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Electrifying programming

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1 Electrifying programming
By: Stanley Thomas Graduate Assistant for Housing and Residence Life Texas Christian University

2 Who’s in the room? Name University and Position
Reason for picking this session and what you hope this session addresses

3 outline Programming at Graceland University
Programming at Texas Christian University Activity

4 Graceland University Housing System
Location Houses House Council

5 House Meeting Every Tuesday night at 10:00 P.M.

6 What is your function? Functions once a month

7 Immanuel Kant “Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end.”

8 It was time to change What is a program?
What kind of programs are there? What do we want our residents to learn from attending a program? How can we assist our RAs?

9 Set the expectations One program every two weeks
At least one active program every four weeks One All-Hall Program every week

10 Active Program You need to be there. Engaging with Residents and talking/connecting with them.

11 Passive Programs You do not need to be there.

12 Types of programs Active-Social Active-Educational Active-Diversity
Active-Service Passive-Social Passive-Educational Passive-Diversity Passive-Service All-Halls

13 All-Hall Programs A program for the entire hall that helps them connect with other residents and learn something.

14 All-Halls we have had this year
My favorite: Pumpkin Smash

15 Other All-Hall Programs
2-step and 2-step Sherley-Hall Basketball Tournament Don’t be so defensive Sherlsgiving The Price is Right Christmas Edition Valentines Day Service Program Service Program to Homeless Veterans

16 How to make All-hall programs fun

17 Best practices Going with your RA to buy things Google Calendar
Keeping track of and attending their programs Sending out a huge to all the residents to attend Being excited about their program Hold them accountable

18 Creating their advertisements

19 Programming Ideas Holidays, Holidays, and Holidays Current Events/TV
What do Residents need/want? Traditions Weather Why?

20 Time for a fun activity Get into groups around you and come up with a program you would implement at your respective University. (Cannot be a program you already do cause where is the fun in that? Let me answer that. There is none.) Things to consider When? (Holidays, Diversity, Educational, Social?) Where? Who is your targeted audience? What do you want residents to gain out of this program? How would this program tie into your Housing goal? Sharing is caring.

21 Questions? Comments? Stanley Thomas

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