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Personal research theme: Innovation and finance

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Presentation on theme: "Personal research theme: Innovation and finance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal research theme: Innovation and finance
Sub-themes: Intermediation; financialisation; firm growth; innovation policy Theory: Agency theory; system of innovation (RSI, SSI), financial investment, business models, Approach: Mixed-method, financial analysis, narrative analysis, network analysis, econometrics and stats. Existing Innogen themes: Emerging technologies; Systems of innovation How can policy best support the commercialisation of emerging innovation and technology?

2 Future research/activities with Innogen
Supporting system level change in innovation systems (e.g. pharma, renewables) System building & system builders Adaptable and sustainable business models for innovation Policy approaches to engage with building systems Frugal approaches (alternatives to venture capital) Research with policymakers Theory to practice Sectors with impact: Life sciences; renewables/energy; digital? Internal: database of interest & expertise; innogen text for bids; bidding strategy

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