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Sustainable Community Institutes:

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1 Sustainable Community Institutes:
Linking Education to Action An Overview A project of Learning for a Sustainable Future

2 Sustainability Challenges
Economic growth & development Material consumption & waste production Technological change S Redesigning manufacturing& the economy Driving Forces Globalization ”Smart” Resource Stewardship Energy Sources and Consumption Civil Society NGO’S Business Challenges Changes Transportation Sustainable Community Population growth and movement Educators Loss of biodiversity & habitat Students Governance Public Policy Choice Makers Urban Infrastructure & land use Individuals Government Land & water management Food Supply Pollution Public Education Inequity Climate Change Education & new ideas / paradigms

3 A belief: Sustainability Education is crucial to attaining that future
A future in which economic prosperity, social justice and protection of the natural environment are pursued simultaneously to secure good heath and enhance well-being for all people, now and for generations to come. - Learning for a Sustainable Future A belief: Education is crucial to attaining that future

4 Institute Goals To develop leadership skills
To build partnerships for sustainability between schools, business and the community To share local school, community, and corporate-based success stories and tools as they relate to the new curriculum

5 Institute Goals To identify community service opportunities for high school students focused on building community sustainability To develop and implement local sustainability activities and events which link schools to the broader community

6 Curriculum Connections
Courses: civics family studies Canadian & World Studies science English culminating activity subject integration

7 Institute Objectives 1. Understanding Sustainability
2. Celebrating Local Successes 3. Moving Toward Action 4. Motivating Action 5. Problem Solving 6. Action Planning

8 Institute Objectives: Day 1
1. Understanding Sustainability 2. Celebrating Local Successes 3. Moving Toward Action

9 Day 1

10 Day 1

11 Day 1

12 Skill- Building Workshops
Issue: Energy Skill: Ecological Accounting Interactive Component: Ecological Footprint

13 Professional Development Workshop For Teachers
Educators learn about tools and techniques that can be used to lead students through the development and implementation of action projects

14 Between Day 1 and Day 2 of the Institute…
Teachers and students will: Identify and choose an issue Undertake research and analysis Action skill development Brainstorm & select action Identify Resources (including people resources to work with on Day 2) Identify more students to attend Start Getting Permission

15 Institute Objectives: Day 2
4. Motivating Action 5. Problem Solving 6. Action Planning

16 Day 2

17 Examples of Youth Achievement
Theatre Complete: A Focus Program offered by the Limestone District School Board Students use popular theatre techniques to educate the public about a variety of social issues

18 Day 2

19 Day 2

20 Sample Action Projects From Previous Institutes
1. Manitoulin S.S. Courtyard Project - Sudbury Institute 2. Blossom Park Public School - Ottawa Institute

21 Why Take This Approach? Real life context
For Students: Real life context Learning arises out of student interest Students drive their learning process Students create a product or service of value

22 An informed, engaged, skilled and motivated citizenry
For Community: An informed, engaged, skilled and motivated citizenry

23 Fulfill expectations from many subject areas simultaneously
For Teachers: Fulfill expectations from many subject areas simultaneously Increased student achievement on standardized tests (Lieberman & Hoody, 1998) Few discipline problems Increased engagement Improved interpersonal skills Revitalized teaching (Lieberman & Hoody, 1998)

24 What Students are Saying
Learned tons Enjoyed learning and were excited Reconnected to the land Are more likely to take action on their own Sense of achievement Sense of hope

25 A Win - Win Solution Community and NGO’s need assistance
Businesses want to support youth and environment Students want to make a difference Teachers want to teach and support students in making a difference

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