018 ( Registration Fee) $     Office Expenses $       Paypal fees $    Scholarships $ Sponsorship $       Board meeting expense 11,377.04 $ 5,399.56

16 MEMBER-AT-LARGE Janette Lovell – Eastern Idaho Teresa Ford – Northern Idaho No Report STUDENT MEMBER-AT-LARGE Gio Marquez

17 Committee Reports

Shannon Stowe & Ann Flannery October 5-7, 2017, First Annual Conference "Ready, Set, Grow....Be the Change“ - 3 tracks to choose from April 20, 2018, partner with Magic Valley Deaf Pride Night at Canyon Crest 5:30pm-8:30pm April 21, 2018, partner with CSI’s United Signers Club to support the fund raising efforts and advertise the Fun Run/Walk 8am April 21, 2018, Idaho Licensure Update with LaVona Andrew April 28, 2018, "Don't Be Mad, If I Don't Look: Accommodating HoH Consumers" 9:00am-12:00pm, Corey Axelrod - Canceled "Medical Interpreting is Only Interpreting! Or Is It Not?"  1:00pm-4:00pm, Corey Axelrod - Canceled

Dawn Wells $ Fall Conference - Julie Robison, Alan Wilding, Kynzi Williamson $ NIC Group Testing – Jessica Wilberg, Julie Johnson $200 General Testing – Tracy Teske $ Total Scholarships

Val Sturm No Report

Distinguished Service Award: THANK YOU for your hard work & efforts to advance the profession! LaVona Andrew, MA, CI, CT, NIC: Master, Ed:K-12 Steven Snow, Executive Director, Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

22 2016 = Members voted for audit & special committee
OLD BUSINESS 2016 = Members voted for audit & special committee Lost 501C3 license Hired professional accountant 2017 = No Audit After July 1st = Secretary & one appointed member will audit

23 NEW BUSINESS Elections: Secretary Carrie Peters Lauren Seale To record the minutes of the meetings of this organization To read all communications that are of interest to the members To conduct the correspondence of this organization under the direction of the presiding officer To provide all minutes of the Business meetings conducted by a quorum to all members

24 CARRIE PETERS I, Carrie Peters, am seeking reelection for Secretary for the next two years. I have been on the Idaho RID board for the last two years and have been a part of the great strides in our local chapter. I have learned how to utilize the new website by posting our board and business meeting notes and keeping those important minutes documented. Our board has some of the finest, and being able to serve among them helps me to be a better citizen. I will continue to be the glue and play a cooperative role as a board member. I love to stay abreast and involved in decision making that impacts the interpreting profession. If I am reelected I will take the skills I have learned and improve them to positively represent you in our community. I feel I've only scratched the surface and need more time to give back, as your secretary. I am by far not close to perfect and know I can improve. This is my goal for Thank you!

25 LAUREN SEALE My name is Lauren Seale and I would be honored to serve as Secretary on the Idaho RID Board. I graduated from Idaho State University in 2016 with a Bachelor’s degree in Sign Language Interpreting. Since then, I have been working at IESDB as an interpreter in Outreach and as a Video Relay Interpreter at Sorenson. In January of 2018, I became Nationally Certified. I believe I would be a great asset to Idaho RID as Secretary because I am well organized, a quick learner, very motivated, and I am passionate about supporting interpreters as we work with our Deaf Community in Idaho. As a newly certified interpreter, I believe I can bring a fresh perspective and an attitude of learning to the Idaho RID Board.

26 To attend all meetings of this organization.
NEW BUSINESS Elections: President-Elect No Nominations To attend all meetings of this organization. To be mentored (1 year term) by the president in learning how the duties and responsibilities of the office of the President is conducted To assist in seeing that all business conducted by this organization is in agreement with the bylaws To ready himself/herself to assume the Office of the President for 2 years following the initial period of mentorship

27 NEW BUSINESS Motions from the Floor?

28 ANNOUNCEMENTS Membership Renewals – Current memberships expire June 30th, 2018 Certified interpreter member – Any individual who holds valid certification accepted by the RID or is a certified member of RID. Qualified educational interpreter member– Any individual who meets the State of Idaho standard for interpreting in a K-12 educational setting but does not hold valid certification accepted by the RID. Associate interpreter member – Any individual who is actively engaged in the interpretation of American Sign Language and English and/or the transliteration of English, but who does not hold valid certification accepted by the RID. Supporting member – Any organization or individual with an interest in supporting the purposes and activities of Idaho RID, and who does not meet the criteria of Certified or Associate member. Student member – Any student of an approved secondary or post- secondary institution with an interest in supporting the purposes and activities of Idaho RID.

29 Educational Interpreter Summer Symposium 2018
ANNOUNCEMENTS  Educational Interpreter Summer Symposium 2018 June 13-14; Hosted by IESDB, ISU & the Idaho State Department of Ed., Sharon Neumann-Solow, FREE for working Idaho interpreters, Contact Joelynne Ball, Registration due by May 25th Idaho Shakespeare Festival Interpreted Plays 2018 June 19: Macbeth, Holly Thomas-Mowery & LaVona Andrew July 24: Misery, Fran Bennett & LaVona Andrew August 15: Mamma Mia!, Holly Thomas-Mowery & Shelia Robertson August 28: Pride and Prejudice, Sarah Spellman & Terry Hardy September 18: Beehive: The 60’s Musical , Karen Nelson & LaVona Andrew Other announcements?

30 Adjourn Meeting May I please have a motion to adjourn the meeting?

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